I'm amazed The Guardian haven't purged it from their website.

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Mr Bellringer is a surgeon. Of course he wants to continue doing a type of surgery which he apparently has never found "inappropriate" for even a single one of his patients?? Of course they are under a general anaesthetic when he sees them.... He is now at the private Parkside Hospital in Wimbledon SW19. I find it hard to believe that none of his patients have ever felt regret. Most AGPs go through a "honeymoon" period, then realise that there is no going back, and the enormity of what they have done either keeps them cloistered with fellow sufferers (like my now dead, trans ex-H), or they spring back into the real world, like Walt Heyer in the US, sexchangeregret.com and Richard Hoskins in the UK - Daily Mail Jan 2020, and now 49,000 other "detransitioners" on Reddit worldwide). There is a third path which Dr Debbie Hayton and "Buckangel" have followed and which is brave: trying to explain gender dysphoria to the rest of the world. Despite facing up to their own actions these GD sufferers are still sufferers. Would it not have been better to try to find a therapy to address and assuage their anxiety? I do hope that Stella O'Malley and other GC psychotherapists find a way eventually so that others are not left on the horns of this terrible dilemma.

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And as Dr Hakeem points out, the AGP group lose their libido when castrated, so no longer experience the arousal of their paraphilia, leading to great distress.

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Thank you for your extremely interesting comment. Can you please tell me where you read his observation?

I would like to be able to refer to it, perhaps in a Court case.

This observation is, in a way, obvious! Cutting off the sensory, physical organ which conveys acute PLEASURE to the brain (in most men) is of course a self-defeating action for an autogynaephile! AGPs try to escape into a new world of sexual satisfaction which is simply illogical and impossible to achieve?!

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Hi Una, I heard about Dr Hakeem on the Glinner update of May 23rd, watched the attached video and was most impressed by Dr Hakeem. I then read his book: ‘Trans’ which is a compassionate highly detailed insight into his experience as an expert in this field. Chapter 4 is all about autogynaephilia.

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Yup. And that these lovely sounding 'hormones' they are giving to teen girls, that they 'will die' without, are (from what I understand) the same or similar to the way they chemically castrate sex offenders. That surely is enough of a clue as to how disastrous they may be. I want more in those fields to speak up about this.

More investigation and access to information on that aspect is surely what would not only peak, but change the laws in this area.

Gay men used to be forced to suffer degradations and state sanctioned abuses to stop their 'perverse' desires - and there are those in the medical professions encouraging this for teen girls and boys now. And being funded and promoted.

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Thank you very much.

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Interesting. I have just finished reading Dr Az Hakeem’s book, ‘Trans,’ and would thoroughly recommend it for those interested in this topic. I did not expect to learn lots of new information as I have already read a great deal about this, and am a retired GP who has worked in a large city centre where such individuals were prevalent. I have also been on the wrong side of a certain online doctor, as well as briefly working with one known to have greatly upset the Mumsnet community. However, this book certainly filled a few gaps for me.

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Here's another one by the same reporter, following the medical tribunal of one of the Webberley's predecessors. I saw something in a Malcolm Clark thread about this, with Helen Webberley talking about how the GMC had 'persecuted' this Russell Reid.

"Woman wanted sex change 'to become Christ'"


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That's a dozey! I often ask gender id extremists 'if we must affirm people for what they aren't what about those suffering from traditional delusions of being Christ/Einstein/God/etc?'

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A more extreme version of those people who used to file their teeth, cut their upper lip, and tattoo their faces to look like a feline. It all comes from some serious psychological problems which don't get solved by physical rearranging.

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It's all there, innit? The utter absence of supporting evidence, the substitution of anecdote and activism for that evidence, the cultic threats of mass suicide if they don't get what they want, evidence be damned.

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Don't like the "changing one's sex" language, but do appreciate the Guardian's commitment to journalistic integrity...in an earlier era.

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It's made their change of position all the sadder.

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So suicide rate is about a fifth whether you operate or not. Also the end comment says it's unethical to deny treatment to do a comparative study but then says a fifth of those who don't get treated commit suicide - how does he know that then? That doesn't make sense you'd think the journalist would have asked.

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Its struck me that the surgeon was using the suicide statistics again with no proof offered in a way that might be unethical

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Well, well well!! That was a turn up for the books eh? Now what was it that happened between 2004 and 2014 that now means the Guardian no longer would dream of commissioning a review on this subject? Ah yes! Guardian US happened of course. Lamentable.

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Googling around this issue today I came across this twitter account: https://twitter.com/mebisdead?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

I wondered whether this might be a phoenix like revival of "mebulous entity" - owned by the Manager of the Doctors Pub in Edinburgh, who famously threw out Marion Miller and friends - calling the police into to assist. ME's twitter feed gave 'her' niche sexual preferences in her strap line. 'She' particularly liked to chat about her moobs and girl dick (as we girls do apparently).

Similarities in name (the ME person was into archaeology, so this is referenced in the 'graves for rich people' handle. Pictures of Edinburgh. Similar facial features though has changed make up and hair style/colour. Same aggressive hysterical tone re. TERFS. You might like to keep an eye on this account Graham.

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Jesus, who follows that moronic trash?

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Yes think that's him. Doctors Bar is near Greyfriars Kirkyard - although I think that provided some inspiration to JKR so he'd probably shrivel up and die if he went there.

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The core of the trans issue, for most I would think, is not one of whether body dysphoria exists but rather the diagnosis and treatment.

Any test that has a low sensitivity and specificity will generate enormous numbers of false results. This a well known effect that was a major issue with lateral flow tests and covid that resulted in about half of the positive results being false.

To then take those false results and gaslight them into brutally ineffective and irreversible treatment is both unethical and immoral, regardless of whether the patient is commanding that they are sick and need to be made unwell. It is the modern day equivalent of surgical self exorcism. Similarly if we are potentially pushing one in five confused individuals of the younger generation into synthetic exogenous hormone treatment this is both an incipient medical and environmental disaster.

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That was in the days of trans meaning people who had undergone surgical sex-change. Even their condition has been hijacked by the testicle-tucking trans brigade.

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Owen Jones has been getting into hot water. He simply suggested detransitioners should be respected and some trans activists have had a go. Lovely to see him at the receiving end. Bits of it here https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=owen%20jones%20detransition&src=typed_query and SmileyHamster on GETTR has some clear material.

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I read the Guardian article on the Guardian site which led me to this 2007 article "Sex change doctor guilty of misconduct". Did the Guardian cover Michael Webberley's case like this?


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We complain constantly about self ID and intact males in women's spaces so I'd be happy for them all to have their bits lobbed off. They'll do much less damage without them.

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"I don't think that any research that denied transsexual patients treatment would get past an ethics committee. There's no other treatment that works. You either have an operation or suffer a miserable life. A fifth of those who don't get treatment commit suicide."

I would love a citation for that claim

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Jun 6, 2022
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This is an incredible analogy! Please may I use "a sad horse with paint on" for a drawing?

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