Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022Author

'Trans hate crime', no from everything I've read on substack it's clear a lot of trans love crime. 😁

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In the 90s, a friend of mine worked for an insurance company in the town where I was born and one of their clients was “Donna”. Donna was a strapping bloke who had worked as a miner for several years, then in middle age, started self-identifying as female and opened a pet shop. The shop was attacked with graffiti, dog shit was posted through the letter box and eventually, was subject to an arson attack. I’m pretty certain that the reason Donna’s business was singled out was because some individual(s) didn’t like Donna’s new identity. Now THAT is an example of a transphobic hate crime and I’m sure we all agree that it’s unacceptable. Not what Kimberley here is deeming to be a hate crime.

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This is what I don't understand. Those were crimes. So there are plenty of laws to cover that already, then with aggravating factors where appropriate and where motivations are identified. It's like a seven year old has taken over our criminal justice system and declared not liking custard creams is a hate crime.

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Yes, three offences I can think of off the top of my head (criminal damage, arson and possibly harassment), with hate crime qualifiers.

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Geez even Madonna would say tone down the filters.

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'Not Followed By Anyone You're Following' is such a compliment. 😄

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022Author

He needs to be wearing police handcuffs not a Police lanyard.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by KFP

Hog tied in a sack would be appropriate.

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I bet the hog still has his sack.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by KFP

Perfect 😂😂😂

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by KFP

"I've never played the trans card"


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Their house of cards (where Jokers identify as Queens) can't fall soon enough.

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I give it 5 years, unfortunately. It has to do with the fact that the truth is not reported in the mainstream press. The one bright spot for me this week is that I was reinstated by YouTube and started a channel. Below, my tongue in cheek 4 minute clip reminding Dylan Mulvaney what a meadow is, what a woman is. All without use of pronouns. I hope someone tweets it at him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoOuW3ULLDA

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by KFP

Do you really think it will take 5 years? I'm not sure I can take another 5 days of this trans-captured mess of a world! Thanks for your ongoing work on this, Ute!

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I'll keep you amused for as long as possible. 😄

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by KFP

Yes, thanks!! 😂 You always have great bants, KFP!

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Not helped by IPSO insisting that the MSM report transwomen as women with female pronouns, even if they are convicted of rape. Some papers get round this by using female pronouns but showing photos of the 'woman' charged with rape, paedophilia and bestiality, or by stating that they were formerly known as "man's name'." Even so I bet you that there are many people wondering about the recent rise in sexual crimes committed by women....not realising that they are men. The other problem is that people assume all transwomen have had GRS and are on female hormones - like fluffy haired sweet Jan Morris or elegant and beautiful April Ashley. Of course, only one in 20 adult transwomen have gone down this route - though we know confused adolescents have done so thanks to Stonewall and allies.

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The public will start keeping separate listings of womanfacer male criminals, later forcing this to be its own category. Organizations must work to get women who've been wrongly convicted out of jail, and women who've been given extra long sentences out of this purgatory of sexual assault cells. Women need better legal representation all around. Men who have had the surgeries use objects to substitute for their missing penis in sexual assaults. Slowly, the data on the "decade after" effect, where 10 years post surgery is when regret and detransition occur, will get out. It is an unhealthy cross-sex ideation, a sexual identity fixation--the mental health field must stop bowing to influential, wealthy men, like my ex-husband, dictating terms like "affirming care" and "sex assigned at birth." Doctors have been taking dictation from mental patients, assisting them to dig further down the rabbit hole of their illnesses. The truth will out, but not tomorrow. Stay strong. Visit my YouTube channel, Ute Heggen, for healthy mind/body moves. Do everything you can to support detransitioners.

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022Liked by KFP

Talking of jokers, I just sent a clip of Dylan Mulvaney to my friend. At one point in the clip, he reflected on when he - as a child - told his mum that he was a girl in a boy's body. His mum told him that God didn't make mistakes. My friend (a woman) didn't mention his insulting cosplaying of women AT ALL, but said that his mum was being unkind by saying that. I thought it was abundantly clear how insulting his behaviour is! People are so desensitised, so many of them are almost as caught up in this social contagion as the kids! I keep trying to peak her and she ends up more irate about the poor treatment of these fakers... arrgghh!

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Is it time to ask your friend should a child be allowed to have their spine broken if they identify as paraplegic?

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Nov 8, 2022·edited Nov 8, 2022Liked by KFP

It's time for all it! Thanks, that's a great one! I AM getting closer. I sent her a video of some parents admitting to feeling uncomfortable with their gender non-conforming children and asking a gender specialist for advice, including one of a very traditional dad saying "my boy loves wearing a dress... I don't know what to dooooo!" So dramatic, so ridiculous! She was disgusted. I'm getting there on showing that her parents of "trans kids" are the most illiberal parents you could find. She gets that. But she's a RPDR fan. She can't see how men who say they're women is a massive pisstake when it starts to infringe on our rights. I think part of the issue is not only that the mainstream media is not reporting on things, but it's that people think they live in their favourite "woke" TV show!! It's like real life isn't the important bit. The telly is what matters 😂

Go to 15:17... this will make you laugh KFP! As well as being despicable!



35:00 is also batshit CRAZY!

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Like Joey Tribbiani attempting Shakespeare.

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Not convinced these are real parents, I wouldn't be surprised to find out they are actors. No doubt if caught out, they'd claim it was to protect the identity of the children from the transphobes.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by KFP

Oh really? Actors as stand-ins for the real parents with these exact stories, or just utter nonsense? It's just like with Moley, I don't know what's real now 😂

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Do we affirm anorexics sincerely held belief that they are fat...by offering them diuretics, appetite suppressants and tummy stapling ops? Or people who self-harm or want to commit suicide because they feel they are worthless, more efficient knives and ropes? Would they have affirmed the belief of 17th teenagers in Salem, that the world was full of witches who had cast spells on them? I had an invisible friend when I was 3 - looking back in my memories she felt real. No harm, as I grew out of it - as most confused children and teenagers believing they are in the wrong body will grow out of that belief.

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These are fantastic, thank you. I especially "like" the first two!

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Aha! But there's the key to the mystery. Dylan Mulvaney grew up in a religious household, where God is male, sexist roles dominate and he's a gay son. Maybe God does not make mistakes. Humans do. (just saying this rhetorically) Somewhere else, he said his dad objected to him attending the San Diego Pride parade, but he'd get his girl friends (he had some other name for that gang) to lie for him and they'd all go off to the parade. Unfortunately, the parades were much too sexually explicit.

How about "evolution doesn't make mistakes, biology exists." Just sayin'

Ute Heggen of the new YT channel, same name

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Said nobody ever!

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Ha! Can you just imagine if actual women wore body cams and reported every sexual slur to the police? Complete chaos across every police department across every land.

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Photo filters well and truly locked and loaded... imagine the reality😱

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Hideous inside and out. He also needs to work on his spelling and grammar. Another woman hating arsehole, indulging his confected victimhood whilst representing a threat to women one way or other.

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Has he worked for Educate & Celebrate? 😄

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It’s slightly off-topic, but after reading this I read a news report on the closing submissions for the Mermaids v LGB Alliance case.

Has anyone told Mermaids how many millions it’s going to cost them when (and they certainly will) lose? In addition to their own costs, they’re going to end up paying both the LGB Alliance and the Charity Commission’s cost - which with three KCs are going to be in the millions. Hopefully it’ll be the end of them and a textbook example of hubris.

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Did LGB Alliance put in for costs?

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by KFP

Good point.

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I will never eat another Snickers bar - feeling sick 🤢

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Is that a genuine tweet? They didn't really say that, did they???

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It seems to be real, I googled “Snickers twitter” and found a tweet thread that said this version was still available. I couldn’t put one anywhere near my mouth now without vomiting 🤮

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Ugh me neither. 🤮😵‍💫 Surely it offends public decency? I wonder if the ASA were involved?

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Especially the veiny ones.

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"Kimberley" is a living, breathing, walking, talking, tweeting, be-wigged, lipsticked hate crime.

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and still a bloke!

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The only hate I see is coming from this bewigged man. His whole attitude shouts out white male entitlement. If you met him you would definitely give a wide birth and he’s a danger to women and girls, because he’s a mentally ill, coupled with a hatred of women, porn addled bloke.

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I notice Kimberley is posing wearing a lanyard saying “police” on it, giving the impression that Kimberley actually works for the police but does not. Boris Johnson levels of cosplay there!

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They think words = physical assault. I've been through this, as a trans widow, when my then husband accused me of "physically ejecting" him from our home in court. I was out of town with the children when he moved out. Yes, it was at my request. This is their mindset.

Meanwhile, Ute Heggen YT channel, for somatic mind/body movement to heal from this dissociation.


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Pathological victimhood.

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Yes! Pathological victimhood that gives vent to the anger at being abused as a child (my ex husband's father beat him with a belt "for laughing in the back seat" &etc) and is directed conveniently not at the original abuser, but the mother of your children. Because that's how messed up you are and that's what a PhD "sexologist" told you is "your path."

For nonsexual, healing movement to combat psychological stress, the new YT channel, Ute Heggen


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