Child sexual abuse is something that you never get over. This latest repackaging of paedophilia as harmless good fun needs to be treated with the disdain and disgust it deserves. These perverts are attempting to break down society's rules and taboos so they can freely and openly indulge their sexual urges.

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"Age play" - harmless fun? Anyone with half a neuron can see what's going on here.

As the comic book store man said, "nobody confronts it".

We need to stop this unless we want our society to implode. Can you imagine what the Trans youth will be like when they're older and realise what they've done?

I bet the drugs companies behind it will be the new tobacco industry.

Why are the police getting involved in "pride"? This is what we pay them for?

As someone who left the gay scene a few years ago (due mostly to this), I noticed odd 'kinks' appearing more and more on 'dating' apps.

I don't use social media, so was genuinely curious as to what these people meant when they said they were 'pups', and got talking to a few.

After a while, I realised every single one into 'puppy play' had every single screw loose! Some of them eventually became trans.

There's got to be a connection between all this. Unchecked mental issues / lack of real communities / online peer-pressure among groups of mentally unwell.

Chris Morris really was a prophet, wasn't he?

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He was. And that's the new tobacco industry being...the old tobacco industry. Like the takeover of Vectura (asthma products like inhalers). It's ok, 50% of their business will be non-tobacco sometime soon and their duty is to their shareholders. There will have to be a major stakeholder rebellion at Vectura if that is to be rejected.

They are realising it's not that ethical selling cancer sticks to poor kids, so have pivoted. To vaping and now this, which has been the plan for a while - the 'new health landscape'. Look at who shills for that industry. It is a clear and direct conflict of interest. It's ok!! We donate 0.000000003% of our profits to some really nice good green earthy health causes and our powerful marketing bods worldwide have convinced you we're the good guys. This is a strange combination of element of many tech advancements, social changes and old industries seeking to cling on, with exactly their old motives and business practices. Give us your data and we'll sell you something you don't need and makes you sick but alive long enough, whilst increasing our profits and making some very nice careers in and out of politics. Bonus if you create a parallel world with a new vocabulary so the old words mean what we want. Create 'new' communities and belonging. Privatisation of (mental) health care and 'go online and self-manage'. Word for word Manufacturing Consent.

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I just saw someone mention that Plume (don't even go there) is being marketed on somewhere like Spotify (might be wrong).

The whole company design is chatty and friendly and looks some time saving app (and it's aimed at teens).

US commercialised healthcare has to be to blame for so much of this. Maybe it's like the opioid crisis. Internet/social media makes it travel faster and UK has always been lapdog in this way.

Teens are the ideal malleable market. Halfwit celebrities jump on bandwagon (eg "comes out as queer/half-trans") probably to appeal to their teen audience, but that makes it more appealing to confused teens and idiot parents who push kids scared anything else would be ---phobia. Autistic kids were a good testing ground.

Or am I being too conspiratorial?

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Ta, I won't. And no you're not. Does it have a funky logo? Nice font? Appealing people looking chilled, yet hardworking, and JUST LIKE YOU OR WHO YOU WISH YOU WERE. I am finding it harder to escape. It appeared on my LinkedIn, as the algorithm keeps suggesting 'why don't you include your pronouns!!' My breadcrumbs are failing to throw the bots off the scent. Each time I go online, there's some new jiggery pokery redesign to make it harder to lockdown and use these products as you want (or were they were sold to you as).

Yes it does. Period tracking apps, weight loss, healthy eating, get fit move about, the lot. There's an app for every conceivable nuanced need or desire and many that DON'T EXIST. And don't worry, you don't have to think about it, we'll take the hard work and the stress out of it for you, trust us. I wish I could remember the presentation I saw over a decade or so ago that was that kind of futurology shite where to invest next. Data mining hit a wall with them failing to push through the latest NHS data sharing mess up. Yes, it's good for research, but who is doing and profitting from that 'research', and even good old actual research.

Maybe they'll use the Cabinet Office offshoot PsOps peeps 'all your friends have' level of pressure to convince enough of us to do the 'right' thing. No. **** off. It's not informed consent and you do not have mine.

I am doing more and more housekeeping of where the walls are being breached in services I need and use - it's very hard to keep track of who is peaking/ignoring/repeaking/promoting/falling to pressure over this, and what facts or truth are. Which is why I'm here.

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I wonder where FinTech is in all this. Activist fund bois (why are they all bois?) are working their way through company listings, building up enough control to swing these votes and deals across every sector.

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And governments are playing catch up, as the rest of us are. Regulations are there for a reason, usually safety.

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Very clever Philanthropists used to get very clever people to write notoriously sophisticated legal vehicles so that if they really did want their money to be for the public good - it went there, and stayed there - public libraries, schools, parks, hospitals in perpetuity. And there would be penalities if anyone got greedy or lazy in the future and forgot.

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Museums, galleries, swimming pools - they're all struggling. And I see the TRA maelstrom as another attack on our commons and public life.

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I've run out of suitable swear words, but, I am proud to be phobicphobicphobic of such revolting men and such a revolting thought pattern. Most of them, in my humble view, should be in 24/7 secure care, for life. Our societies, globally, are broken beyond belief and all those who used to be 'on the outside' for a good reason, are now running rampage over everything decent and good...telling anyone who disagrees with them that they are 'phobic' this and 'phobic' that....Call me whatever you want, for I refuse to endorse this paedophilic, insane behaviour with 'kindness' or 'sparkles' or 'unicorns' under the guise of 'just be kind' and 'be inclusive'.

Someone CALL the police!

Oh, WAIT.........................................................................................................................

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We need to find and destroy the monkey-paw upon which some well-meaning fool wished for a 'kind and tolerant world'.

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But you have to be kind and tolerant to shareholders right? You meanie. We're liberal and never shout, we get others wound up and violent, they're nothing to do with us! we're the good guys! WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS!

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Sending a gentle hug, dear Rob. Thank you for your bravery in speaking up, in doing all you can do to expose those who do such terrible things.

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Thank you for your bravery in talking about your horrific experience at prep school. I wasn’t aware of what happened to you (I’m a recent subscriber) but there is certainly much to be alarmed about.

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It would be interesting to know just how many paedophiles the polic service employs. Such people are known to target the professions that offer them the best access and closest protection. It would not be surprising to discover a ring or rings to rival the BBCs. At any rate, the behaviour of the police in recent times is a major cause for concern in this and several other respects.

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There's a lot of consultancy and contracting out elements of online and wider security and safety. People move between the public sector and tech companies for particular projects. Ex-police and forces go and use those skills in consultancy, and academia then work on government funded projects. There's an element of criminal or unsavoury behaviour in most organisations, public funded or not.

Someone suggested a presentation from a newly joined member of staff at XXXX considered 1 in 200 had images of CSE. Have no idea whether that was just in that department or sector (or room or Zoom type meeting) and I was a bit worried about their grasp of statistics and understanding of general population levels and how averages work. I'm not sure it was the 'shock' stat or what it was hoped to achieve, other than wondering about if you can trust your colleagues (or they you).

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oh lovely! a whole party to themselves..think it needs renaming though to reflect their refusal to see the facts - the Not So Green Party?

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The Green Party wants even fewer voters. You've gotta admire the conviction.

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The WhoCaresAboutGreenIt'sAllAboutPink'n'BlueNow Party?

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When I was a kid green meant naive - there was a saying not so much green as cabbage looking which meant would fall for all any rubbish, so Green Party probably is the right name.

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And it's known as green washing - in almost every industry which states green credentials.

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yes of course - not as green as they think..

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BDSM is something that is meant to be practiced in a way that is safe, sane and consentual.

It shouldn’t be used a conduit for abusive tendencies and it shouldn’t involve age play which isn’t safe or sane and involves role playing non consent.

Age play isn’t really kink. Like a lot of things (like homosexuality in the 1970’s, and later queer theory) paedophilles use these ‘perverted’ things to try to justify and normalise their non consensual twisted desires.

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If it’s not loving it’s not love.

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Bdsm when practiced correctly is very loving and respectful and involves holding space for people and the whole of their identity. There’s a whole worm can here including the issue that more abuse goes on in relationships where people don’t conceptually hold space for each other and their damage.

Also however, Kath also I agree if it’s not loving. It’s not love but when people actually enjoy pain as pleasure then activities that could seem very unloving to an external adjudicator are actually very loving. Blah blah. Big subject.

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It is clear from reading this that author Rob has what many (if not all) survivors of child sex abuse have: a no bullshit radar of perverts and a finely tuned sense of the deceptions they use. It was my experience growing up with a pervert step father and it is breathtaking - but not surprising - to learn about these new “kink shaming” defenses. Child abuse has always been a taboo subject, and the taboo-inducing spells put on society have always been placed by positions of authority: the church, the police, the social workers. It’s always very sad to acknowledge how easily manipulated people can be.

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By the way, Rob:

Fair play to you for speaking on this rather awful subject as a survivor.

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Main picture: I'm just not sure about this woke Lord of the Rings remake.

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Almost as terrible as Woke Doctor Who.

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That exposure of those who were exposing themselves on sets seems to have entirely disappeared. I wonder if it's in the hands of some lawyers, or some NDAs have put paid to that. Or it's not interesting enough for the news cycle.

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Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation is the correct one.

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Probably not interesting enough for the news cycle.

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I have learned something today - something disturbing, but more knowledge is rarely wasted. I didn't think I'd led such a sheltered life, though!

I don't know if the "men" in the headline photo are representative of this particular... genre(?), but, if they are, how can anyone think this is healthy and want to normalise it? Is "trans children ARE children" going to be seen across social media?

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This is interesting about the Wiltshire force. Only because I KNOW a ‘puppy’ gay officer who used to be in the Wiltshire force. Before he was ‘moved on’.

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The Green Party were concentrating on gender issues during the Scottish elections and returned more MSPs that ever before. They have moved so far away from the reasons the party was set up that they are now being scorned by the old school but have made up for them leaving by attracting loads of young people who are only interested in one thing... Gender. They may tell friends and others that they are "green" but at the end of the day, they have been sooked in by "the UK social crisis of gender" that the Green Party spout.

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Oh FFS...the state of these goddamn nonces!

And they are whether they want to admit it or not precisely because they're proper nonces and I have no problem calling them as such.

Hard drive check, aisle 5.

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