They’re likening “terfs” to the slave-owner statue that was toppled into the sea during the BLM protests. This comparison is misogynist in application and also racist via minimising actual disgusting racism by comparing slavery to a trans “struggle”.
These desperate misogynists (including bored young men who'll take any opportunity to scream abuse, whatever it's linked to) and the currently compliant women they've pressurised and co-opted, have no coherent propositions to offer. They have nothing, but realise simply screaming how much they hate women and want them dead, etc., is going to make their agenda unworkably transparent. Their only alternative is to appropriate and modify another agendas. They don't give a shit what that implies or how unbefitting it is.
When I was telling the senior officer that making women leave the relative safety of the pub in “1s and 2s” was going to be dangerous - he told us that they’d “already devoted enough time to this today”. Like it was our fault.
Bloody hell. That will stay with me - it's the same attitude too many of them still have to any report from women - rape, domestic abuse, sexual assault, coercion, street harassment, stalking, murder - they've 'already devoted enough time to this today'. Did you get their collar number?
Some of them, and some teams do actually take us seriously. They commit to keeping their residents safe day after day. But then this reliably pernicious attitude raises its head. They are there to serve us - we are actually people. But we're just nagging, whining moaners to too many of them. I knew a police call handler who used to moan about reports about vulnerable children and how that was 'wasting police time'. I was dumbfounded and that she was under the impression I might agree with her. Something is getting very lost here.
Can we have a list of what the AS police view as 'wasting their time' and 'worth their time'?
* Avon & Somerset's Force Intelligence Unit or equivalent is patently not-up-to-snuff, and any output from it should be considered unreliable. For instance it did not alert senior officers that the event would likely attract a number of far-right-inspired incel males and their female collaborators - something that should have been obvious after the nationally-publicised event in Manchester.
* The report from the officers involved to their senior managers were not accurate, and they should be prompted, in light of the video evidence, to try again.
* The officers sent to the event appear to have been insufficiently-trained to cope with it, and should therefore receive further personal guidance, training and reappraisal.
* Avon & Somerset should withdraw their statement as it is now fatally compromised. An interim 'holding' statement would be sufficient, indicating that the response is being reassessed.
* There may be value in Avon & Somerset requesting the assistance of another nearby Police Force (probably best not Gwent, or Wiltshire) to police similar events in-the-future until its senior staff have confidence that its own officers are capable of performing their duties to at least a minimum standard.
* That a serious incident did not take place at the event was due to the highly-professional stewarding provided by SFW rather than the presence of officers from Avon & Somerset.
It may be that the real fault lies above the level of the basic police men and women on the ground, Big Jim. The guys on the ground who are turning a blind eye (or worse, encouraging the thugs) are getting their direction from Sergeants and above. If the message from police authority figures is that the women are the real bad actors and ‘Transphobes’ etc then the cops on the ground will reflect that in their actions (or lack of action). I find it hard to believe that ordinary coppers would be more sympathetic to anarchists and thugs than to peaceful women protesters . Then again many may be more misogynist than I allow for. Either way the cops performance is really bad and has breached the right of peaceful, lawful protesters to make their point in a safe and secure manner.
It emphasises what John Caramel has written; that public protests absolutely need comprehensive video coverage. In this case, split across the incels, the police response to the incels and coverage of the SFW protest, so that all three perspectives can be stitched together. That would no doubt assist senior police officers in being able to identify those officers who seem uncomfortable with their duties. For instance after 10:00mins into the video, the masked protester should be receiving a warning from the officer standing next to him that if he doesn't calm down, he will be arrested, either for a public order offence or Breach of the Peace. At 10:30mins and onwards the officer should have made his arrest and been replaced in the line. That he didn't indicates a lack of training and instruction. Indeed, many of the officers looked distinctly uncomfortable in their positions, opposed to the somewhat diminutive female stewards who were able to act in a thoroughly professional and assured manner.
A general rule in crowd control policing worldwide is that if the officers have to resort to pushing and shoving protesters back, then an arrest will be made. The accepted method is to grab the protester by the lapels as he pushes forward, and let his momentum carry him through the line whilst the officer turns slightly. He would then be immediately replaced whilst completing the arrest, beyond the reach and interference of fellow protesters.
Conceivably, Avon & Somerset Police only sent probationers to police the protest, and consequently those officers were ill-equipped with sufficient knowledge or confidence to police it.
Hopefully Bristol and Somerset Police will stop trying to emulate the failings of the United States Capitol Police department in-the-future and will be able to provide a robust policing of events where women are being threatened by incels-posing-as-TRA's or TRA's-posing-as-incels.
Thanks for sharing this info with us. I wouldn't have learned of the video otherwise.
It is scary to see.
A few dozen misled and highly agitated teenagers and a few older guys going after a handful of women and a few supporters and feeling like heroes.
Police accomodating them almost to the point of cowtowing, interfering only when not doing so would have ended in someone from Standing Up For Women getting hurt.
In other words: Bristol antifa having turned into neoliberal goons on steroids and Bristol police being OK with it.
It's hard not to agree with you. Lex Fridman and Douglas Murray were talking about this. How some seem to pride themselves on almost 'Nazi spotting' (like dog whistling) and it reminds me of similar to 'Reds under the beds'. How everything is claimed as so fascist you can't tell any longer. We have actual blackshirts in the streets of the UK.
I did study the rise of Hitler (for more than a term). What was so galling was how slow, obvious, creeping and organised it was. Planned. A tweak here, a passing of a bill or change in policy there. Skew supposed democratic ways and means enough. Use all arms of the State. Rely on too many looking the other way or busy. Gently massaging underlying resentments and fears and bringing those to the fore under the guise of 'rights' and 'fairness'. From seemingly reasonable measures to 'protect decent Germans' to mass extermination. Flipping the meanings of words to ensure it remains hidden, invisible and 'acceptable'.
How is this trans rights activism different?
I have a bit of a thing about those that stand by, witness and do nothing, and look away. Who delay responses. Who are 'too busy'. That it was our nice men in uniform laughing away is hard to bear. And they keep doing it.
It started when those few MET coppers took the knee in front of a bawling mob in London - leaving at least one Black police colleague staring at them in shock. They got away with that, as did the woman police trainee (or something) who joined in with sone anti-Israel scrotes who she was supposedly ‘policing’. When police are allowed openly side with protesters (including those supporting the anti-capitalist, anti-police BLM, some of whose American founders are accused of misappropriating millions of dollars of donated money from corporations) then all bets are off.
Maybe feminists would be better off dressing as nice football supporters (pick a suitable harmless team) then the police would keep them separate and safe from the hooligans in black etc. In police eyes women per se are clearly considered worse than the black-clad thugs and hooligans.
Alternatively maybe bring a few little children in buggies etc - the little ones could tell the police where their duty lies. “Out of the mouths of babes…” and all that. The poor UK police are increasingly becoming infantilised, cowardly and thick
I considered going to this event with my child but I honestly wouldn’t trust these scumbags not to attack and abuse women with children. I suspect they’d enjoy it actually.
Interesting point. I do some infrastructure work. We'd been discussing this one route and interchange for a while and maintaining lifts at rail stations. It was breaking the law a fair bit re provision for years and with constant failings. Suddenly it all happened very quickly and all work and investment seemed to get the go ahead. All parties public and private working together.
Football. It's an issue when you can't manage or disperse crowds safely but it always takes me back when the sporting bodies, clubs and the football circus clicks its fingers things that 'couldn't be done' and 'had no business case or budget' happen yesterday. Holding local authorities, whole cities and regions and the rest of the population to ransom. And how the policing budgets work. Do what we say or we'll threaten violence.
This is great, thank you. We know that the majority of the masked-up aggressors are not trans but bored anarchists out for the day. One was even identified last time. We've come to an odd point in history when the police are protecting the 'acab' bunch against the 'threat' from a few unmasked women.
Often these ‘anarchists’ are middle-class university students or trust fund-funded ‘drop outs’ and violent fantasists who have decided to pick on women rather than homeless people or drunks passed out on the street.
Mumsey will eventually get them a job as a researcher in the BBC or a writer for the Guardian.
Thank you Alan, Alf and all those who were there who are reporting this and their first-hand accounts. The idea that the Bristol police didn't realise this might happen or got caught out is not plausible. It's their job. What are the IOPC saying about this or similar policing 'methods'? I know there's a problem with recruitment, but is this partly another College of Policing failing?
It’s the police’s senior management and supervisors that are to blame. Most ordinary coppers would relish giving shits like those black hoody wearing turds a good whacking (out of sight of Channel 4’s cameras etc of course).
I'm genuinely not so sure. Yes, they are being giving the silent or overt nod to behave like this on the day by management, and exposed to dodgy 'training' but how the hell do they sleep at night? There are some utterly foul things festering under the surface that have come to light because some really not very bright people have happily discussed their thoughts on WhatsApp. Who've taken photos and selfies at crime scenes of murdered women. Why? Havin a laugh huh? Why would someone take a job protecting the public and upholding laws with that kind of attitude? With such disregard for other people not like them, and to look like they fit in as what, 'one of the boys'? Power trip? No other options? Friends in the force who think similarly? Only coming up short when they get found out?
There was a very interesting letter in the London Times recently from the (unnamed) wife of a policeman in London who said that there was far less supervision of ordinary coppers than in the past because of cut-backs and the reduction in neighbourhood foot and vehicle patrols as local police stations were being closed (she said under BOTH Mayor Khan and Mayor Boris) to generate surplus cash for other things (email monitoring and hate speech investigations and gold-plated pensions for the top brass perhaps?). She said the resultant lack of training and experience gained ‘on the job’ by new recruits was causing huge upset to the older guys like her husband. I know there was a similar problem in Ireland some years ago in places like Donegal etc where senior cops took little interest in monitoring what was going on as their main focus was getting promotion in Dublin. It lead to rogue policemen running their own little empires.
The case of the policeman (a newish recruit) photographing the two poor dead women in London illustrated that unsuitable people are getting in and not being ‘found out’ on the job by more experienced Sergeants etc. It should also be remembered that their killer had been previously reported in the area and not questioned.
This is exactly the aspect of the TRA I find so hard - it directly takes resources from others. The substitution of real training and mentoring for 'EDI training'. And you get your promotion by pushing the 'equality' sticker book prizes. Resources aren't infinite. That's time, attention, money, and it's like when you have to tell a small child that no, they can't have their own way, they don't come first and other people aren't getting their needs met in order to indulge their whims. So stop it. Defund policers are an odd bunch. We have lost entire organisational structures in a few whizzy new 'restructures' that seems to mean we're delivering less and less, promising more and more.
I once sat in a room listening to one of Boris's advisers when he was Mayor. It was empty waffle and it worried me how it genuinely was all bubble and no substance. A few of us were looking around the room in stunned shock. He was very well paid but I noted nothing down and couldn't tell you what his presentation was on. I thought I was being hypnotised. Something about 'improving' and 'being the best' and 'world class'. The professional audience politely clapped a bit halfheartedly at the end, there were no questions (as there was no content) and we got out of there sharpish. That man was on hundreds of thousands a year to string together smooth soundbites and I haven't seen his name since - probably has his own consultancy*
I learn a lot being on this substack but I often feel like submitting an expenses claim for their wasting of our time.
*Just checked, he's advising one of the global outsourcing specialists with their fingers in every pie. Of course.
I just found out about a book titled, “The Culture of Narcissism” which was published in 1979 and ordered a copy. I’m in the U.S.A., but I’m pretty sure multiple nation states are experiencing a crisis of narcissism, at the individual and group levels. Everything you described about that lackey is consistent with it. Ivanka Trump wrote a book about her philosophy of “fake it until you make it,” and when shallow, falsely qualified people consistently fail upward, I think it’s fair to make the suggestion. Also, recently a YouTube channel called The Film Archives posted an interview with an author that was broadcast on cable channel C-SPAN (covers congressional activity) in 1997, and she was describing odd activities in the universities in the U.S.A. The way the Ivy League’s stock portfolios had swollen from stock trading, etc. had (in the author’s opinion) really changed the culture of academia. It certainly supported my conclusions about the lack of evidence-based medicine we have now, as the unholy relationships of money and influence between special interests and institutions of “higher” learning have done their damage. Narcissists don’t like the truth, so I suggest that insisting upon it is a good start to defeating narcissistic harms on every level. I’m glad for Glinner’s newsletters and readership!
I noticed a similar trend in my civil service days. Often people who get to the top of organisations now are experts at waffle, management jargon and theory (essentially the same crap over the last 50 years but the key words get changed every ten years) and doing interviews but couldn’t manage a chipper or a corner shop.
Over 20 years ago BBC Panorama or similar featured a report on a number of established, profitable firms in the UK and US destroyed by management consultants (often only recently graduated with MBAs etc) who ‘re-engineered’ the companies without any real knowledge of their products, skill sets and customers.
Just looked up Bristol council elections held in May 2021. Results: Greens - 24 seats; Labour - 24 seats; Conservatives - 14; Lib Dem toddlers - 6.
So with the feckin’ Green Party nutters and the Labour ‘what’s a woman’ Party running things it’s no wonder the cops behave as they do.
The Greens are a menace everywhere - look at Brighton, where elderly and disabled folk are breaking limbs tripping over huge weeds (aka wild flowers that the Council won’t cut) growing out of footpaths.
It's really interesting looking at the myriad ways this ideology captures certain places and locations (and how). Hand in hand with whatever 'green' pretends it is. They seem to take some parts of fairly rational concepts and spin them so far they're extreme, while still screaming their claims of fairness. Bristol and Brighton are classic examples. They got into power on the back of a liberal rights agenda and then this blooms like algae. The way the history of the Bristol slave trade is now used to defend this shit is revolting.
Looking at referrals for children in care 'identifying as trans' mapped it's hit some areas of deprivation hard and also seems to go hand in hand. Funny that.
The TRAs are losing the battle and getting more and more desperate. This shows them for the bullies they are. It also shows the police in a very poor light. I know it must be tricky but they basically allowed bullying, harassment and hate crimes aplenty without the slightest inclination to deal with them. I hope they do better at the next rally.
Shocking. Well done for collating the evidence and challenging the pathetic and one-sided "policing". It has to stop!
And what on earth is "get in the sea!"? Who says that??
They’re likening “terfs” to the slave-owner statue that was toppled into the sea during the BLM protests. This comparison is misogynist in application and also racist via minimising actual disgusting racism by comparing slavery to a trans “struggle”.
These desperate misogynists (including bored young men who'll take any opportunity to scream abuse, whatever it's linked to) and the currently compliant women they've pressurised and co-opted, have no coherent propositions to offer. They have nothing, but realise simply screaming how much they hate women and want them dead, etc., is going to make their agenda unworkably transparent. Their only alternative is to appropriate and modify another agendas. They don't give a shit what that implies or how unbefitting it is.
Oh I see! Thanks. Agree with your comments.
I know someone who committed suicide by walking into the sea. Tragic and should not be made light of.
Weird people chant “Get in the sea” in an odd and disturbing tone. Really weird people.
When I was telling the senior officer that making women leave the relative safety of the pub in “1s and 2s” was going to be dangerous - he told us that they’d “already devoted enough time to this today”. Like it was our fault.
Bloody hell. That will stay with me - it's the same attitude too many of them still have to any report from women - rape, domestic abuse, sexual assault, coercion, street harassment, stalking, murder - they've 'already devoted enough time to this today'. Did you get their collar number?
Some of them, and some teams do actually take us seriously. They commit to keeping their residents safe day after day. But then this reliably pernicious attitude raises its head. They are there to serve us - we are actually people. But we're just nagging, whining moaners to too many of them. I knew a police call handler who used to moan about reports about vulnerable children and how that was 'wasting police time'. I was dumbfounded and that she was under the impression I might agree with her. Something is getting very lost here.
Can we have a list of what the AS police view as 'wasting their time' and 'worth their time'?
Great piece of work Alan.
What the failures on-the-day indicate are;
* Avon & Somerset's Force Intelligence Unit or equivalent is patently not-up-to-snuff, and any output from it should be considered unreliable. For instance it did not alert senior officers that the event would likely attract a number of far-right-inspired incel males and their female collaborators - something that should have been obvious after the nationally-publicised event in Manchester.
* The report from the officers involved to their senior managers were not accurate, and they should be prompted, in light of the video evidence, to try again.
* The officers sent to the event appear to have been insufficiently-trained to cope with it, and should therefore receive further personal guidance, training and reappraisal.
* Avon & Somerset should withdraw their statement as it is now fatally compromised. An interim 'holding' statement would be sufficient, indicating that the response is being reassessed.
* There may be value in Avon & Somerset requesting the assistance of another nearby Police Force (probably best not Gwent, or Wiltshire) to police similar events in-the-future until its senior staff have confidence that its own officers are capable of performing their duties to at least a minimum standard.
* That a serious incident did not take place at the event was due to the highly-professional stewarding provided by SFW rather than the presence of officers from Avon & Somerset.
It may be that the real fault lies above the level of the basic police men and women on the ground, Big Jim. The guys on the ground who are turning a blind eye (or worse, encouraging the thugs) are getting their direction from Sergeants and above. If the message from police authority figures is that the women are the real bad actors and ‘Transphobes’ etc then the cops on the ground will reflect that in their actions (or lack of action). I find it hard to believe that ordinary coppers would be more sympathetic to anarchists and thugs than to peaceful women protesters . Then again many may be more misogynist than I allow for. Either way the cops performance is really bad and has breached the right of peaceful, lawful protesters to make their point in a safe and secure manner.
It emphasises what John Caramel has written; that public protests absolutely need comprehensive video coverage. In this case, split across the incels, the police response to the incels and coverage of the SFW protest, so that all three perspectives can be stitched together. That would no doubt assist senior police officers in being able to identify those officers who seem uncomfortable with their duties. For instance after 10:00mins into the video, the masked protester should be receiving a warning from the officer standing next to him that if he doesn't calm down, he will be arrested, either for a public order offence or Breach of the Peace. At 10:30mins and onwards the officer should have made his arrest and been replaced in the line. That he didn't indicates a lack of training and instruction. Indeed, many of the officers looked distinctly uncomfortable in their positions, opposed to the somewhat diminutive female stewards who were able to act in a thoroughly professional and assured manner.
A general rule in crowd control policing worldwide is that if the officers have to resort to pushing and shoving protesters back, then an arrest will be made. The accepted method is to grab the protester by the lapels as he pushes forward, and let his momentum carry him through the line whilst the officer turns slightly. He would then be immediately replaced whilst completing the arrest, beyond the reach and interference of fellow protesters.
Conceivably, Avon & Somerset Police only sent probationers to police the protest, and consequently those officers were ill-equipped with sufficient knowledge or confidence to police it.
Hopefully Bristol and Somerset Police will stop trying to emulate the failings of the United States Capitol Police department in-the-future and will be able to provide a robust policing of events where women are being threatened by incels-posing-as-TRA's or TRA's-posing-as-incels.
Thanks, Alan. 👍👍👍
Thanks for sharing this info with us. I wouldn't have learned of the video otherwise.
It is scary to see.
A few dozen misled and highly agitated teenagers and a few older guys going after a handful of women and a few supporters and feeling like heroes.
Police accomodating them almost to the point of cowtowing, interfering only when not doing so would have ended in someone from Standing Up For Women getting hurt.
In other words: Bristol antifa having turned into neoliberal goons on steroids and Bristol police being OK with it.
Superb video. Thanks Alf x
An excellent post, letter, and video. Very accurate too - I was there.
I've seen footage from 1930s Germany, of actual Nazis harrassing Jews in the street.
Same thing.
Thank you, Alf and Alan.
It's hard not to agree with you. Lex Fridman and Douglas Murray were talking about this. How some seem to pride themselves on almost 'Nazi spotting' (like dog whistling) and it reminds me of similar to 'Reds under the beds'. How everything is claimed as so fascist you can't tell any longer. We have actual blackshirts in the streets of the UK.
I did study the rise of Hitler (for more than a term). What was so galling was how slow, obvious, creeping and organised it was. Planned. A tweak here, a passing of a bill or change in policy there. Skew supposed democratic ways and means enough. Use all arms of the State. Rely on too many looking the other way or busy. Gently massaging underlying resentments and fears and bringing those to the fore under the guise of 'rights' and 'fairness'. From seemingly reasonable measures to 'protect decent Germans' to mass extermination. Flipping the meanings of words to ensure it remains hidden, invisible and 'acceptable'.
How is this trans rights activism different?
I have a bit of a thing about those that stand by, witness and do nothing, and look away. Who delay responses. Who are 'too busy'. That it was our nice men in uniform laughing away is hard to bear. And they keep doing it.
It started when those few MET coppers took the knee in front of a bawling mob in London - leaving at least one Black police colleague staring at them in shock. They got away with that, as did the woman police trainee (or something) who joined in with sone anti-Israel scrotes who she was supposedly ‘policing’. When police are allowed openly side with protesters (including those supporting the anti-capitalist, anti-police BLM, some of whose American founders are accused of misappropriating millions of dollars of donated money from corporations) then all bets are off.
Disgraceful. What a well put together video
These sorts of things could really do with a few people with 360 cameras dotted around to pick up more of the atrocious behaviour than mobiles can.
Here's how one was used at BLM. You can use your mouse to drag the screen and look around in youtube:
Anything dodgy picked up can be picked out, zoomed in and shared as a normal (non 360) video.
Not hugely expensive. £300 second hand.
That's a great idea, John!
Maybe feminists would be better off dressing as nice football supporters (pick a suitable harmless team) then the police would keep them separate and safe from the hooligans in black etc. In police eyes women per se are clearly considered worse than the black-clad thugs and hooligans.
Alternatively maybe bring a few little children in buggies etc - the little ones could tell the police where their duty lies. “Out of the mouths of babes…” and all that. The poor UK police are increasingly becoming infantilised, cowardly and thick
I considered going to this event with my child but I honestly wouldn’t trust these scumbags not to attack and abuse women with children. I suspect they’d enjoy it actually.
Interesting point. I do some infrastructure work. We'd been discussing this one route and interchange for a while and maintaining lifts at rail stations. It was breaking the law a fair bit re provision for years and with constant failings. Suddenly it all happened very quickly and all work and investment seemed to get the go ahead. All parties public and private working together.
Football. It's an issue when you can't manage or disperse crowds safely but it always takes me back when the sporting bodies, clubs and the football circus clicks its fingers things that 'couldn't be done' and 'had no business case or budget' happen yesterday. Holding local authorities, whole cities and regions and the rest of the population to ransom. And how the policing budgets work. Do what we say or we'll threaten violence.
This is great, thank you. We know that the majority of the masked-up aggressors are not trans but bored anarchists out for the day. One was even identified last time. We've come to an odd point in history when the police are protecting the 'acab' bunch against the 'threat' from a few unmasked women.
Often these ‘anarchists’ are middle-class university students or trust fund-funded ‘drop outs’ and violent fantasists who have decided to pick on women rather than homeless people or drunks passed out on the street.
Mumsey will eventually get them a job as a researcher in the BBC or a writer for the Guardian.
Thank you Alan, Alf and all those who were there who are reporting this and their first-hand accounts. The idea that the Bristol police didn't realise this might happen or got caught out is not plausible. It's their job. What are the IOPC saying about this or similar policing 'methods'? I know there's a problem with recruitment, but is this partly another College of Policing failing?
It’s the police’s senior management and supervisors that are to blame. Most ordinary coppers would relish giving shits like those black hoody wearing turds a good whacking (out of sight of Channel 4’s cameras etc of course).
I'm genuinely not so sure. Yes, they are being giving the silent or overt nod to behave like this on the day by management, and exposed to dodgy 'training' but how the hell do they sleep at night? There are some utterly foul things festering under the surface that have come to light because some really not very bright people have happily discussed their thoughts on WhatsApp. Who've taken photos and selfies at crime scenes of murdered women. Why? Havin a laugh huh? Why would someone take a job protecting the public and upholding laws with that kind of attitude? With such disregard for other people not like them, and to look like they fit in as what, 'one of the boys'? Power trip? No other options? Friends in the force who think similarly? Only coming up short when they get found out?
There was a very interesting letter in the London Times recently from the (unnamed) wife of a policeman in London who said that there was far less supervision of ordinary coppers than in the past because of cut-backs and the reduction in neighbourhood foot and vehicle patrols as local police stations were being closed (she said under BOTH Mayor Khan and Mayor Boris) to generate surplus cash for other things (email monitoring and hate speech investigations and gold-plated pensions for the top brass perhaps?). She said the resultant lack of training and experience gained ‘on the job’ by new recruits was causing huge upset to the older guys like her husband. I know there was a similar problem in Ireland some years ago in places like Donegal etc where senior cops took little interest in monitoring what was going on as their main focus was getting promotion in Dublin. It lead to rogue policemen running their own little empires.
The case of the policeman (a newish recruit) photographing the two poor dead women in London illustrated that unsuitable people are getting in and not being ‘found out’ on the job by more experienced Sergeants etc. It should also be remembered that their killer had been previously reported in the area and not questioned.
This is exactly the aspect of the TRA I find so hard - it directly takes resources from others. The substitution of real training and mentoring for 'EDI training'. And you get your promotion by pushing the 'equality' sticker book prizes. Resources aren't infinite. That's time, attention, money, and it's like when you have to tell a small child that no, they can't have their own way, they don't come first and other people aren't getting their needs met in order to indulge their whims. So stop it. Defund policers are an odd bunch. We have lost entire organisational structures in a few whizzy new 'restructures' that seems to mean we're delivering less and less, promising more and more.
I once sat in a room listening to one of Boris's advisers when he was Mayor. It was empty waffle and it worried me how it genuinely was all bubble and no substance. A few of us were looking around the room in stunned shock. He was very well paid but I noted nothing down and couldn't tell you what his presentation was on. I thought I was being hypnotised. Something about 'improving' and 'being the best' and 'world class'. The professional audience politely clapped a bit halfheartedly at the end, there were no questions (as there was no content) and we got out of there sharpish. That man was on hundreds of thousands a year to string together smooth soundbites and I haven't seen his name since - probably has his own consultancy*
I learn a lot being on this substack but I often feel like submitting an expenses claim for their wasting of our time.
*Just checked, he's advising one of the global outsourcing specialists with their fingers in every pie. Of course.
I just found out about a book titled, “The Culture of Narcissism” which was published in 1979 and ordered a copy. I’m in the U.S.A., but I’m pretty sure multiple nation states are experiencing a crisis of narcissism, at the individual and group levels. Everything you described about that lackey is consistent with it. Ivanka Trump wrote a book about her philosophy of “fake it until you make it,” and when shallow, falsely qualified people consistently fail upward, I think it’s fair to make the suggestion. Also, recently a YouTube channel called The Film Archives posted an interview with an author that was broadcast on cable channel C-SPAN (covers congressional activity) in 1997, and she was describing odd activities in the universities in the U.S.A. The way the Ivy League’s stock portfolios had swollen from stock trading, etc. had (in the author’s opinion) really changed the culture of academia. It certainly supported my conclusions about the lack of evidence-based medicine we have now, as the unholy relationships of money and influence between special interests and institutions of “higher” learning have done their damage. Narcissists don’t like the truth, so I suggest that insisting upon it is a good start to defeating narcissistic harms on every level. I’m glad for Glinner’s newsletters and readership!
I noticed a similar trend in my civil service days. Often people who get to the top of organisations now are experts at waffle, management jargon and theory (essentially the same crap over the last 50 years but the key words get changed every ten years) and doing interviews but couldn’t manage a chipper or a corner shop.
Over 20 years ago BBC Panorama or similar featured a report on a number of established, profitable firms in the UK and US destroyed by management consultants (often only recently graduated with MBAs etc) who ‘re-engineered’ the companies without any real knowledge of their products, skill sets and customers.
A word of advice just in case any of the people featured end up reading here.
Marxist/Anarchist groups, made up almost entirely of students and young people under 25 always have a few older men hanging on.
If you haven't worked out why yet, give yer head a wobble.
Just looked up Bristol council elections held in May 2021. Results: Greens - 24 seats; Labour - 24 seats; Conservatives - 14; Lib Dem toddlers - 6.
So with the feckin’ Green Party nutters and the Labour ‘what’s a woman’ Party running things it’s no wonder the cops behave as they do.
The Greens are a menace everywhere - look at Brighton, where elderly and disabled folk are breaking limbs tripping over huge weeds (aka wild flowers that the Council won’t cut) growing out of footpaths.
It's really interesting looking at the myriad ways this ideology captures certain places and locations (and how). Hand in hand with whatever 'green' pretends it is. They seem to take some parts of fairly rational concepts and spin them so far they're extreme, while still screaming their claims of fairness. Bristol and Brighton are classic examples. They got into power on the back of a liberal rights agenda and then this blooms like algae. The way the history of the Bristol slave trade is now used to defend this shit is revolting.
Looking at referrals for children in care 'identifying as trans' mapped it's hit some areas of deprivation hard and also seems to go hand in hand. Funny that.
The TRAs are losing the battle and getting more and more desperate. This shows them for the bullies they are. It also shows the police in a very poor light. I know it must be tricky but they basically allowed bullying, harassment and hate crimes aplenty without the slightest inclination to deal with them. I hope they do better at the next rally.
Yes Alf up a tree good job