"The transgender issue is another example. We know that high proportions of academics disagree with the demands of transgender activists; despite this, very few raise a voice."

Same applies to the Government, the Opposition, the Media, the Health Service, the Police Force, the Entertainment Industry, the Tech Sector, etc etc. There must be several PhDs to be written on how we got to a point where most people disagree with something that has so much power, but they're afraid to admit it.

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I sincerely hope they'll be allowed to write those PhDs. I think I'm in this partly because I can't believe this is actual Britain. I read 1984 as a kid and felt smug because I thought "That's not us, that could never be US" and now it is. And I can't fucking believe it.

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Yes, I read the Handmaid’s Tale years ago like this. The tv series was like watching a documentary.

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It's taken this 'gender' cult to show us how many people are so so cowardly. Why is this? It's a mystery. Doesn't bode well for earth's future.

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Very few people have the strength of character to speak out against whatever propaganda is currently being peddled. It helps if one is already marginalized in one's society; there ends up being little benefit to echoing mainstream "thought."

That said, I just read a good piece on how propaganda about Ukraine is wearing thin, and the author wrote this (and I thought of Graham):


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"Same applies to the Government, the Opposition, the Media, the Health Service, the Police Force, the Entertainment Industry, the Tech Sector, etc., etc."

Amen to that. Not sure if you ever read much of Joanna Williams, but her "The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology" gives chapter and verse on that corruption - not that I've read more than a small fraction of it:


But she's had half-a-dozen articles on the same theme at Spiked Online, and a recent one at The Spectator:



Though I think she's kind of muddying the waters herself in conflating gender and gender-identity, and in not realizing that there's a developing and quite justified consensus that gender is a rough synonym for personalities and personality types - of which there are billions and billions.

But you might also have some interest in my kick at that kitty, a tale of how that "trans ideology" has corrupted the Statistics Departments of Britain, New Zealand, and Canada:


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"The autoethnographic method is popular, this involving little more than writing about oneself" - masturbation, IOW

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With a pen! And the penis mightier than the sword. (Sorry....)

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Not even mad

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Too kind :-)

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The Culture of Narcissism:


Reminds me of a recent quip made by a girlfriend of my ex - both good Catholics, born and raised in Quebec during the 40s and 50s. She had said that nowadays, many people talk publicly about aspects of their lives that 60 years ago they wouldn't have told their priests in confession.

Not entirely sure that that's much of an improvement ...

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Great article except for the following BS: "many academics were dismayed by the extremism of the Corbyn Labour Party."

Anyone who still believes that the Labour Party, even under the big bad mild socdem Corbyn, could ever be legitimately called "extremist" is just as fundamentally deluded as any transactivist. Seriously, are we ever going to encounter anyone who forms ALL their opinions on the basis of hard evidence? I give up.

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It takes a lot of work! And it is best to keep one's mouth shut about issues or events one knows little about. I am perfectly willing to talk about Ukraine, but I don't know enough about Somalia / Ethiopia / Sudan to discuss those nations' situation, though I believe it is dire.

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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

Well he denied Putin could have anything to do with the Salisbury poisonings, promoted 'trans' MP's, disrupted investigations into anti-semitism ......let alone that he was a Brexiteer but supported 'Remain' thinking it would make him more popular! Oh the irony.

[EDIT - just to add, approving of 'that mural' was enough to make him an anti-semitic extremist, for me, on top of failure to chuck Ken Livingstone out of the Labour party for his repeated and stupid accusations of Hitler being a Zionist 'before he went mad' [but after writing Mein Kampf ocourse].

I don't remember him defending Salman Rashdie either - do you? Finally, and especially in view of the infiltration of woke ideology top down, it seems the British voters are highly suspicious of ever-widening 'big government power' and/or unproven utopian revolution. Even if we were to trust it to take over natural monopolies {water, power, railways etc) - even then we need to be vigilant about wasteful grifters n corruption, [power corrupts, dontcha know] whichever political party is in control.

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Disgusting , how shameful our society has fallen

That sounds very posh and believe me I’m far from posh

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I meant become

But also fallen …..

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"Errrrrr, well. I think it's nice that you're studying, Karl love. But do you really think there's going to be a job for you at the end of this?"

"I'm not sure nan."

"Hmmm. Sometimes, and don't take this the wrong way love, but sometimes I wonder where we went wrong, me and your mum. Oh Karl..."

"O nan."


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Aug 13, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022

For those that haven't seen the chaser to this story yet.


Reduxx own a portal to the WTF dimension, every WTF has another WTF inside. It's just WTF all the way down once they research a story.

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Oh God, I wish I hadn't read that. How the hell does this kind of material get past so many people who are in a position to do something about it. Anderson is clearly a disgusting human being, or whatever the fuck he is.

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Aug 13, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022

Right now, I hope they're losing sleep in fear of what else may turn up.

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They should be. I don't know how they can sleep at all


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😂 "WTF all the way down"! 👍😉

"Twilight Zone", indeed.

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'Truth doesn't have a sell-by date'. That's for sure.

"The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself".

St. Augustine

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This is beyond belief. As an academic I have had many papers rejected for many reasons, and yet this bilge gets through?

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We have instincts for a reason.

Most of us have an instinctual disgust against this type of behaviour.

However some people rationalise it afterwards.

Your disgust is valid! (To borrow a phrase)

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"Masturbation paper"? Isn't that just toilet roll?

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You can't write on a sock.

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That stupid smirking mug of his makes want to chuck a bucket of icy water at him.

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Icy sewer water would be more appropriate.

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But where would I get it? Haha!

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Warm sewer water would do, you don't need to freeze it.

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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

This is clearly an unacceptable situation. The paedophile porn should of course be taken away from the academics and replaced with the regular porn they usually masturbate to.

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"In-groups sometimes do bad things. And if you claim to be an activist who is committed to justice and truth, you should confront your in-group when they are wrong." This is exactly what feminists have been called upon - once more - to do on the trans versus women's rights issue, and again most have not answered the call.

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If y'all need anything else to add to that bill of particulars, to that indictment, see Michael Shermer's review of Walsh's documentary. Of particular note is this passage:

"But Grzanka’s dodge is not uncommon in academia today, and in exasperation with Walsh’s persistent questioning in search of the truth, Grzanka pronounces on camera, 'Getting to the truth is deeply transphobic.' ..."

🤯 Hard to imagine a bigger smoking gun as evidence of the rot that transgenderism has wrought - so to speak. That comment of Grzanka's may well be - or should be - the epitaph for much of Academia, at least for the Mark I version.


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So agree with this.

Perhaps they always were just dedicated followers of fashion. Good to read thank you.

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