I've made both a positive comment previously and a complaint of not enought coverage today. It's a good idea to do both. 👍

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After lurking for awhile, I've subscribed. It needed to be done now this has gone mainstream.

Did anyone else catch the Twitter shenanigans this morning. The autocomplete on #IStandWithLesbians was swapped for #IStandWIthLeabians.

That's not a browser feature, it's Twitter. Absolute children working in that company.

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omg filth!

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Did this yesterday, and there are plenty of people on the Times online talking about doing the same. I was feeling sunny too, and was entirely positive in my feedback. Got to give them something to show the Governors 😊

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I shall go and do that right now, thank you for the helpful suggestions. (Though I see positive feedback is also being suggested!) And while I'm here, Graham, I'd like to thank YOU and the amazing work you've been doing to cheer us all up and build a community and give us a safe space where we can speak our minds without fear of reprisals.

Thanks to you, I have discovered Substack and began to make a few tentative posts myself on this issue, while being very much an observer rather than in the thick of it. I's made all the difference to my mental health to have this space to be myself, to talk to others and listen to their thoughts too, and I would never have found Substack or felt emboldened to write down my own thoughts without your brilliant and brave presence here.

I know a little of what you have sacrificed to do this, to be on our side in this war, and I am so so sorry that has happened to you. But I also know some of the wins we're finally seeing now have been helped by you and others like you being courageous enough to stand up and be openly named as gender critical, to stand on the wall and call to others to join you.

So, from the depths of my heart, THANK YOU.

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I agree with you, this Substack feels like a real community and it emboldens you to talk to friends etc about this issue. Thank you to everyone :)

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Why use the compaints process for positive feedback though? Won't it then get counted as a complaint against the article even though it is positive feedback? There is a positive feedback process at BBC - I used that to thank them for Nolan podcast & Caroline Lowbridge's article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/comments-feedback/#/Your%20comment

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I also asked what they are doing to support /protect Caroline Lowbridge from TRAs abuse .

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Did it a couple of days ago. Later, how can we find out how many positive comments they've received? I think we need to know.

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They said 3000 in the Times article. (Which has comments turned off grrr).

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Actually they appear to have removed that info now!

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I would like to know too

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I gave them the thumbs up for at long last putting the other side out there - but they will have to do a hell of a lot more before i start paying for my licence again.

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Same here.

But looking at the targeted campaign of hate directed at the individual journalist (how very TRA), I feel compelled to offer my support.

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If you're on twitter you can also tag them and make a positive comment about the article and the Stephen Nolan report on Stonewall. Every little bit helps the momentum.

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Despite the BBC’s current leadership f*ckwittery I’m relieved they have had the strength of mind to finally cover this issue. And yes definitely they need encouragement to support Caroline. There will be plenty of the psychos trying to get her fired.

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I’ve already told them “well done” but also told them to pull their fingers out and cover EVERYTHING. Absolute bloody shame on them for taking so long.

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Investigate reporting, debate and high quality documentaries are what we need the BBC for not identity politics drivel. I gave up my licence years ago but if they let the commercial channels concentrate on light entertainment and narrowed their focus onto high quality output I'd happily buy a licence for advert free viewing.

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I thanked them for the Nolan podcast when it came out and again yesterday for their report on the despicable coercion of lesbians. It’s so good to see these issues getting out to the general public and being given the scrutiny they deserve.

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Already done :)

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Already done it 👍🏼

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Thanks for this - will do it now.

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