Apr 5, 2023Liked by JL

Police are not upholding the law around male supremacist violence … whether the men are rapists, domestic abusers or trans activists, there is a visible bias now in the police and judicial response to male violence against womens rights

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The police are doing their job which is to uphold the wishes of the state.

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Those police officers are a disgrace.

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I realized long ago that cops -- I hate the phrase police officers -- are mostly a disgrace. They are brutal and cowardly, hiding behind their badges and weapons. I know there are decent ones, but all too often they enable the worst.

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I only hope that the violence is a death-rattle for this cult.

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I really think it is. Their behaviour is become increasingly outrageous because they know their position is untenable.

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You're right! Men pretending to be women acting like the most aggressive men you can find doesn't really convince anyone that they're really women or have any idea what women are like. It looks like the nonsense it actually is.

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It will end badly unfortunately Graham,the Gender woowist's seek confrontation & one day they'll bite off more than they can chew when all the Gender non comformist's turn up on mass..

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Yes, or an extinction burst.

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Even more crazed lunatics getting away with actual violence right in front of the police !! The time's fast approaching when people will be murdered in front of cops and THEY will side with the killers and blame the victims. That female cop looks like a sadistic psychopath ,because what kind of decent ,rational ,human being gets a thrill out of watching somebody being attacked by a violent mob.? She looked as if she was having the time of her life 🤮🤬👎 The world is heading rapidly towards Hell !! Thanks for the post ❤️👍👏

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Yes I thought same, she looks like a psychopath. She shouldn’t be policing, end of. Disgraceful behaviour by a public servant

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Watching and listening to her interaction with Chris Elston sent a chill throug me. Most dystopian thing I've ever seen. Lawsuits waiting to happen. Canada seems completely unhinged. I'm sorry for Canadians, truly I am.

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The grinning joker TRA was hugely chilling as well. Like a horror movie

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I was wondering if she was a Royal Canadian Mounted Police plant. The RCMP are notorious for bullying and ugly behavior, especially toward indigenous people and women.

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It's so tragic what the RCMP have become. A few decades ago they were the Mounties who rode in to save people in a bad situation.

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Gosh ,I didn't know that. That's shocking !!😱😱😱

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They're not exactly Dudley Do-right! From the things I've read, they seem more like the Scorpion Unit in Memphis, Tennessee, the men who murdered Tyre Nichols. An American couple who write about police brutality wrote a good piece about law enforcement males taking steroids (which are illegal), and their perspective was that the five Memphis cops went out that night looking for someone to kill. And it sounds like some of the time the RCMP functions similarly.

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OMG. That's terrible !! Humanity's either on a path to Hell ,or we're already there without realising it.💔😭

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I don't know if you've read my previous comments about reading One Nation Under Blackmail, but I spent some time thinking about what it must be like to spend all one's waking moments conniving, corrupting, greedy for more money and power. That's Hell! And what's truly disturbing at the present moment is that these same people want us all to join them in their Hell, but we can choose not to comply.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 6, 2023

The roots of transgenderism are in Queer Theory, building on the work of people like John Money and Kinsey. It’s been promoted by transhumanist billionaires who need a ready supply of healthy bodies on which to experiment and latched onto by blood sucking big pharma/ tech in order to make money. But the ideology suits authoritarian govts. which can then step into the ensuing chaos in order to bring in laws to compel speech, thought and behaviour. The police are simply the enforcement arm of the authoritarian state. It suits certain govts to allow gender ideology to thrive. It’s the perfect route to state control.

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Just finished up One Nation Under Blackmail, and the last chapter was about Epstein, Edge, and Tech. Epstein was enthralled by transhumanism and eugenics, but as Webb points out, digital surveillance / blackmail has made people such as Epstein and Maxwell liabilities who are no longer assets.

And you are so, so right about state control.

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What on earth is happening???? This seems to be getting worse, more mental, more insane. I watched all of this, it truly does seem to be like some sort of macabre zombie apocalypse ..... is it something in the crap chemicial food?

I'm sat here, supposed to working but instead, I'm glued to the incredulous scenes...horrified, baffled....angry, disgusted.......and the police... for goodness sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are they sedated or something?

I was at Glasgow which was well policed and very well supported and then watched the horrors of NZ unfold online

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Dennis said there would be the howls of the zealots before this ideology fell. Helen Joyce said things would get a lot worse before they got better. The more this insanity screeches and howls,the more people wake up.

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I think so too. They're showing people who they are.

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Well, see, that is the most irrefutable proof that the Black Pampers are not in any way antifascists, whatever they may present as.

I've taken to the streets against fascists and the likes a few times in my life and at each and every one of these protests, people identifiable to police as antifascists were systematically harassed by authorities as soon as they looked the wrong way, and arrested at the slightest pretense.

The only people at protests I have ever seen to commit acts of violence with impunity were the police and actual fascists.

Let that sink in.

Granted, the details are a bit different in North America, but the overall context is the same. It's evidence that police do not consider the Black Pampers antifascists, but rather reliable allies in a fight against any form of freedom, liberty and, most of all, solidarity.

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by JL

They aren't really anti-fa, more like alt-fa.

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Apr 5, 2023·edited Apr 5, 2023Liked by JL

Amazing how one group can manufacture such a sense of persecution - to the point that it feels justified in declaring "vengeance" - when it's literally the only group who can physically attack someone in front of the police and get away with it. It's no wonder that "celebrating" mental illness, porn addiction and dumb shit on internet forums (and pretending it's a civil rights issue), turned it into a magnet for disturbed people and dickheads who like a fight (and needs lots of attention).

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Perfectly put

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I would remind you that cops attack people in front of other cops and get away with it. One of the EMTs who was charged in the death of the man in Memphis said he tried to help the man, but the cops kept him away. Long history of such behavior in the U.S.

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Thank you for compiling this.

Solidarity to Billboard Chris.

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‘Trans’ day of vengeance was cancelled after “credible threat”. Oh, that’s good -- since THEY are the credible threat.

Where is the 'safety' for people pushing back against this top down mass psychosis? The 'inclusion'? The 'kindness'? Where are our trigger warnings and help lines? It's not easy being sane in an insane world. I don't know about the rest of you, but it's damn draining and difficult to witness institutionally enforced, and celebrated psychosis.

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does he have a non trans lawyer? seems Tranada has lost all moral compass

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What was their list of demands?

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deletedApr 6, 2023Liked by JL
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Oooh ooh my turn AND ALL YOUR STUFF!

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100% behind the visibility. The fastest way to peak someone is for them to actually see TIPs

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Kudos to Billboard Chris! Incredibly brave man!

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People will be peaked by this. Many of us have been peaked by trans over-reach.

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I agree. They're showing who they really are.

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I agree. They're showing who they really are.

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I agree. They're showing who they really are.

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Violent people have lost the ability to defend their beliefs with reason and grace. Fuck em.

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