Never seemed more apt. So glad there’s people who don’t want to believe.

Do you believe in fairies

Clap your hands loud if you do

The louder you clap

The more people will join in

And soon your belief will seem true

I don’t believe in fairies

But lack courage to challenge those that do

So I’ll clap quietly to start

Pat the back of those that join in

And be forced to believe in them too

If we don’t want to believe in fairies

Watch the clap of hands of those that do

Show some of them care

Bravely challenge others that join in

Or soon that person believing will be you


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I’d believe in fairies before I’ll believe humans can change sex. 😀

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Me too!

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Which is why the last verse is the one that resonated most with me, although I fear I belong to the second 😪

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Too involved with Stonedeaf

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