With all the gender-variables & accompanying flags, it reminds me of Pokémon...in this case:

Doltémon - gotta hatch'em all.

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I'm pretty sure it's been pointed out time and again that it isn't legal to collect and store such sensitive information. You can ask sex under gdpr and gender reassignment but you can't just ask a whole load of random garbage and then store the results. But given the dreadful advice organisations have been given for years by government departments on this issue, it's hardly surprising really. And are there pronouns for every single one?

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fucking hell, so true

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Two-spirited though! Haven’t seen that one before.

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These people are beyond parody.

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It’s hijacked from other cultures - Native American I think? Privileged white western (mostly hetero male with fetish) people will ransack the world for anything that supports their unique wonderfulness. 🤮

That list is truly laughable, so terrified of not being "inclusive" (how I hate that word) that it becomes just fecking drivel. I miss the old days when gender = sex ☹️

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I'm shocked. They are conflating Agender with Neither. They are not the same! One of them will be INVALIDATED or even - heaven forbid - ERASED. Someone needs to be re-educated.

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Dear God. There is no hope.

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Slightly off topic, but I saw someone tweet about The Family Stone, and thought that film really tells you a lot about what is wrong with American liberals/progressives now (I am deliberately not calling them the Left, because they don’t fit the European notion of the Left). The family it portrays are supposedly sophisticated, worldly, kind people, but are actually obnoxious and faux-bohemian. It’s this lack of authenticity that many people voting Republican correctly perceive.

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I wish they'd all prefer not to say and shut up. Is there a difference between I prefer to use my own term and other term. And what happened to Bear I saw a list which had Bear on it? Let us create our own terms. I'm Fruit Cake.

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