It's time's like this when I wish there was a hate button. These monstrous male prisoners are only marginally less evil than the men who enacted this legislation. The hatred women have for male predators will be a force to be reckoned with in the coming weeks and months. Women have had ENOUGH! At this point, I'm beside myself with rage against these men and profound compassion for these forgotten women who, no matter what they may have done, do NOT deserve to be brutalized.

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This is just heartbreaking, those poor women. What kind of a depraved monster thinks that this is the right thing to do, that the fantasy feelings of a predatory male come before the safety of vulnerable women. Somebody wealthy needs to step in and sue the lawmakers for everything they’ve got. Women obviously don’t matter to these vile misogynists but maybe losing money will.

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Thanks JL. Such injustice is mind boggling. But within a justice system ...!

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I know... 😥

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What a shocker , no one predicted this would happen eh ………..

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Wow! Pressing the like button seems inappropriate. This is just heinous. The women in jail probably come from abusive backgrounds and now are being housed with monsters. Making them share cells is just wrong. The men should at least be housed together.

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God ,this makes my blood boil ,and it was all completely predictable !! The legislators responsible for these laws ,which of course are a predator's/ rapist's charter ,should themselves be locked in the same cell as the most violent criminals on the planet ,and see how THEY like it. This is Cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on some of the most vulnerable women on earth ,and is a sign of a barbaric society. My heart breaks for these women. Why do Politicians not realise se that by enacting these laws ,predatory violent MEN are being rewarded for their evil deeds ,while WOMEN are being TRIPLE punished for mostly non violent offences.ie 1) incarceration for their crimes.(2) subjected to fear and actual sexual assaults ,including rape and (3) Further punishment by the prison officers if they dare to complain !! This has GOT to STOP 🙏🙏🙏.Thanks ,JL ,for continuing to expose this horror x

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Thank you, Susan.

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True evil

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I have had a nice day out and then read this on my way home!

Thanks as ever for your hard work.

A horror film but it’s actually real!

Well done Hector Bravo - need more like him


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Indeed we do, Dusty. As I understand it, he forfeited a rather hefty pension in order to speak out against this lunacy. Big respect to Hector.

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