Rather good, especially "Google Aimee Challenor"

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I’m confused about this photo - is the original real? Such barking mad stuff it is very hard to know

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The original is real, yes.

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If there’s a god please help us!


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I was thinking more of an asteroid strike to be honest!

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I want to know what I’ve done to have to live in a world where any person would think that photo is ok.

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I think it is posed to troll people like us...

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In my day the police would arrest them

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Tonight a drag queen on BBC News Southeast tonight said as much. He was doing a Drag Queen Story Hour tour aimed at 3-8-yr-olds and stated that THE reason he performs drag at young children in libraries is to get at people like those who were outside protesting the event. No attempt even to pretend he cared about children or about story-telling or books, he clearly couldn't care less whether aiming drag at children was in their interests or not. It was all about him, and giving two fingers to detractors.

Also the BBC coverage was bizarre, and presumed viewers would all be on side with DQ Story Hours.

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It's coming, Moley, it's called climate catastrophe. I've just found out that the climate organizations don't function rationally, they agree upon a consensus, and of course they want to downplay the horrors that are around the corner. (Interferes with predatory capitalism, you know.) We used to joke about ending up as beachfront property -- 15 miles from the coast and elevated -- and apparently it's not as big a joke as we thought it was!

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Found the original with Google lens.

(Bollox Easter Sunday Riot 2022)

This is so revolting !

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What a deeply unattractive, ghoulish fucking freak show this lot are. Do whatever you do privately, and get on with it. Not everything needs to be shared and not everything gets approval.

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Oh Moley - did you have to wash your eyes out after this one? That's way too much "stunning and brave" in one picture!

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I did. Plus I had both feet in a disinfectant bath whilst working on this...

And then several jabs from the doctors...

And then a bath... or several!

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:D :D :D Thanks for taking one for team GC!

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You all OWE ME!!


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We absolutely do! Anyone who makes us laugh is SOOOOO PRECIOUS!

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Ugh that's the Deaf Institute in Manchester. The city is full of twats these days, it's becoming unrecognisable.

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Oh God! Is this the UK? I assumed it was the US!!

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Yes it's the UK! Manchester is a big student town and this BS seems to be on the rise. So much for the tough gritty city of old, it's a haven for middle class twats these days!

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I do remember the gritty city - that bunch openly displaying their fetishes would've been rightfully treated as perverts back then.

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Look for EDI Jester's videos on Manchester Pride - bit of an eye opener!


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I looked him up - he's great!

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Totally. Bring back boundaries!

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Excellent! This could be a poster for the 1932 film "Freaks", only more scary.

The woodwork squeaks...

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I can't imagine why some of our most irreverent filmmakers haven't already made a satire about these freaks.

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I know there's so much wrong with this photograph but I can't even look at the lardy bloke at the front 🤮 .

Moley, you went above and beyond the call of duty here

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I think I did, actually!


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Great Parody. Well done.👍👏❤️

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Ahh! The flower of UK youth. Our future is in safe hands. So proud

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I laughed almost as hard as this as at Moley's work!

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Me too!!

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the fat bloke at the front reminds me of Jabba the Hut but less attractive - if this is todays 'yoof' then we are fucked

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Poor Jabba

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What I don’t understand is who on earth would want to have sex with any of this lot? ( especially the naked fat bearded one) is that what this is really about: envy and jealousy?

Apologies if this is ugly-ist but most of this lot don’t look as if they even have a passing acquaintance with a shower, let alone what my Gran would have described as a nice personality.

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That’s their problem , no one wants to shag them and it’s all our fault !

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Anyone else notice the AGP feeling himself up on the far left? So very apt. Eugh.

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He was highlighted on Spinster! So charming ...

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Something about these trans activists has always bothered me - a strange kind of DIShonesty. And the entirely typical picture above really sums up the problem.

The old gay movements featured men who tried to look like women and some came close to eerily succeeding. There were even some who had a sexual allure that seemed to transcend specifics or consist of a strange mixture of sexes.

The trans movement is nothing like this. Here we have men who have no intention whatsoever of looking like women but simply strap on female clothes e.g. bikinis. The result is frankly hideous and I think this is intentional. There is nothing erotic about these displays. If anything they recall the brazen subversions of e.g. Frank Zappa and his Mothers - but in that case it was MEANT to be subversive. Zappa and co. were on the attack as part of a mockery of hypocritical American puritan morality.

By contrast, the trans movement pretend to be a continuing community who "need love" and "respect" and who therefore adopt a maudlin self-pitying tone that is in no way meant as sarcasm. They are by far the most aggressive media assault on the very concept of public solidarity and rational order. They come across as a kind of permitted and encouraged mental illness.

And, once again, there is nothing remotely erotic about them. The very notion of them having sex seems unthinkable.

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What a fascinating and well-thought out comment. Thank you.

Some very interesting food for thought there....

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Thanks mole. I appreciate that.

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Eww even the new signs don’t make it any more palatable

Please don’t make me see it again

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Seems to mostly be about fetishes.

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Are the people in the photo meant to be that ugly? Do the original signs read "Hideous old perverts need love too"?

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