When society accepts the Big Lie that a man can become a woman -- all manner of destruction can, does, and will follow. When such a natural biological boundary is smashed-- the floodgates of abuse open wide. We are witnessing the resulting transgressions -- and still most people are ditheringly oblivious. What will it take?

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 8, 2022

Once again a man dresses up like a caricature of a woman because that’s all it takes to be one of us it seems! I was at the Edinburgh rally yesterday and at the same time a committee in Holyrood voted, by a majority of five to two, to recommend the move to statutory self-declaration before the registrar general for legal gender recognition to the Parliament, thus removing the need for a psychiatric diagnosis of gender dysphoria. The two who voted against were Tories, those for were SNP, Greens and Labour. Remember that next time you vote.

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Great rally and incident free as far as I know. Nicola Sturgeon has no credibility left in Scotland where she continues to blunder ahead with this policy despite the alarms sounding across the UK. Full credit to great speakers at Holyrood.

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How much awareness is there among people in Scotland though? I still get the impression most of the general population in England are fairly oblivious.

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That is the problem Sara. Those who are aware are enraged. Those who really care feel they have to act but many still think it’s about the harmless guy down the road who likes to wear dresses and know nothing about the wider implications. Talking to women at the rally I got some insight into actions which are being taken. Parents intervening in policies in schools, large numbers of those I spoke with resigning from both SNP and Labour. People involved in politics unable to stomach the trickery in pushing this ideology through. There is a lot going on which gets no coverage but of course it’s not enough. If the MSM gave it full honest coverage the whole trans shit would crumble to dust in a week

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There is more awareness with people who read The Spectator and the Scottish Mail. People who I would expect to have no knowledge are well up on the issues. The only problem is that most are no longer politically active and are not prepared to go back to being so. The rest haven't thought it all through. The First Minister and her henchmen are a disgrace, but unfortunately the cybernats want independence at any cost and are happy to throw women under the bus. Wait til the worst happens to their wives, girlfriends and daughters...

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I read the Guardian, Times and Spectator. If I only read the Guardian I would know nothing about all this. That is a frightening thing to admit about a national newspaper once renowned for investigative journalism.

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

That's so true! I'd only read the Guardian for years, and literally had NO IDEA about any of this stuff until about a year ago, because they don't report on it.

A very chance happening got me on to it. I was clearing my parents' house (sadly), they'd had a copy of the first "Robert Galbraith/Cormoran Strike" novel, I read it (because I liked the TV series), then I read the sequel ("The Silkworm"). It had a trans character who was portrayed in a respectful way, and I thought - what did JKR actually *say* that was so bad? Because I thought to myself - this book isn't written by a bigot.

So this led me on to reading her essay. And OMG - the veil was lifted from my eyes.

But if it hadn't been for that, I think I still would be ignorant now.

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That is such a sweet yet bittersweet story Sara. What a gift your parents left you. There's sometimes mention of what made people realise or 'peak' here and it fascinates me; it's the nitty gritty of life.

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Sturgeon know that 60% + and probably more of Scottish people do not support this policy, but the evil woman went ahead anyway.

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“Her laptop”… 🙄🤬 Every time I read that gaslighting nonsense, the female pronouns, ‘assigned’ (double 🙄🙄) to a plain-as-day MAN, I am fuming! Graham, I have to say, the crazed look on that man’s face in the picture, didn’t half put me in mind of the picture you posted, with full make-up and head-tilt, on the HER app!! I mean, it would be funny, if it weren’t so deadly f*%$ing grave… Spot on, though, as usual. They tell us who they are.

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They don't want to look like real women because they don't like real women; they don't even respect them enough to stay out of their toilets, let alone like them. They want to look like porn stars (or fetishised versions of them) because going into women's toilets is an extension of their porn consumption. We know this because they film themselves masturbating in women's toilets. Self ID will be a disaster.

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I only recently came to realise how these men dislike women. Their actions speak volumes, they are utterly hateful towards women. They like to pick on vulnerable women like that horrible Canadian trans who persecuted and sued the ethnic minority women at salons because they refused to wax his male bits when he claimed he was a woman. They invade female spaces then parade bullying forms of masculine dominance parading naked in changing rooms, intimidating women. Raping women in hospitals and prisons.

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They want to make women and girls feel uncomfortable, threatened by a man. Being present in women’s toilets increases that vulnerability, and that’s where they get their kicks.

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It's ok folks, Nicola Sturgeon says these changes have no affect on womens rights - panic over - she's a politician so couldn't possibly lie!

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Ugly woman face. So tiring when will these men find some decency and stop this insulting charade


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Bloody terrifying.

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On the radio this morning Nicola was declaring that the problem was abusive men rather than transwomen and that they would be punished if they committed crimes. She omitted to say that even if that were the case they would be sent to womens prisons so they could then commit more crimes!

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Nicola is almost there. Yes it is the male that's the issue and not the trans but how do we know who is a nice gentle tw and who is a predatory man in a frock and bad wig? Answer: we can't know. So we need to keep them all away from us when we're vulnerable. But NS will never, ever allow herself to make that leap.

And punished - my arse. Any crimes will be glossed over, denied. Like that man on the women's hospital ward who raped a woman. 'Only women here, nobody could have been raped'

Sturgeon is a national disgrace.

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They've gone off the deep end, I guess it's one of the red lines with the Greens. Trying to find out if Cameron Downing is still in place a week later, because this is their current standard for acceptable.


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Is that from 2020 or 2022?

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Appointment is 2022, just two weeks ago. His comment is from 2020.

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Thanks. Gosh, they really don't give a flying feck do they? It's almost as if by expressing these views is the most important way to get promoted in the SNP. There is no way they didn't know his history. It's clear, it's because of his history.

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I get the impression Nicola hasn't done even the briefest of google searches on this stuff

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She’s a fucking arse

Where’s her ‘husband ‘ nowadays ceo of the snp !!

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He’s probably in charge of opening the big heavy door to all the self-ID psychos!!

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Let’s forget the skirts, the Lycra and the lippy.

Marilyn, 43, receding hairline, chest hair, full beard and beer belly, can claim ‘she’s a woman’, regardless of lipstick or even an earring.

That’s how dangerous to women, girls, young boys and yes, even to some men, this farce has become.

On a lighter note, Graham did make one hot babe, let’s be honest 😂

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So. A while back your bog standard abusers and petty criminals right the way through to paedophiles, rapists and murderers realised this was a good disguise and trans queer theory matched their 'life view' very well and meant they got to access women's spaces, children, judges feel all sorry for them due to their 'most vulnerable' inflated status so they get reduced sentences and are housed in the female estate. How many are wise to that and how long will it take for them to drop this 'identity' as it's no longer serving them so well? I guess the genderfluid non-binary asexuals have that identitarian excuse covered.

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It had to be Adelaide of course, having grown up there I'm not surprised in the least :(

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Ew. I moved to Scotland to get away from Australia, please don't be a bunch of drop kicks.

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Pretty similar here although I went to London, Adelaide was far too much like Twin Peaks for my taste.....

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I have heard Things about Adelaide. It was more Romper Stomper in my part of Melbourne.

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Not much 'her' involved there imo! 😳

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We know that priests went through years of training to get access to vulnerable children. This is a pedofiles charter... one gas bill change 12 weeks and bob's your auntie.....

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Why do these freaks always look like something out of a horror show? They never look like women.

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Yep this is what we have to accept with our ‘feminist to her fingertips ‘ fuhrer

Not pretty up here folks , not pretty at all

I’m sorry if I offended folks last night I was in a very bad mood and was ranting ,apologies

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"her" ??? Will these crimes be recorded as committed by a woman?

When will the "nice" ones admit they are part of the same group?

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)

BTW, my tree guy is really stoked to get a copy--the photos in the woods won him over.

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