I was one of the stewards and there wasnt enough of us so other women and some men joined in holding the line - the TRA's were pathetic morons chanting the same old tired mantra's and completely unaware of who the real 'fascists' are. I looked them in the eyes and they could not hold eye contact which is telling of someone who knows they are in the wrong.

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The inability to hold eye contact was telling. But what I found most worrying was the number of young women there denying other women the right to speak.

The contrast between the two groups was stark - masked v unmasked. A lot of men in black, maybe not TRA's themselves but part of a sinister set up - they certainly seemed to be directing things with messengers on bikes with walkie talkies....

I think a large part of this is numbers - more people need to come out publicly to show support for truth, reason, science, facts, common sense and common decency. Everyone seems to think it doesn't/won't affect them but if you have a mum, a daughter, a sister, it will.

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Read a book recently about incels, basically men who really detest women because they have no social skills to connect with women. So they build pure hatred against them. I think that’s what we’re seeing here and gender ideology is giving them a legitimate reason or excuse to act with this pure hatred only against women

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Yup. Shay Woulahan and Hannah Berelli did a talk that covered some of that at the LGBA conference, all about the influence of social media on the gender cult. Incels even have a concept of "transmaxxing", which is where they think they'll be more likely to get laid if they transition. They aren't, but they do get more sympathy and supporters.

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Getting laid is the entire motivation for everything these non-essential beings do. If they aren't part of the reproductive gene pool, they are non-essential to the continuation of the species. These young men have damaged their sperm production by overuse via porn. They. also have the naive belief that pregnancy is not connected to getting laid. Women on the other hand, understand. When looking for someone to hook up with, women want someone who is healthy, respectful, who will produce viable offspring if accidental conception takes place, and who will take parental responsibility for helping to rear those "accidental" children. A rude, mentally ill, violent, financially dependent male who lacks basic self care skills, such as bathing, shopping, cooking, and cleaning up after themselves, is not someone a reasonable women wants anywhere near her. "Don't talk to me! Don't touch me! Get away from me!" What is so amazing, rather than trying to improve themselves, these guys glory in their unacceptability and are enraged when women find them unpalatable.

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Their problem is they're always aiming way out of their league. I learnt this decades ago, was a big old dork in my youth (I still am), I just chatted up other dorks and got laid plenty, I had more in common with them, too. Joined the Dungeons & Dragons club in high school and pulled the DM pretty much instantly, we dated for a couple of years, nice lad. That's how you do it, the "sigma grindset" - work on your own skills, become the Chad/Stacy of your own group and don't lie to yourself about where you really stand.

They think they're owed a genius millionaire supermodel girlfriend who also does all their chores and mothers them, and are entirely unrealistic about how much they themselves bring to the table and what they even want or expect from a relationship. You'd think they would hook up with the femcels but neither side seems to bother with that.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

He can't have wanted it that much, or else he'd start studying multiple languages and eating healthier and building up exercise to lose weight and get fitter.

These creeps all seem to have the idea that everything is predestined and unchanging (I mean, I get it, Calvinism is a hell of a drug) but there are some things we can and can't change about ourselves. Yes, we can't change our sex, and we can't change the circumstances we're born into, but things like language learning and exercise have never been more accessible. These are usually middle- to upper-class blokes too, so they can't even complain about being actually disadvantaged in that sense, they have the time and money to better themselves.

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Until I read a biography of Jonathan Fisher, a Calvinist minister in Blue Hill, Maine (late eighteenth to early nineteenth century), I never thought there was anything good about Calvinism. But he was an incredible man, walking hundreds of miles to do things for people, building his own house (I really want to visit), keeping a huge garden, getting very concerned about alcoholism after literally picking a drunken man out of the water (prior to that, he drank moderately like most people did) and seeing what alcohol was doing to the community, waking first in the morning and building the fire, laying the table, etc. He wanted people to think about their own deaths, to realize that life doesn't go on forever, to live it as best they could.

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That's certainly one subgroup here.

I think the majority is people who suffer from heavy cognitive dissonance because of their gender dysphoria, and transactivism has basically made them emotionally dependent on anyone keeping up their immersion in their own fantasies lest they realize they are not who they see themselves at. To them, anyone who does not make it a priority to uphold their self image or who even insists that there is indeed such a detail commony referred to as reality must be an emotional threat given the mentally very unhealthy environment of transactivism and of self-aggrandisement on social media.

And then there is those peole whom they successfully emotionally blackmailed and who display what we can to some extent call Stockholm Syndrome.

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No. None of those very selfish males have "gender dysphoria" at all.

Many of the females may well have *body* dysphoria and have been persuaded they are trans. 20 yrs ago, these same young women would be anorexics or maybe into grunge or goths....anything to *hide* how they looked.

The males are just narcissists and opportunists who have seen the "gender ideology/trans" as a ticket to controlling others....particularly those they want to be or are jealous of and those these narcs hate.

Anyone...mother/parental figures, genuine experts in their field, those who champion genuine freedom of speech *with responsibility*, older/experienced people, those (inc some young) who practice critical thinking etc (note many of us in this fight cover all these areas)...who are saying NO...are to be hated, and *must be* silenced at all costs....because the narcs *know* the ideology they feverishly cling to is all total and utter lies.

The narcs know that society will listen if the above are allowed to speak. And they know that the cracks in their ideology are turning into gaping fissures....allowing the above voices TO BE HEARD AND LISTENED TO.

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Yes. I really would like to hear more Psychiatrists and their explanations/justifications for this and how it's all jumbled any dysphoria(s) and neatly hung it/them on the shoogly gender peg. We know how many other emotions, experiences and explanations have been squeezed in the meat grinder of genderology and is the latest or most fashionable current iteration of dysphoria. Or is it a new, less-documented form of ultra-narcissism. Is it something they just call gender dysphoria but is a different mutated psychopathy. How tech has enabled this technarcissism, to be sucking all attention back to the self 24/7 with no let up.

Also the sex-segregated expression and how it seems to bring to the fore the very sexed expression of all this. Then how jarring it is to have those layers played with then rejected and denied. Seeing the small and ignorant young women throwing about violent gay slurs and threats online and acting in some 'male' way leaves me speechless. Then the supposed explanations of how 'being invaded/raped/rapeable/entered/weak/broken' is so very 'female' according to men who 'identify' as women. Each time they open their mouths they fart out something that self-ridicules the genderology they espouse. Put gender down, stop centering it, and stop sticking to your silly little gendered concepts you genderologists FFS.

I've never seen a bunch seeing how far they can push it and not quite believing they can, so they push it more and more. They must be aware but don't care. I knew small kids like this, bullies, when I was a kid, but not so many older people, teens, adults and in such numbers with so many others allowing them.

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Mental health problems do not depend on whether the underlying issues are legitimate or rational or not. I absolutely agree that this is very different and far more profound issue with girls than it is with boys (perhaps except gay boys, for whom it would still be a very different experience from girls but on whom the effects of transideology are just as desastrous.)

Much like there are different reasons for people developping depressions, and much like symptoms differ with mental disorders such as depression, reasons why people develop gender dysphoria differ, as do the symptoms. It's a very complex disorder, and very much socially induced.

The best way to look at it is as a fashion - and fashions, for lack of a better word, are a pretty common thing in mental health. Anorexia is a very good example.

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I realise that. We're adding new complexes and disorders and confabulating, giving credence and legitimacy to a new range of fantasies. We've bent rationality and overlooked total irrationality and it's become another 'perspective' to be arbitrated as a 'choice' and 'freedom'. It's an induced and funded social contagion. I am trying to cope with something in my extended family at the moment, no one will name it and admit what is happening. I am very loathe to label things complex when often they aren't, complexity is used to kick things into long grasses, shift responsibility and avoid. Things are made complex. We've all being stuck in this avoidant/signposting/be nice stage for too long.

I also do not see the impacts as the same - there are nuances here - middle-aged men parading about choosing to add bits or cuts bits off often after having had children and marriages, then young children sterilised and unable to breast-feed their babies.

We used to laugh at bell bottoms or haircuts, not the glorification of breasts being cut off, this is more than a fashion, it's malign and more cult-like than a fashion. This can't be undone or a haircut grown out of. Some of these children can't grow out of it, they're dead, sterilised or maimed for life.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Speaking of family matters... luckily there's not too many young folks in my extended family (that I know of). My step-sister's daughter is in her mid-20s and has some kind of agoraphobia (and has had for quite a few years), something possibly caused by her mom having some very serious health issues, and made more socially acceptable by the modern online life she (and many of her peers) lives. She lives with her mom and spends most of her time in her room online - gaming, talking to friends, posting pseudo-glamor shots on Facebook/Instagram, posting political memes, etc. Most of the memes she posts are about trans rights. She said she "identifies as non-binary" despite being a pretty damn typically "feminine" woman almost all her life, and I've never detected any discomfort in her regarding that - this is all very recent, as "identities" have become popular in media and her peer group.

I've had to add her to my "Gender Sensitive" Facebook group to exclude her from anything I say on the subject, as she gets very upset any time I do.

I'm just glad that I don't have to worry about that about many people, or with anyone I'm super close to.

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And life can be grim - when it's the arbitrary search for 'euphoria' no wonder we're all more 'dysphoric' which leaves dysphoria hard to tell from claimed dysphorias. So many are unmoored from so much, if not everything.

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That's Capitalism for you. Or all of us, rather. For decades we've been bombarded with messages that we must seek our own personal and individual happiness, no matter what the cost, and that we must self-optimize etc. etc. That has gotten ever more personal over time, and look where we are now.

And the other side of more acceptance for mental illnesses in a society utterly unprepared for it is that it becomes very tempting for people to blame their inability to gain that promised personal happiness on perceived mental conditions. And at some point and time it becomes impossible for even those who just claim to suffer from these conditions to distinguish between reality and their own claims. In other words: It is quite possible to talk oneself into a number of mental illnesses, and it is no surprise that this appears to be happening rather frequently these days.

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It's a resurgence of the hatred we experienced when we tried to get basic rights for women in the 1970s now those same type of men who always hated women want to shut us up again and punish us.

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I’ve written to a number of MPs asking what can be done about the fact that the police are now acting as the enforcement arm of Stonewall. I’ve also written to a number of news outlets.

The gender tentacles have wound themselves so tightly around every institution that it’s going to take a long time to undo this nightmare. But we must fight every little thing.

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Thats great! Well done for writing those letters.

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Interested on who you have written to as I could do the same, where do you find out who may be open to listening or do you just go by those connected with policing etc.

I am concerned that there is a group of Conservative MPs supporting this ideology, but unlike Labour, who do publicly say their opinion. These ones are working under the radar.

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Hi Cathy, thanks. I’ve written hundreds of letters over the past few years so it’s hard to remember. Most Conservatives are open to the arguments, Labour are totally captured so that’s a waste of time. The obvious ones are Braverman, Badenoch, Baroness Nicholson, Rees Mogg, Johnson, Truss, plus Ive had interesting? correspondence with Nokes, Keegan, Mordaunt and my own MP Crispin Blunt 🤦🏻. I send loads of info to GB News and the Daily Mail because up until recently they were the only ones talking about this. Andrew Doyle has been very good.

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Crispin Blunt? Eek I bet that was interesting...:-(

Interesting Labour's views on this still. I am finding it bizarre that Sir Keir's new tactic is that ending VAWG and 'domestic' abuse is his thing and he knows best blah di blah. What's the 'W' for? Those who 'identify as' women? VATWSIWG (Violence Against Those Who Self-Identify as Women and Girls)? Unless they rape and then they lose their wimmining points?

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The police in Glasgow handled this much better. They set up a barrier and didn’t let the Tras bother us. Of course on Twitter various numbskulls said they drowned us out singing YMCA etc but believe me we barely heard a peep out of them.

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They are appropriating the Village People now? Like it or not, YMCA is an iconic song for the gay rights movement, for disco, and for mindless fun. It's a song by gay men who were proud to be gay men, and a song for people who just wanna have a good time and don't care about the quality of music. It's for sure not a soundtrack for threats of violence and the like. Have transactivists no shame?

(OK, rethorical question, really. They have no boundaries, no culture of their own, and refuse to have a f...g clue about the world.)

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I wonder if its because glasgow police have left Stonewall?

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My blood is boiling. All the politicians say they want to tackle misogyny and to reduce violence to women and girls but nothing is done. Why isn't Keir Starmer holding the government to account for this wholly inadequate performance by the police. Talk about section 5 public order offences - every woman present should go and make a complaint. Let see if they do as thorough a job as Surrey police are doing with the complaint against Kelly Jay.

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Keir Smarmer doesn't even have the courage or integrity to define what a woman is! He's a disgrace.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023

Because keir doesn't care?

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None of them care. It is all hot air.

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Cos he’s a twat , a sir but still a twat

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Isn't being a sir sort of comparable? (My grandmother taught my mother NEVER to say sir or ma'am.)

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I still can’t get my head around the head of the Labour Party being a knight of the realm , what the hell does he know about the ordinary working folk

Actually I’ve answered my own question , fuck all is what he knows

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I’m still waiting for someone to explain why Kellie Jay has been called in for police interview again. The who thing is appalling. I really object to my taxes being used to support these utter “t*****

The women supporting them “what the f*****” hell is wrong with you?

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Police are there to provide support services for the state. So no matter what some members of the government say, they are using the police to silence women.

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Probably been on a diet of escalating porn for most of their lives. They hate women because they have no meaningful friendships/relationships with women. They have literally redefined ‘woman’ and in response, created ‘woman’ in their own image. They worship themselves through violence and masturbation. Trans activists are members of a violent masturbation cult. Wankers.

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Red beret man served 15 years in prison for a violent offence.

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He is on probation and should not be allowed to attend rallies shouting abuse where he joins in. He's probably pissed off that he didn't get in a woman's prison as far as I know.

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I am astounded that, no maybe not seeing as what's been done to probation services, I am alarmed that he has countless times threatened women, written placards threatening to kill one famous woman, regularly overtly threatens, insults and harasses women and proudly does so in public, often using a megaphone, also often in the company of MPs cheering him on. He's doing all that in public? Not hiding his psychotic targeted behaviour is he? How do they 'risk assess' that? Oh he doesn't mean it, he's harmless as he's wearing a beret?

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They are pathetic and all the screaming and intimidation has as much to do with actual trans rights as does baking a cake.

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Seeing this makes me angry.

This behavior is in itself deplorable, because TRAs threaten and bully people who mere want to talk about themselves and have nothing to say that could be contrued as hateful in any way - and of course, the vast majority of their victims is women.

It becomes even more deplorable when you think that the Black Pampers never ever go to such extremes when there is actual hate events, such as alt right rallies. In fact, most of them are even too afraid to join counterprotests. TRAs are a bunch of cowards playing heroes. That's all there is to it.

It is beyond me how such a bunch of self-obsessed braggards could ever get the amount of attention, let alone the policital power, they have. But maybe because I am very immune to emotional blackmaill, which is about the only thing they are good at.

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They have the political power because they are backed by people who like seeing ordinary women and men struggling to suggest that reality should not be denied. I am deep into One Nation Under Blackmail (alt title: One Nation Under Sleaze, and the dirtiest book I have ever read) and I know exactly who is supporting this obscenity.

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Don't get me wrong: It is obvious that they enjoy active support from very influential people and groups.

That alone does not explain the enormous influence they wield, however. Christian fundamentalists (or whatever you want to call them) are backed by even more people and even more powerful groups and while they are very influential, their influence pales in comparison to the translobby. Which is remarkable, because Christian fundamentalists have huge traditional networks, and are themselves a numerically relevant group in elections - unlike transactivists. Plus, Christian fundamentalists have actually developped the strategies transactivists employ. And mind, those right wing Christians were very successful at that, just not as successful as transactivists. The legal changes the translobby has effectively bullied several countries into are the most far reaching attempts to engineer society from above since the Nuremberg Laws.

I think what we see here is a convergence of several trends that have been around for a while, such as the rise of esoterics in the middle class, the influence of several post-something studies in cultural and social sciences plus the desastrous effect social media has on society, and particularly the young. Apparently this has made large parts of society susceptible to emotional blackmail - and this should tell us that there have been profound and disturbing changes, the effects of which go far beyond transactivism. The whole trans thing is just one symptom of these changes, albeit one if the not the most harmful one.

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Because we have something to say and they're scared to death that people will listen.

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Should we all put in formal complaints about the police not doing their jobs? The irony is, it’s the women there who are employed and pay their wages through our taxes, meanwhile the TRAs are making up mental illnesses and then some to get government money & the police still protect them over the adults who pay their wages.

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But the police are doing their jobs, the jobs they were hired to do.

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Well done again to JL - you have been busy!

Unlike in Newcastle and Glasgow the police at Hyde Park failed to keep the TRA thugs ( including Sarah Jane Baker!) at a distance.

Well done to the speakers and all who attended and to the brave stewards and others who joined hands and formed a line.

Proud of you all



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Thank you, Dusty!

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They do a good job of showing what trans ideology is really about

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When I was officially accused of "forcing" my husband to make the decision to "live full time as a woman" by the diagnosing PhD psychologist who diagnosed him in the initial appointment, I saw this coming. I didn't know it would be THIS, but I saw the misogyny, the dismissive and derogatory attitude cultivated in the world of the ivory tower and promoted to society. It didn't take hold immediately; they cleverly force-teamed with civil rights and gay rights activism. They knew their porn was addictive and contagious and their "it's so rare" claims would change. If I'd had a voice, I would have warned everyone. Michelle Alleva, in Canada, just initiated a malpractice lawsuit against the affirming doctors who mutilated her chest. She's another eloquent voice, as is Ritchie Herron, Chloe Cole and Camille Kiefer. Brava to the brave women at Reformers Tree, from Ute.

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So sorry you’ve had to go through all that but what you are doing to support other women, is fantastic.

I’m finding that my eyes have been well and truly opened to the misogyny which runs rampant through so many men which then means that society is structured around it. Women have made some gains but the fact that they are so easily destroyed just shows how illusory they were.

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I don't disagree. I knew the lack of progress before though, when I had to work so hard to get the court to recognize that my time had value, as an at home mother for 7 years before I discovered Neddy's secret life. Here's my suggestion to Dylan Mulvaney that he might want to "steal" my ex-husband, they'd go together well.


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deletedFeb 28, 2023·edited Feb 28, 2023
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I’ve found the same thing. I try talking to people but I’m always amazed at how little they understand or how they try to avoid the subject. And it’s such a difficult subject to explain simply, there are so many layers to it.

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My DH is simply putting his head in tne metaphorical sand and pretending it doesn't exist. He pretended that Sturgeon is leaving for the reason that Westminster stopped the GRR bill NOT for the events that ran out of her control...namely Adam Graham being put in a women's prison and the other nasty male demanding access....that one has now decided to go on hunger strike in protest at NOT being transferred to a women's prison.

I don't know how I can get through to my DH on this topic.

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It’s depressing and incredible that there are so many like that. I don’t understand it. I tried to warn my adult daughter, a teacher with three young children. She called me a senile old bigot. So although I’ve been terfing a long time, it’s only recently I decided to join this ‘support group’.

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My dil is a bit like that , it’s terrifying to think that this is the future

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If I had a daughter who ever dared to call me a senile old bigot, her head would be spinning so fast ... I hope you told her off. Anyone who talks like that to her mother is disrespectful and disgusting.

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I was tempted and very hurt but I need to be close to my grandchildren. One of the boys is gender non conforming and the girl is autistic. I’m very close to them and I need to look out for any warning signs. I think my daughter will see sense in the end. 🤞

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Men. Are. Never. Women. Until the politicians back that most basic reality we have this dangerous situation with these hateful fetishistic narcissistic aggressive failed men.

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