You thought Martine Rothblatt and WPATH were bad and then you realize Dick Levine is worse than them. He's a pediatrician and a father. The modern Mengele, with a touch of child sexual abuse and autogynephilia to boot. Take a bow, sir, hope you get shanked in prison.

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Hear, hear.

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You know what shocks and disgusts me?

The fact that, on this issue anyway, nothing shocks and disgusts me anymore.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

I was thinking that myself. I am beyond being shocked and angry anymore. There is nothing that can surprise me. I read through articles which should horrify me and think 'okay...okay...yep...yep...okay' and when I get to the end, I just let the information wash over me and move on to something else. This is very bad, but it's where we are.

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He needs locking up.

In a male prison.

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Levine is creepy as hell. I can't say anymore without devolving into blue language.

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Thanks very much JL. Right side of history my gluteus maximus!

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Jun 28Author

And mine too.

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Levine is the perfect proof that Biden is a senile git. What other possible explanation could there be for giving this guy any job that involves anything to do with children?

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I doubt Biden had much to do with it. Levine was put there to promote an agenda that seems to operating above Biden and pulling the senile git's strings. His willingness to sterilize children despite his apparent joy of being a father (I wonder what his kids think of the perverted old bag...) points to some seriously fucked up logic. Maybe it's because it's the gay and autistic kids who will transition young and take themselves out of the gene pool, whilst straight young budding AGPs usually spawn a few before they (ever, most don't) get snipped.

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I agree and the debates proved it

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I mean the debate

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Hi Graham! I've been a fan since you joined the fray many years back, I've watched as we have had to run from platform to platform, like Eliza across the ice for many years. I'm glad you have this space. Been following your book and tours. Thank you for helping us fight this. <3

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Very interesting ...re the AGP sewing their wild oats prior to surgery...

And maybe the numbers in more gullible youngsters means more power and support for their narcissism.

Maybe; like surgeons in wartime, they get to hone their arts on vulnerable (disposable) pawns, in order to perfect their amoral skills in pseudo-ligitimacy.

As a parent I don't even see this level of support, outcry, politicising and attempts to find safety and equality for those with real needs in schools. Autism, cerebral palsy, extremely gifted and intelligent kids- no adequacy of provision in our district's schools- I know- I've tried. No wonder these kids are falling prey to seduction from this cult.

What the heck....???!

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Honing their skills...very likely. This is a part of the transhumanist agenda after all. The purposeful obfuscation of biological sex is meant to break us mentally and make us accepting of being nothing and no one, just a ghost in a machine run by the elite. To erase our mooring as actual humans in this world.

And the fact that they have decided to go after the portion of the population known as cultural creatives and savant geniuses makes me wonder what the end game really is and if they even understand what will happen to us if those groups are sanitized out of existence.

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I wonder....

I really do wonder what his kids think.... what their mother thinks....

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The mental gymnastics required to follow the party line that trans women are women must be especially exhausting in the case of Richard "Rachel" Levine. More than any other prominent transsexual, Levine exemplifies the observation that most men make extremely unconvincing women.

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Anything founded on so many lies must have pure evil at the heart of it. Here we see some of that evil. There is more. When it has all come to light people are going to rage at all those who lied.

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Well how fucking marvellous of him , having his children , denying others of having theirs all while stealing another woman’s title

I hope he eventually drops his soap in the pokeys shower

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This is appalling information. What a monster that Levine thing is. And WPATH. We have the lovely Chloe Cole, touring Australia with the Australian Christian Lobby talking about the damage done to her as a teenager.

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I’m off , I’ve little petal so we’re going for movie and maltesers night , she wants ‘ white chicks ‘ !!! ( she’s 7 )

We’ve settled on Jumangi

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

The power of a good parent and spending time together. Enjoy

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"Doctors who work in what is euphemistically called “gender affirmation medicine” seem to be a law among themselves, with a strong line in obfuscating facts and disregarding the most basic informed consent protocols. They clearly have no problem with mutilating bodies and prescribing drugs that will have harmful effects on the bodies of their patients. In fact, if you wanted to create an oath that was the opposite of what Hippocrates came up with, you can’t go past this lot." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/first-do-no-harm

"It is not an accident that all the leading figures in the transhumanist movement are men. Some of them are pretend “women” and many of the leading modern transhumanists are insanely wealthy." Always follow the money and it will lead you to what is really happening. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/the-evolution-to-transhumanism

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‘ Whoever causes one of these little ones to stumble, it were better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck , and be cast into the depths of the Ocean’.

Better than facing the wrath of God.

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This man Levine is a monster. It’s a conscious decision to harm as many children and families as possible, not just in the US but worldwide. For profit, as he admits with his ROI comment. If I believed in hell I would hope he rots in it.

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I do believe in Hell and i'm sure there's a special place there for these monsters !!🙏🙏🙏 Thanks ,JLx

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