
just to say I originally put down the email address wrong. It's actually thewhistleblowermailbox@gmail.com

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Graham Linehan

My eldest is one of the lonely, isolated autistic girls that became consumed by GI, and facilitated by lockdowns/homeschooling. At 18, though still living at home but having dropped out of 6th form twice, I fear we may never get the child we once knew back. And I lay much of the blame down to being at a progressive private school where they push this stuff and a third of the kids ID as trans/NB - but also on myself and my husband for not pushing back or removing her.

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Really sorry to hear this, try not to blame yourself too much. It was all so new. Hope you get her back one day.

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I join with what TT says.


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This is insidious indoctrination and sometimes too embedded for the parent as they are usually last to know. I really hope you child will come back to you and I'm sad that this has been pushed on innocent children like your daughter

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& stressing these kids out with gender language enforcement. It’s sinister. It’s definitely not in the interests of the kids. Thanks for this well written piece.

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Totally agree. These kids have enough to cope without confusing them with gender ideology which would confuse anyone as it incoherent nonsense. Yet another example of gender woo being put above the need to safeguard children.

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What a fantastic idea. We need as many forms of attack as possible in order to defeat this vile ideology. I’m becoming more and more angry at the people who are either ignoring this issue because they don’t care or because they are too cowardly to speak out ….. and I include the MSM and celebrities in this. They have enabled gender ideology to take root and create a stranglehold in every institution and business, making it incredibly difficult to eradicate. No more excuses.

Thanks for a good article.

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Why is this being allowed to happen? Wtf is going on?! Why do people still choose to ignore the obvious! 🤬

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I've said this before (and will do so again): it's being allowed to happen - nay, promoted - because there is a great deal of money to be made from encouraging people, including and especially the young, towards dissociating from their own bodies, with a view to the ensuing sale of transition-related drugs and surgeries. Our bodies are the new market. The push to encourage body dissociation also may explain trends which have emerged parallel to transgenderism such as polyamory, "sex work is work", and the pushing of pornography and explicit material at the young.

Dissociation from one's body is also a bridge to transhumanism, arguably one of the most powerful belief systems of our age in terms of influence, if not numbers of avowed supporters. Using technology to amend one's body needs to be normalised, or at least made acceptable, in order to practically establish this belief system - and there'll be more money to be made in physique-'enhancing' gizmos, too.

I suggest reading Jennifer Bilek's journalism - she has followed the dollars on this.

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She’s great. Follow the money. Also by sterilising young people and experimenting with babies grown in pods, or womb transplants, they are taking reproduction out of the control of the plebs and putting it into the hands of a few wealthy, powerful individuals.

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

Enthusiastically agree with this, except for one thing... I'M in a "polyamorous" relationship myself. Of course, I'm no kid (ditto for the two guys who are in it with me-- we're all well over 30), but I know that, thanks to its association with/promotion by the woke agenda, this concept has been (understandably!) tainted for most people here. In fact, it is even for the three of us! We all feel uncomfortable using this term for our relationship (particularly when describing it to others, because we know they'll probably assume that we're on board with gender-woo and all similar pernicious nonsense)... but since it fits, we sort of have to.

I guess all that I can say, to distinguish Francois, Rich, and me from the more familiar brand of "poly" (ugh), is that we aren't in this relationship to add to our label collection. We're in it because we all love each other. Which is what any romantic relationship should really be about anyway.

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Many thanks for sharing your experience. I think that, just as there are a small number of people who authentically befit a transvestite or transexual identity because they are genuinely gender dysphoric, there are also those for whom polyamory works at the level of the heart, as it were, not merely as a a 'lifestyle'. I do still sense something that concerns me in the way these identities are seemingly being marketed - it feels to me like part of an effort to break down longstanding bonds and boundaries, with a view to making people further internalise the market in their thoughts and feelings (as Thatcher said of the mass sale of council homes: "economics is the method; the purpose is to change the soul").

All the best to you and your partners, anyway.

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Jan 3·edited Jan 4

Your gracious response is much appreciated :) I never know how anyone will react to my disclosing this, so I frequently opt to keep quiet about it. But this relationship is so important to me (and to them). In fact, I never would have survived what I went through the past year without their love and support. Francois often says that he sees us as his future; this is also how Rich and I see him, as well as each other.

You know, I hadn't thought of this trendy "identitarianism" as a matter of literal marketing, but now that you mention it... how much profit can be made off what a person ACTUALLY is? For example, being same-sex attracted? That doesn't require that you buy, or do, anything; to be homosexual or bisexual, you need only... exist. Because you're not trying to manipulate or control others' perceptions of you, or be something that you're not. But if you're a man pretending to be a woman (or vice-versa)? Oh, there's no END of junk that capitalism can sell you! And it'll never, EVER be enough! No wonder that the only "gay" people who seem to matter anymore are straight! There's no money in the ones who are, yanno, just plain ol' homosexual. Or anything else that's not an "identity", but simply a fact. And therefore has no need of purchasing stuff to prop it up.

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Yep ... we can also consider here something someone said recently (I can't recall who - maybe Jennifer Bilek?) about the fact that the affirmation model, while applied to 'gender', is not similarly applied to other body dysphorias, such as anorexia: why? Quite probably because, in the case of anorexia, there's no real money to be made as a consequence of affirmation. 'Gender', meanwhile, is a potential lifelong revenue stream.

I think the most unhinged of those pushing this ideology from the top down also have a view to an imaginary future lived in a virtual reality, wherein we adopt, and relate to each other on the basis of, digital 'identities' - some of which, or aspects of them, will doubtless be for sale. ('Virtual reality' is a classic modern deliberate misnomer, aimed to persuade us that the digital realm is what it is not - it isn't actually at all 'virtual', in that (a) it doesn't have many of the essential virtues of reality, (b) it comes nowhere near approaching what the experience of reality within nature actually is, in the sense of being 'virtually like' reality).

Meanwhile, I'm glad to hear that you had support during what you describe as a difficult past year. Here's to a better 2024.

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Thanks you so much for sharing this.

I wish I could help. My son had some educational difficulties at school in the 80s and 90s. Things were slightly better then although we didn’t appreciate that at the time. It took and still takes persistence from parents and support angels to achieve real help for children with difficulties.

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Excellent idea. There must be many people in the same position as the author of this article. So often when you hear a story about gender lunacy in a workplace (especially in the medical & healthcare field), someone (anonymously) says that all the staff understand that it's nonsense, but they're unable to speak up because of the consequences.

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Great new series, Graham and well done to the first whistleblower


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This is a brilliant idea 💡 👏 👌 thanks Graham

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What I don't understand about this testimonial is, why has gender ideology made inroads into areas where there are no trans people? It would seem that some person in a higher-up position is sympathetic to trans people and so wants to indoctrinate the special-needs students, even if none of them are trans. It is so stupid.

Transgender ideology is a kind of contagious sickness. I am convinced that it has spread so far precisely because trans people are so bizarre. It has taken a while for me to feel comfortable saying this, but being unable to live in your natural, normal body without having to change it in cosmetic ways to suit your ego is simply bizarre.

I remember having a long argument with someone via email who was obsessed with the "horror" of 3-year-old children feeling that they were born in the wrong bodies. During our argument he didn't mention knowing any trans people (and wasn't trans himself), and he certainly didn't know any 3-year-old trans children, yet he argued with a passionate intensity I had never heard before. Why are people being duped by these bad ideas?

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3 year old hardly know the difference between a boy and a girl so I'm always deeply suspicious someone is putting ideas in their heads.

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