Oct 9, 2022·edited Oct 9, 2022

“Mermaids have faced a slew of hostile & inflammatory UK newspaper stories over the past two weeks”

In other words people have started to question the practice of dispensing breast binders to children without their parents’ knowledge or hiring a pedophile-facilitator as a trustee without any due diligence. Sometimes people are just plain picky!


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Wow, did people know that Carrie Lyell a former Editor-In-Chief at Diva Magazine became a Head of Digital & Communications at Mermaids?


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Is this common knowledge - young people trying on binders at Mermaids residential weekend?

Carrie Lyell (Digital Engagement Manager): 'The highlight for me was our binder safety session, where trans masc and non-binary young people were able to learn how to properly measure and fit their binders, before going off to try them on. Watching them come back into the room, grinning from ear to ear, was witnessing gender euphoria in action and it made my queer heart soar.'


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"Self ID means liberation for the predator class." YES!!!

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Nicola Sturgeons SNP are trying to introduce Self ID along with the more popular SNPs mandate of Independence for Scotland, she knows many indy supporters see independence at all costs as a priority and will use this to get self IS passed, it’s one of the reasons the Alba party has so many members in such a short space of time, many of us could no longer see ourselves voting for the SNP

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women concerned about safeguarding, yes definatley fascists, ffs

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Stop funding hate have put their head above the parapit, time for people to dig around and see how many peados and fetishists are working there.

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I contacted SFH in 2019 about their unquestioning assumption that gender-critical = alt-right. I just sent you the emails.

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As someone who has been on charity boards for most of my working life, I am flabbergasted by what is coming from Mermaids trustees. I wouldn't trust any of them to run a menage (or for those who don't understand that expression, I wouldn't trust them to run the piss up in the brewery!) Every trustee has a responsibility to make sure the others are all above board. That means satisfying yourself that all the others are fit and proper persons and should be trusted with the running of the charity. Just as I expect others to do the same with me. We cannot behave like ostriches and then say - sorry guv, we never knew! That is a breach of charity law no matter which country of the union we live in. It is a jail-able offence although very few trustees are jailed for not being very bright and not switching on their brains - more should be. That would maybe stop the absolute nonsense that comes from charities boards - Mermaids and Stonewall being two...

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"Who’s carrying out these checks? Father Jack Hackett?"

Arse! Drink!

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thank you .... I'd noticed how happy STop Funding Hate is to hate on women some years ago.

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Mermaids could release the transcripts of these calls! What are these people saying. Down with paedophiles or what.

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There was a good bit in James Lindsay's recent interview with Benjamin Boyce.

(Sorry if this is a sore point, Graham - I know the Linehan vs Lindsay "groomer" priority dispute is like Leibniz vs Newton all over again, but I liked it...)


'When I use a label, I'm not classically an essentialist, but I want that word to capture the essence of what's going on.

'And so why do I call people who are grooming "groomers"? I'm playing a little there, but the reason is they're groomers. They're essentially engaging in the psychological grooming of children.

'So that's why. And I'm playing a little bit there, because... they've decided that racism can be structural, so I decided that grooming can be structural. If there's an entire apparatus that upholds a small number of people grooming, but most people aren't directly involved in grooming, aren't they structually groomers? According to their own logic, yes. And I do believe in that point from Alinsky, you should hold your opponent to their own standards.'

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It all starts with the adults & trickles down to the children. Trans is the most successful trickle-down economy in the history of the world, subjecting the family to forces as destructive as every political cataclysm we've studied so far. Children must be protected from overt sexual culture.

All of the psychologists/therapists who "affirm" married men and join with the fetishist to coerce wives into staying/trying to stay, are also groomers. They tell you that you need to "educate yourself" regarding sex role play, use of objects to mimic what your husband plans to cut off and so forth. I know, that appointment is documented in my memoir. She called me 'traditional" and "spunky" when I said, "No, thanks." The entire field of "sexology" is essentially grooming. Any trained therapist/psychologist is capable of helping individuals with problems in bed. There is no need for this speciality, except now they've developed it into professional groomers who tell the spouses/partners "try new things," and recruit children into the cult as a gross justification of it all.

These so-called "experts" are also grooming all of us to use "preferred pronouns, be kind," &etc. Meanwhile fathers dressed like drag queens are parading their children around while dressed in full sex regalia, ignoring the fact that these very children are grieving, their mothers are narcissistically and financially abused, all the while the target of vitriol, for "breaking your family apart" if they choose divorce, the only healthy option. "It's so rare" isn't so rare anymore.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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Workplaces are full of activists. Liz Truss I’m whistle blowing here - political activists aren’t doing enough of their actual work outside of the trans stuff - could that be one of the reasons for the UKs low productivity?

I think it is

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There are two part time staff. And a Board of four, one of them being Alexandra Parsons. Surprise, surprise. As an 'academic', she 'teaches' 'gender and sexuality studies at University College London. One of the groomers for sure.

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