The 'trans' scandal is that a bunch of cross-dressing psychopaths have appropriated trans-sexuality but in effect are nothing since they've not transitioned, yet they presume to silence the rest of the world, with the help of some feminist numpties and cowardly academics.

Until last year, I didn't even know what GC meant and I always felt gender studies were for obscure academics. I'm glad that as a long time fan of your work, I sat and took notice of what you had to say and your stance, as well as JK Rowling's and other lesser known people have opened my eyes. You are so right, every time. Thank you!

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Going to have to invoice you for my keyboard deep clean Glinner, just sprayed red wine over it reading that last line.

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Good Morning. As Of Now, Alan Driscoll Still Remains A Knob.

I'd like to make a distinction.

In my estimation there are but two types of transgendered folks: legit and not legit.

Legit transgender is "I have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria persistent through and beyond puberty and after careful consultation with clinical specialists it's been decided the only way to seek relief from it is to undergo gender reassignment surgery."

These people absolutely deserve our love and support in every way possible.

Then there's this:

"I'm just LARPing as a woman because I can. Lesbians should totally suck my ladydique and if they don't they're TERFs who should be punched or killed on sight. Dress Go Spinny! I am a pornified version of what I think a woman should be and maybe I'll just take some of these hormones that I bought in the street just to make it seem real but, in reality, I have no intention of making a complete transition. Oh, and trans women are women. "

These people I call "trannies" and "troons" because they're not transgender anything, they're transvestites! And after four years of watching them jerk off in women's bathrooms and post videos of it on sites like OnlyFans, play shelter workers for fools to gain access to other vulnerable women, game the system to get themselves sent to women's prisons (I'm looking at you, Chris Chan!) and the utter contempt they show women (especially lesbians) I. Have. Had. Enough.

Am I angry? You bet! Am I angry enough to kill someone? No.

I had said before that I hoped TRAs would commit suicide. I don't actually mean it but that's just how angry I am when I read when a 39 year old man LARPing as lesbian raped his 76 year old senile demented mother who could neither consent or resist.

By the way, Trans History Month is NOT a parody site. As much as I love and respect you, Graham, you got this one wrong. When you start talking about raping lesbians (because they will never willingly have sex with men) or women in general you cease being a parody.

That shit is never funny.

At least people like Debbie Hayton and Buck Angel understand what they really are, that they were biologically born the sex they were born into and that they respect women defined as adult human females and wouldn't DARE insert themselves in women's spaces. Nor would Hayton loudly demand to be examined for cervical cancer because Hayton understands that biology really does matter. Nor would Debbie Hayton ever loudly demand women's uteruses be harvested so that Debbie could get one transplanted.

And Buck Angel would NEVER present himself (yes, I'm cool with using a pronoun in this instance. Don't @ me) before a proctologist saying "Hey, doc, my prostate is really flaring up!"

Speaking of Buck...is it just me or has anyone else noticed that it's never TRANSMEN engaged in this fuckery? Why do you suppose that is?

(I'm looking at you, Alan. Knob!)

As an aside, I like how Japan deals with this situation. You want access to women's spaces? Okay...get top and bottom surgery and you're more than welcome to use the ladies' and that dovetails quite nicely into a philosophy I've had since 2017 (and I'm gonna write this nice and big so everybody can read it without their glasses):


The Debbie Haytons and the Buck Angels of the world are absolutely horrified and repulsed by these freaks as rightly they should be. They understand that TRA is setting them up for the backlash that will eventually come when the world has peaked enough (and it's happening now - I'm looking at you, Don) they're going to utterly toss this nonsense on the rubbish heap and they're going to make it intolerable for the legitimately transgendered people like Debbie Hayton and like Buck Angel.

Fun Hot Dog Fact:

As of last year more people in the United States have choked to death on hot dogs than transgender people have been murdered globally and I invite you to Google that.

Anyway, that's my two schillings. Back over to you.

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They keep saying things like that ( ie you want to kill me /you deny my existence ,etc ) and all this from the very people who have tried so outrageously to ERASE WOMEN completely, by obliterating all language pertaining to them , reducing them to nothing more than a " feeling "and even threatening to rape ,torture and kill some of them !! Great parallels with the Nazis there

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Exterminationist? Eh? Why is this person your self-appointed translator 'explaining' things you wrote perfectly well, in your own voice, nice and clearly without their intervention?

Is Roz faesplaining? I've got no rebuttal, so I'll add in a few things he didn't say or do and counter those instead? "So, basically..."means...I'm going to misconstrue, muddy the water, deflect and confuse your quite simple points. Nice attempt. This is the opposite of basic or simple, it really is a mess and dirty debating tactics. I am drawn to this as it's fairly ghoulish - you say which 'side' you are 'on' and Roz says "So I guess he has picked his side". And in other news water is undry. Quick to catch on that one. You can step back now Graham, Roz understands your position now. And is kindly telling us.

I have no idea how you scrape this chasm so deep and remain sane, it's hard enough to read.

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The histrionic nature of these individuals' behaviour should not go unnoticed. I saw a scientific article that suggested an 80% overlap between trans identities and a personality disorder; a lot of the AGPs would probably qualify for diagnosis with histrionic PD, going by their behaviour.

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KiwiFarms is just a regular Thunderdome site. It's not right-wing. Old people who expect Victorian standards of behavior from anonymous adolescent males complain. It's a very valuable resource, just not for pearl-clutchers.

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Can’t believe you misgendered fae’s wig, Graham. Please cancel my subscription.

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“Congratulations on getting the wig sorted out…”


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I've just seen the Tweets. With stills taken from Father Ted apparently used in evidence of your Nazi leanings. I think it would be a kindness Graham if you came out with a clear statement that it wasn't a documentary. Is there a term for when people are so easily baffled by nuance and allegory? And humour? By The Arts? Entertainment? That these places are where we discuss and explore thorny and difficult issues.

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"Trans People" - the human shield of confused children and distressed women dragged by the AGPs to distract from the true motives AGP community. Yes AGPs you definitely exist, and have done at least from the 1900s per excerpts of writings I have seen. Children and women born in the wrong bodies? Nope. Actually AGPs in the wrong bodies - also nope and they know it - which is why only the more extreme will have surgeries. It suits them very well that children and women medicate and have surgeries though, so they can claim to be part of this group rather than being honest about their sexual fetish. The worst things about AGPs are - their obsession, their narcissism, and their ruthlessness. I have no issue with the sexual element of their condition until they *ahem* ram it down our throats.

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It's one of two reasons: either because they believe that they are something they are not, despite all the objective, tangible, scientific proof to the contrary, which points to being mentally unstable, OR because they think that as men they have the right to whatever identity they like, whether or not it is already occupied, pointing to having zero empathy or reasonableness. Not mutually exclusive. Personally I think a huge proportion of society's biggest nutjobs are attracted to the perks of the 'trans' identity, it's not like you have to do much to suddenly be coddled and excused.

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Standard strawman argument. Slurs and fallacies. It's all they've got.

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Since when is Kiwifarms on anyone's side? "Roz" doesn't seem to read very well.

TREs label so many things as "Nazi" and "fash" that the accusations have lost all meaning.

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They have the most disturbing way of commenting...

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Wait until i tell the grandson his nanny is a nazi ..do you think theres a badge or something i could get 😏 nannythenazi has a really good ring to it 🤣🤣

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