I know this is written in a very urgent and unconventional style and I don't pretend to understand every word, but the author is on to something.

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My husband calls it living a content-free life.

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That Pulitzer’s going to be yours, any day now!

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So you might have read a comment that included this link. Essentially bugmen is a term used by far-right and facist as a stand in for minorities (feminists, LGBTQ, blacks, Jews). It involves a fear of racial mixing and the anti-Semitic great replacement theory, the link with enemies as insects should have been a clue.

I think you might want to consider deleting this post and apologising. Now that you are aware of the meaning of bugmen, not doing so would essentially mean you endorse the sentiment (I don’t think this is what you meant, but not removing it would be troubling)

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Believe in nothing, empty lives. Humanity buried somewhere deep. I wonder if they are actually very fearful under what they present to the world?

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I think they are fearful and also unhappy, they can't sit or live with their feelings so they fill up all the available space with 'stuff'. Ideologies, ideas, arts, attitudes and values, etc, all made small and digestible. Unfortunately for them, maybe they'd live on virtually anything they're given if it gets approval from enough sources. It's as though they want to erase most of themselves.

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Social media has extended the school yard by a good decade. We used to leave this shit behind at age 18, went off to work or uni, majority left home and many of us didn't even have TVs as students, never mind smart phones. Now there's no escape and the head melters you were glad to see the back of are only a like/dislike away. It's a form of arrested development.

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I completely agree. It does feel more and more like arrested development. A generation of children reared in captivity with social media as their keepers. They are terrified that something in the big bad outside world might make them "feel unsafe" and their hate figure of choice is, of course, the bad mother/witch in the form of the older woman or feminist who says no.

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They really don't know the meaning of unsafe and/or consider it is as applicable to 'mental health' as actual physical safety and security. There is too much emphasis on MH these days imo, to the detriment of ppl who genuinely are suffering mental distress / are mentally unwell.

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I'd suggest something even worse, the lack of reality of the virtual world is how they interpret their actual world. Which may indeed ask questions of both worlds.

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I've been saying exactly the same thing. This need to fit in and conform menas they virtue signal all the time, not just online, but have transferred it to person-to-person interactions too. They are incredibly insecure and this secures them validation. It's exactly like being at school again. The lunatics aren't taking over the asylum, the kiddies in adult bodies are.

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It's also why they have tantrums and act out when they can't get their own way.

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Just read Annalisa Barbieri's advice to some confused young person. Ms Barbieri is a very sensible person and I felt sorry for her to have to be so careful with her answer (as she write for the Guardian) and it's a tour de force that she manages to gently suggest that her writer should not let social media dictate her identity.

An interesting read - I didn't know what an ace lesbian is and I'm still not sure, to be honest. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/nov/05/i-am-16-and-identify-as-an-ace-lesbian-but-i-dont-want-to-come-out-to-my-parents

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I can’t get over the incessant, obsessive need to stick labels on everyone, describe behavior and put it in a box, just how objectifying it all is. Other than sex and age status, what other immediate labels are required to describe humans in the abstract? Race/ethnicity, ability and creed would be right behind them, no doubt. Thinking out loud here! I’m reading an article, for instance, and the first things I’d want to know about the writer or subject of the piece are: is this person a minor or an adult, and are they male or female? It is quite disturbing to me to see minors (in particular) applying all of this weird categorization to themselves and others. Seems like it comes from a predatory mindset, really. Thanks for the link!

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They keep reinventing the sins they objected to six months ago. They think guilt is determined by identity, no matter the crime.

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Thanks. I find this so sad. You're right, she's choosing her words carefully; even better, she's managed to palm off most of the actual advice to a third party!

"And who better to educate your parents than their own child?"

Sorry, but bleurgh. The word 'educate' in this context always brings me out in a rash.

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Yes, too close to 'brainwash' for comfort

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The woke bugman cares very much what your race is because they prefer to classify everybody into easily understood stereotypes. This means they don’t have to listen or think too hard because they rely on prepared scripts and insults that are designated for each of the 4 known skin colours. These ideologues will cynically piggy back on any other marginalised community hoping to get their gender identity delusions normalised

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How else can you know you're accusing the right people of being racist?

By their behavior? Oh, that'll never work.

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Precisely. That's why in the UK they hate Priti Patel, Femi Badenoch, Trevor Phillips (these days), Katherine Barbelsingh (sp?) so much. They defy those stereotypes and won't espouse the beliefs/attitudes someone of their race is 'meant' to hold. Which is a profoundly racist view to take.

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Yes, Kemi Badenoch and Katharine Birbalsingh. It's always brave to stick your head above the parapet, but getting your head shot off gets boring.

The problem I have with Priti is her treatment of staff being called into question, her inability to count or read out loud, her confusion in her confusing stance in being anti counter-terrorism offenders (is that a double or triple negative?), hostile policies, not informing her boss of 'official' 'meetings' she was holding abroad with foreign interests whilst representing the UK, and her career history of working for companies on behalf of British American Tobacco. But she perhaps is one of few holding people to account over the failure to record the sex of those who commit crimes, and she is speaking out about women's rights and is not too scared of making public statements. So I am a little conflicted! I know it's all politics ;-)



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A true master of the non-apology, non-answer...thoroughly mastering their brief.

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Thanks, I'll have a look at the links. I just have an instinctive admiration for her to be Home Sec as the daughter of immigrants and a woman.

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This article is relevant.


Here's a good quote from it:

These are deep psychological truths about humanity, carved into the cliff-face of how we construct our societies. The cudgels of morality will always be a convenient lever for hidden competition — you can pretend to be socialising the private realm, when in effect you’re privatising the social realm for your own status gain.

Translation -- you pretend to be worried about others whereas in fact it's number 1 all the way.

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Here's the related documentary (30 mins). Interesting that he's a "former" editor at Vice. Obvs had a falling-out with their own purity spiral!


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Wow, brilliant article, thank you for sharing - had been looking for a succinct way to describe the Maoist ousting of not 'morally pure' enough individuals. Purity Spiral sums it up perfectly!

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It was a serendipitous find from a Twitter link! 😊 I agree it is a great article. It was linked from someone on Twitter saying a friend who'd set up a knitting circle, was being pressurised by a TW member (who'd been welcomed) to expel some men who'd recently joined, because said TW now 'felt unsafe'. Mwahahaha!!! (It was pointed out that the TW had clearly only joined because the knitting circle represented a "women's space" to them and they were no longer validated when other men were also allowed to join).

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If you hadn't posted this, I would never have guessed that knitting could become a Crusade. I do not believe that the people involved in this have the least interest in genuine social justice; bullying people is not the way to achieve anything other than alienation and disgust. This is what happens when people do not have an internal sense of ethics and values, when moral righteousness becomes more important than actual life.

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Yes why aren't they helping in soup kitchens or demonstrating outside the Chinese embassy, rather than reporting stickers to the police?

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Yes I saw this. My god it’s nuts

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Very interesting - thank you!

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What a great article, I especially love the bit about the Soviet Union. The ending is inspiring: when someone can get their side of the story across, something good may well happen. Things are moving in the right direction, albeit slowly. There's been outrage at the stupid Old Vic cancelling Terry Gilliam's production of into the woods when he would be the one person to get some serious magic out of this great musical.

GB News may well be a conduit to rebellion, shocking as it seems. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTy-foM1k0U&ab_channel=GBNews

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I was just reading about the cancellation of Terry Gilliam.

Never would have thought a few years ago that I would become a Spectator reader! But escaping the Guardian a few years ago and reading much more widely across many views is so rewarding. Very anti- Bugman, ugh?

Anyway am fascinated by what’s going on in the cultural sector and at the Old Vic. I can completely understand the staff ‘hysteria’ and surmise driven by younger staff. These are kids in adult bodies. They’ve been fed this stuff. They are tearful and hurt. And they have power - and as many of us dinosaurs who do run organisations know, you must listen to staff and work with this. I’m sorry the Old Vic capitulated but I can understand how this might have happened….

My hope, like many here, is we are turning a corner …. ?!?

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What a wonderful article exploring the mechanism of "Purity Spirals". It seems the "TWAW" community is caught up in that very thing, which explains the violent policing of language and any attempt to bring actual reality into the discussion. From the article:" Once it has gathered momentum, the dynamics of a purity spiral are those of a leaderless cult. You hold a viewpoint that privileges an abstraction of the world over the messy reality. You have a sense of mission which sets you apart from the world, and you derive social status from being holier than the next acolyte.

So when someone comes calling from “realityland” with a list of questions, the mere fact of having their viewpoint interrogated represents an existential threat to the sacred viewpoint. They circle the wagons." Hence the vitriol heaped on the Detrans community.

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They killed sincerity

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'Literally' 😆

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you pronounced it wrong.


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why does this describe every dude I went to uni with

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When everyone has diversity managers why are they not going to staff with a hearing, sight, mobility issue etc and saying we are planning this training, conference whatever it is thinking of using this format - how will that work for you? Spending time and effort on producing different materials would cost though and a bit of virtue signalling is free.

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They used to be the hip and happening dudes that appeared whenever Dungeons and Dragons, weed and acid were talked about in a group setting. Or in the pub when a specific genre of music was being discussed. They slipped themselves in to conversations and appeared to know so much until you really listened to what they were saying, which was simply repeating things that had been said a, few sentences ago by those really in the know.

At college, I got the job of evicting them from conversations snd group discussions, simply because I was the one who caught them out so often.

There is really nothing new in the world... They simply rename themselves in each generation, but still can't find a fit...

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"the bugman is a walking media depository incapable of its own creation.

Bugmen’s ‘own’ thoughts are merely misshapen combinations of that which they’ve taken in."

Yeah I am thinking music, movies, writing … what (open to suggestions) are they offering?

Some mumbo jumbo of men are women! trying to force people into compelled speech!

Gender benders a long time previous.

Seriously could any of them write Father Ted/IT Crowd? the Young Ones, Alan Partridge, Faulty Towers etc?

Music … correct me if wrong but wut? Who can over shadow what was past?

Indeed they cannot create...a generation who are screwed up and misled or

a case of

"nothing new under the sun" Eccl.1:9

Just nothing new or original!

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I think the only way to combat this nonsense is to send up this nonsense by making it a "thing" for people to post videos where they straight to camera declare your ethnicity, appearance, accent etc. as something completely different to what the audience will see and hear.

For example, if you are obviously an overweight, grey-haired (whats left of it) 70+ mid-sized Caucasian person you could describe yourself as a tall, slim, long dark haired, Japanese, brain surgeon.

That should melt a few of their heads.

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As if I couldn't listen to the radio or podcast without knowing such details. What did those poor people do before TV came along?

Of course, it's really just more pretending that this stuff is real and relevant.

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It's about pigeonholing. Which they call 'identity' and is really ugly stereotyping.

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Believe in nothing, empty lives. Humanity buried somewhere deep. I wonder if they are actually very fearful under what they present to the world?

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Pressed post twice then ☺️

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I wondered about that!

Graham, is it 2022 already? Or is it a peek at the coming wave...

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Latest on BBC saga.

Young BBC staffers angered by trans story claiming harassment of lesbians


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The fetishization of transwomen? (from article) What? Who fetishizes ugly men in dresses? Even other ugly men in dresses don't do so. I think the children at BBC need to look up the word fetish.

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I think they mean demonisation. Why are they working for the BBC if they have poor literacy?!

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I think you must be right. I don't know about the BBC, but I know broadcasters in the U.S. can be absolutely hilarious in their mispronunciation and their misuse of words. One of these poor children pronounced the name Buchanan -- we actually had a president by that name -- Buck-a-nin!

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Omg - does that mean we have another whole layer of extra genders relating to bugmen?!

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