Frankly if you're not on this list are you really terfing hard enough?

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I'm surprised I'm not on it and was thinking the same! I am definitely on several terfblockers though so that's something.

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I didn't even make the cut! Still got banned 😠

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I'm not on the list as are many other people because we always thought twitter was asinine.

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Or we are locked down tightly to followers only. I'm not on it because of that.

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Shoulda tried harder in my case, it seems. But then again, I don't use Twitter a lot, so maybe that's why. Got a two week ban on Facebook for it, though. (Just to show that I'm still badass. Sorta.)

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Whoa. This is like the Stasi files.

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Sinister doesn’t even cover it.

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Comparable tools are used by a wide range of groups. Antifascists, for instance, and other people who try to monitor and combat actual hatespeech such as advocating actual genocide (not the literal kind TRAs always see) or vitriolic Antisemitism. So, in themselves such lists are not illegitimate. Unfortunately, just as with TRAs, less noble causes use them, too, and generally they do so much more liberally than legitimate causes. Nazis have them of course, and Identitarians (one could argue that TRAs are really just liberal Identitarians without knowing it), Christian Fundamentalists probably do... You get the idea. The real problem about this is Twitter's compliance with complaints and its obvious unwillingness to identify these complaints as part of a coordinated campaign.

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It is creepy as

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I was unofficially banned July 18, 2020. I had retweeted three of Glinner’s posts which I deleted at their request. I appealed the third one. They told me I was not allowed to use Twitter until they had processed the appeal and they would let me know when they did that and they still haven’t done it. I’m 76 years old so there are a lot of other things I should’ve been able to do, if only I could. This is the post: “@Glinner So when TRA's say "women rape too" they mean males who identify as trans-women!!” This is their comment “Please note that while we review your appeal, you won’t be able to access your Twitter account. We’ll take a look and will respond as soon as possible.

If you’d rather just delete the content, you can cancel your appeal.”

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They didn't get us all.

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I still have to pinch myself when I read things like this. I was brought up in apartheid South Africa, and when I arrived in England I was blown away by the idea that people with radically different opinions could and would talk to each other and share ideas. Several decades later and here we are, looking at a list of men and women who have been cancelled for voicing opinions that the vast majority of people agree with, but a small vociferous movement don't. It's heartbreaking. But it will end. Lunacy always does.

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Was personally deeply flattered to be on the list and irked that I have not once been suspended.

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you can see the google doc in full here: https://twitter.com/_HeartofGrace_/status/1519495155744661505


maybe the creator detransed and forgot about it? I expect it will go "poof" before too long.

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Wow. A whole lot of people targetted there.


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gotta say that "search tweets" function is super impressive. I only use about .01% of Excels features.

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Wow. That's a long thread. I've seen people on Twitter in last few days saying they have their account back so... hopefully see you guys back there soon.

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I haven’t gone through the whole list as there are so many, but the few I checked are still on Twitter eg 1066cariad and 1984Translation. Perhaps their accounts were reinstated.

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List should go to journalists - not normal behaviour surely

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I'm on the list and have never (yet) been banned so I'm not sure that the list has been *entirely* successful despite the obvious scalps.

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Can you collect screenshots of the "crimes" that resulted in banishment?

I think that would be a powerful document.

Most people outside of the GC Twitter users have no idea.

Or examples of all of the safety warnings/truths erased with banishment?

As you know banishment was a technicality based on pronouns etc whereas goal was to suppress other information.

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Truly disturbing.

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This is interesting. Did they also have other lists in categories that are also wrong think or were they specifically targeting trans related issues?

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Very good point.

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I made it on! But they didn't get me, I get notified of reports from time to time thanks to German data protection laws so they've tried. I tend to go after them with an ever expanding collection of credible bookmarked Tweets and links though, which offers a degree of protection. I've been trying to make time to bring them all together into an online resource and code a browser extension for social media, so anyone with access can search by topic and get a list of resources to inject into replies. A sort of Gender Critical rapid response service. It's not difficult but I'd have to put some hours in. Is it worth doing, or have we already won?

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Naw keep goin..♥️

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We have not already won, but we are winning.

Are you still interested in fighting? I am working with a group. Let me know...

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Yes, follow up here or Twitter DM.

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Sent a DM on Twitter.

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