What sort of "social movement" circumvents lawmaking and regulatory processes through winning the "hearts and minds" of administrators? The answer is a cult. Cults do this. It is how they become religions instead of mere cults.

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Thank you for providing this appalling account dishonesty, misinformation and abuse. What is occurring with the NHS is an indefensible disgrace but it seems to be waved by, despite being deluded, nonsensical, misogynistic bollocks.

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There are Trusts pushing ahead with this despite central NHSE, DoH and other guidance, warnings, let alone legislation. They are changing things in their IT delivery and internal structures in delivery of services and nothing seems to be able to stop that. Change the drop down menus and how they appear on everyone's computers, every handheld device, every form, every notification, in every record for staff and patients and it's taken for granted and almost unchallengeable as it's unnoticed and built in. They've been directed to do this and by whom? We need to find that out and stop it there.

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Yes indeed. All the counter chat from the government yet they do nothing to stop this insanity. Probably because the civil service is full of lefties who defy the government. Shank and braverman need to get get tough and start prosecuting anyone who defies them.

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Thank you Rebecca. This sentence really stood out: 'Note the linguistic sleight of hand in referring to ‘sexual identity’ rather than ‘sexuality’, which indicates that GLADD believes that internal self-ID should always take priority over inherent sex and sexuality.' Get the 'sexual identity' out of sexuality! It's also not the 'sexual orientation' of the Equality Act and other law.

It's such a clever wheeze isn't it? That bloody word 'identity'. So, a 60 year old man 'identifies' as a 6 year old girl and that should be given some legal weight somehow. Is that his sexual identity, his sexuality or his sexual orientation. Or his sex as some would like us to believe. Add in 'sex or 'gender' as they are used interchangeably and I am sick of having to explain the difference. No, it's a fetish. It's all been neatly blurred and people think you are being picky to want to clarify. Which identities or all identities? Does this obsession come directly from identity politics and that anyone can apparently identify as anything with no link to reality. How is Juno who is so insulting about gay men (amongst other targets, like women) still held up to be some kind of seer on 'queer' and LGB rights.

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Great piece, Rebecca. Let's stop pussyfooting around and just accept that these people are amoral barstewards, 100%, no ifs and no buts. The 'leaders' do not themselves believe in this bilge water, any more than cult leaders believe in the dross they serve up to their members. They are sick on power, deviant sex, homophobia and misogyny, and, last, but far from least, the chance to make a zillion out of the NHS and other corporates. This is also part of the plan: to gradually privatize each and every part of the NHS. The Denton's Document, albeit it did not spell it out, hints, on every page, that there is gold in them thar hills.

These creatures are amoral. Simple fact. Many will be psychopaths and narcissists and people with personality disorders, as well as lovers of lolly in spades. The thing all the personality types have in common is the desire for power, to manipulate and shape in their own image. They are self-appointed gods and arbiters of the public morality which they believe should be Queer Theory. Tearing down existing laws and replacing them with 'trans' friendly ones, has always been one of their prime motives, too. It is the law of the land that stands between chaos and order. When you create chaos, you create the very conditions necessary for takeover of public morality and safeguarding with your own versions based on Queer Theory.

So, let's accept that this is what they are doing, stop pontificating on what is happening and start to do something about it. That has to involve widespread public dissent. To instigate public dissent, you need to have the facts at your fingertips and you need to spread those facts far and wide and beyond the bubble of those who already know what is going on, to those who have no clue or who think that all of this is benign and touchy feely. Well, it is where children are concerned. Politicians also need to know that we will unseat them if they carry on with this rubbish that is harming our children. Again, no ifs and no buts. Challenge and shame them, those that support this harmful stuff.

People need to know that even the 'true trans' are AGPs and fetishists. They have always been there, and without them leading the way, this latest wave would not have stood a chance. Yes, many of the old transsexuals offered no harm to women in the public space (although, as the 'trans widows' testify, they certainly caused great harm within their own families), but, nevertheless, woman-facing is a gross insult to women, and dangerous in its absurdity, and all cross-dressing in female clothes, lippy and big hair is sexual (except in panto and other comedy, where women also pretend to be men and the joke is in knowing they are not the opposite sex in reality). The youngsters are captured by this madness, much of which is being pushed by the paedophile lobby, parasitizing existing 'trans' rights and legislation for their own perverted ends, so we have to remember that there are at least two, three, if you count incels and MRAs, distinct deviant/power and control groups of men in this movement - and those they want to erase/replace/control are women and children.

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Thanks, Rebecca, excellent piece.

Very worried about what will happen with the two new gender clinics!

See also Kathleen Stock's recent research


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Absolutely frightening beyond belief. Utterly farcical. The fact the our medical professional has people with these views is shocking. Supposed scientists and they follow this crazy ideology is so so so so scary. God help us if labour win. I've never been so certain of who I'm going to vote for. Tories all the way for me now. Without them democracy is dead.

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You would almost think they had all been hypnotized, Tracy, but - and I know I'll be slated for saying it - so many of these people in the higher echelons of the NHS are females, and every psychologist I have ever read states that females are, psychologically, more easily captured by social contagions, and, boy, is this a contagion. It goes a long way to explain the female collaborators in this movement which is so inimical to their own interests. I looked back at previous social contagions and, lo and behold, all were female-centred. Not the leaders. They are invariably men who see the benefits to themselves of having females under their control. This one his no different at all - steeped in power and control over females, but, this time, sexual deviancy has been added to spice it all up and give it a new, repurposed look.

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Absolutely spot on. I recommend listening to Jordan Peterson's podcast 388. How gender (he means sex) affects your ideals. It's really interesting. And he concludes the same that women are indeed complying due to their very nature of being more likely to be caring and "inclusive". It's really interesting. Women messing up women. It couldn't get any worse.

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And the foolish women who feel 'empowered' and oh so relevant by backing this guff, without thinking it through.

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Spot on, Guilia. Not enough discussion , in my opinion, around these females who sabotage themselves and other females. Part of it will be biological, I'm sure, but there is something lacking in the way of self-reflection and courage in so many (younger) women

Every generation ends up having to defend the rights we have managed to secure against huge odds. Why? I really do believe, though, that something different is happening now, having looked back at earlier times.

The truth is that we get nothing that does not also benefit men - usually more that it does us. Now, though, something is giving in older women, at least, and, I suspect in many younger ones, too, as if we have just had enough. There is a sense of "we will do it for ourselves if you won't let us be" - a kind of fracturing between male and female that will not be easily healed.

All in all, I believe that men (some, a lot) have pushed us too far this time and that we are beginning to understand the cost to us of always giving in to them and to their female collaborators. I really do think that, for the first time in human history, we are far less willing to simply ape men as a means to liberation and will now start to set up real female structures that have nothing to do with men and their society.

This, I think, is a step forward in our evolution as a species, even if it is still too early to see it in perspective. Sorry, you monstrous 'trans' activists, incels, men's rights advocates, killers of women and children in the domestic arena and in utterly useless conflicts, but we have had enough of you all.

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Gender ideology is a cult, but because it is at its heart so destructive and chaotic, it will never become a religion. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/religion-cult-whatever But it will leave many destroyed bodies in its wake.

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It’s all about the cash , they want the poor people sterilised so the rich can have the earth for themselves

Tin foil hat back on and back in my cupboard

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That was a very short reply to the massive I’d written but I shut myself up lol

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This is so depressing. I’m so grateful there are so many intelligent compassionate driven people fighting this. You can’t win an argument with someone who thinks sex is a ‘concept’. bloody hell. Words have no meaning to these people. Thanks for this anyway

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My 15yo is hoping to study medicine... this will be a useful list of which medical schools to avoid when it comes to UCAS application time.

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To be honest, and it may sound daft, but I really didn't like it when Ru Paul's Drag Race seemed to normalise cross-dressing, transvestites, etc. I thought that it would spread into the culture as just another side of our sexuality - which it is, of course, but not in a good way.

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Not daft at all. It's very odd - a few younger gay men seem to think this - the Drag race thing - is their 'right' now and it's somehow the greatest leap forward in human existence and human rights. And because I am a woman, and older than them, they must have to teach this ignorant woman the 'truth'. One or two have no clue and didn't stop to ask if I knew and watched RuPaul before they were even born. I am older and unfuckable so therefore am in 'women I can ignore' pile. It's hard to stand back and let younger people create havoc and damage themselves and others before they then blame anyone else and us for letting them.

I never had this level of disrespect and ignorance about those ten, twenty years - or hold on to your hats now - even older than me than that. Of either sex or whatever sexual orientation or inclination or none. Because I realised those people may have been like me (or not like me) ten or twenty years before. That's a blink of an eye but memories seem to be shortening as we devolve them to computer storage. The more linked and connected we are now the smaller and smaller our bubbles seem to have become. The levels of misogyny from men (and women and 'non-binaries') who see themselves as the outsiders, most vulnerable, most hated, most victimised, yet are the ones spouting the freshest form of vile beliefs and it takes me aback. They also refuse to listen. Our echo chamber walls seem to be built stronger than in medieval and more religious times.

Listen to your granny or granpa if you are lucky enough to have them and pick up a book!

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Pick up a book...a great pity more people don't. Well said!

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Maybe not right place but I’m shit on tinternet


Forgive me if it’s crap

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Oct 27, 2023
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Yes, indeed, Ewen. These parties are so incredibly stupid, it's unbelievable. Well, maybe not. Never seen so many rabbits caught in the headlights in my puff. I really do not believe that anything quite so dangerous has ever before been allowed such a free rein in this country and throughout the Anglosphere and Europe. Every chief constable in the UK needs to be delivered of an ultimatum: start applying the law to these men and stop persecuting women or you will be held personally liable by the government. That could be done tomorrow. Same with NHS Trusts, local authorities, et al: apply the law of the land as it stands or the CEOs and directors will be held personally responsible for breaching the law. They are too easily gulled into pushing Stonewall Law which is no law. A few sackings would concentrate minds. We saw, from the child killings recently, that NHS Trust management is out of control and far too big for its boots.

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One of the big issues is that the advisors to MPs and politicians are civil servants and are part of the captured institution so the information and recommendations can be governed by the ideology and paint an inaccurate picture i.e. that most employees do not agree with it and do not want it in the work place. There are too many useful idiots at senior levels with pronouns in their emails and statements of allyship - this has a profound effect on people working for them - it says get in line or at least appear to comply or keep silent lest you lose your job or your career is compromised. These senior people are always the filter that recommendations and advice to government are sent through. It effectively compromises the goverment's ability to act as the extent of the issue is concealed. The best thing they could do is stop all departments from paying to be part of Stonewall's insidious scheme and revisit and revise the D&I policies so that identities have no place at work. The civil service, and this includes the NHS - are supposed to be impartial and this is compromising the civil service and the advice it provides to ministers.

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