Thank you JL. Those grinning fools in photos supporting these men. We need far more men within these organisations and sports to stand up and be counted. Maybe we do need to down tools.

I'm not in favour of withdrawing as our livelihoods rest on taking part in whatever field. But unless there is some mass, peaceful, and very clever way to do this, these men will continue their freeze thaw slash and burn destruction of everything we have. They are destroying the planet and we're just amusing little playthings for them. We need every woman and our supporters to withdraw, and we need those women to be protected in whatever way they need to be - with money, with housing, with other career options. Throughout time it's the misallocation and theft of resources that mean we are dependent on the abusive brutes these men are. They happily will destroy nations as they are doing now in 2024.

It's fine for others to sit from behind our keyboards and on our sofas from miles away, but these vile, violent, self-obsessed, power-hungry, abusive zealots are being given permission to ruin everything - to destroy careers, to undermine and take some very perverse form of enjoyment, joy which is actually the thrill from their abuse of us, our vulnerable, our weakest, our bodies, our places and every space. It's foul.

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Thank you , I said much the same the other day and was slaughtered , well an attempt was made and I didn’t deem it worthy of a reply

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I already withdraw my labour from unfruitful avenues but this needs major and coordinated action now. Too many supposedly intelligent people are remaining stubbornly clueless. The sporting (and all the other) bodies are having a laugh and at our expense. There are enough of these men and their fangirls and boys seeded high enough to have thoroughly corrupted too many worldwide institutions and every sector there is. We always need to be brave but it's exhausting and there are a lot of people telling others to be brave as it's not their careers, their loves, their livelihoods, their futures, their nows, their dedication and work, their mortgages or rent and in effect lives they are giving up is it. I'm cautious but it's well beyond a joke now. Seeing their same preening gurning LARPing faces smugly smirking really got my goat this time! We need to find ways to practically help those women having to sacrifice their jobs, roles, teams and spaces. And create other opportunities for them and us.

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Exactly I’m only a little voice , albeit with a big gob , I’ve nothing to lose and can only help where I can vocally and financially ( not to a great extent )

But to be attacked ( from another supposed female for voicing this ) is just not on

No it’s not right that females back off , drop out etc but what else can they do to get a fair playing field

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It might be the way this debate has gone with too many others saying well if you don't like it, drop out. As if it was just that easy. People label themselves and get incredibly hardline and zealous themselves. I watched a great citizen journalism video and it was very sensible people being pushed far too far and needing to do something to voice their objection to what's happening in many communities. It gets very stark with people telling or ordering others what to do with little concept of what that means in practice. They will get up with their same old lives tomorrow and won't see much change in their lives. We're all polluted by that (very black and white) thinking. Some of us are stuck right at the heart of this, losing our jobs, our roof, our income, our communities and places and some of us losing our breasts, organs, fertility and futures. It's always a personal decision, but we others must band together and make those facing these decisions have a less bumpier path. All these women losing jobs and opportunities (and organs) we need to keep supporting after the media frenzy dies down. The amount of vitriol and death threats from anyone raising their profile or voice makes me even more in awe of the ones who do make a stand, and try to be more compassionate to those who feel swept up and unable to. Maybe we can help more to feel braver. I am sure we can encourage more of us to feel just a bit braver, and that means less shouting and berating people, like that person did to you. For suggesting a way out of this. We need to be able to talk and debate and ask questions. We - some of us - can stand and fight - and be metaphorically or literally slaughtered in the process. These men just laugh at and mock us for that.

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One hopes that when one of these men is enrolled in a women’s tournament, ALL the real women will withdraw just after it starts. Will the WDF* discipline all of them? A couple of ruined tournaments and some disgruntled- and lost - sponsors should do the trick. If that doesn’t work, make another federation that supports women’s sport properly.

* I’m guessing that the current WDF is run by a cabal of very weak men…

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I got absolutely slaughtered by saying this , in so many words , the other day !

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"Bringing the game into disrepute!" I recommend develop and underground and collapse all sports taking men onto the women's teams. It is just so typical to find AGP lingerie selfies in the social media accounts of these dudes. Just a matter of time before those come out. If anyone knows of an ex wife of any of them, please give her the following info:

Behind the Looking Glass at Lime Soda Films YouTube channel is approaching 100k views in 9 days, has been demonetized but at least got a review in The Daily Mail. Please watch, Like for the algorithms sake, and share. All of our stories must be told. Those of us who participated are finding our recovery is even better now. Vaishnavi Sundar is a women's hero.

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I watched 'Behind the Looking Glass' and was outraged and moved at the same time. I'm fed up with all this waffle about being kind when in reality there is no kindness to women.

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Thanks. We who participated (I'm halfway through in the green top) feel we are on the way to having our voices. We're grateful to people like you. We have to stand strong and push forward, maintaining our emotional balance simultaneously. For my dive into the section on 1950s crossdressers and their letters to the editor from 'female impersonators,' here's my reading of their words. The narcissism drips from every sentence, I don't see how the psychologists missed that and made this new "oppressed" trans diagnosis.


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I thought I recognised your name. I admire you and the other women who spoke in the documentary. It's time that the damage being caused by this ridiculous ideology is exposed. All this twaddle about trans identified men being the 'most oppressed', the 'most vulnerable', the most everything you can think of has to stop.

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Thanks! Here's a nature video, very short, from my channel, relief from this nonsense: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6cbSzCLPKHE

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Watched, liked and recommend it to everyone. It's a "must watch"

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Thank you JL.

I was fuming when I read that statement from World Darts - how bloody dare they!

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Women have to take a stand-boycott these events.Create thier own Women-only events.

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My thoughts exactly.

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That pic of V.M. made me think of lipstick on a pig!

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Take up the Trans Woman's burden,

Send forth your thoughts and dreams,

To claim a space not given,

To be where none deems.

Where skirts go spinny, whirling,

In spaces not your own,

To seek a kind of freedom,

In places women have known.

Take up the Trans Woman's burden,

The hormones that you'll take,

To feel the rush of change,

For AGP's sweet sake.

To walk where none invited,

To speak where none would hear,

To live as if delighted,

With every mirrored tear.

Take up the Trans Woman's burden,

And reap the scorn you've sown,

The blame from those you've silenced,

The hate that's now your own.

You've crossed the sacred threshold,

Of spaces held so dear,

Invading with your presence,

Where only women should appear.

Take up the Trans Woman's burden,

No praise from those you've crossed,

For in your quest for identity,

You've counted freedom's cost.

The silent, sullen women,

Shall weigh your claim and you,

In every glance, a judgment,

In every sigh, a rue.

Take up the Trans Woman's burden,

And bear it to the end,

For in your heart, you'll wonder,

If this was how to mend.

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I agree all or most women should boycott so these men have no one to play against. However, women *already* started their own competitions and federations only for men and careerists to take over. As in the infamous case of the FA, they banned women and their competitions for decades and now they have the cheek to dictate to us. We need to unseat these idiots and change the constitutions so they lose their power.

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The FA is dreadful. Proper men's club, getting very rich from the game, who never ignore a chance to virtue signal. They make me sick.

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The underlying misogyny festering in all our societies that have given lip service to women's rights for a few decades or so is bubbling to the surface now and exposing what probably the majority of men want women to do, namely to shut up and front up to support men, however they demand to be supported, or else. Money is, as ever with these men, a central force and corruptor, with these women being told to do as 'the sponsors' demand, and we know trans is good for eyeballs on the game/issue, and respect them or you're out. Once enough women realise this is and was the game all along, nothing to do with acceptance of difference - this cheat is macho masculinity on steroids - they will rise up and resist en masse. And THAT will be something to see and be a part of. I hope I live long enough. Thank you JL for all that you do to facilitate that awakening and reckoning.

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May it be so!

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We need our own female sports federations and games. I urge the female darts players to register as normal for this tournament then all withdraw the night before it starts in protest. Then they should demand their own tournaments with their own governing bodies of women, as men cannot be trusted to protect our interests.

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This is nothing more than evil misogyny. We can all see exactly what it is, and any Woman that agrees to play against a Man in a sport is enabling it. I’m sorry, but we Women are going to have to make huge sacrifices on behalf of our daughters and granddaughters if we are to win this war. It’s time to stand up and say NO!

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They're so fecking ugly . . .

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In my later years now, I can only hope that the next generation will do what previous generations have done and REBEL against their parents. A sort of Edina-Saffy shift. If we breed enough sensible and brave children who maybe watch great old movies, read (?banned) books, think hard about the absolute wreck of a society we have created, they might just start to realign humanity. Maybe..just maybe

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