Harry, I really do not believe they care one iota for any female person. It has taken me years now of reading, of research, of listening to come to the belated conclusion that they want rid of us totally - all females - in the longer term. It is about genocide, but a very particular form of it, that goes way beyond even the annual cull of female foetuses in male-centred areas of the world. All this bilge has opened my eyes to so much that I just did not see before: the films that glory in the hurting and brutal killing of women and children; ditto for the books; and the acres of pornography where women, children, animals, et al are meat for the market.
Germaine Greer warned us that we have no real idea of how much men hate us. It is so alien to us because most females just have no such feelings towards men, unless they have hurt us very badly, and we don't tend to include the entire sex, even then. Yes, I know it is not all men - and it isn't - but too many to just shrug it all off as inconsequential. This 'trans' rubbish is just another manifestation of misogyny so vile and deep that it is very, very depressing. I know that if we fight back physically, we are just like those activists who beat women for speaking, I know that violence achieves nothing and I know that they want to provoke us into hitting back but, by God, they are sickening cowards. They do this to women because we are weaker physically, because we are female, and they say sex does not exist.
All they care about is that women should be controlled and do as they are told, ditto children, and that these men should be free to get their rocks off in any way they please, with whomsoever they please, whenever they please. The Suffragettes were kicked, punched, spat on, ill-treated in all manner of ways by the same kind of cowardly bully-boys who would be afraid to start on another man. Just heard that a woman was badly beaten at a rally in Aberdeen for 'Women Won't Wheesht' - and there were gloating young females in the midst of the men. I cannot articulate my contempt for these creatures.
One day, I can almost guarantee they will deeply regret their stupid, unfeeling, unsisterly and treacherous actions, but, right now, I have no pity for any of them, and I doubt I will have any in the future. If people are so stupid that they destroy themselves in the service of porn sick men, don't let them cry about it later. Shed loads of information out there and if they despise it, so be it. If they cut their breasts off and atrophy their sex organs with hormones, that is on them. The Suffragettes won eventually, as will women today.
I've been thinking how I can view and site all this (and therefore how to change and counter it) and just realised how your description of the "gloating females in the midst of the men" reminded me of something else. How the sexes behave in all this. I was reading a report about the violence erupting in Manipur, India. When I experience or read about others experiencing that incomprehension at events and the shock at how violence erupts. It is very familiar to me, but I still recoil. How or if we can move towards not doing this over a period as a whole community, culture or society.
'Eyewitnesses and relatives told the Observer that the two women were thrashed and gang-raped, goaded on by Meitei women in the mob. “They were like beasts. I cannot comprehend how someone can be so brutal,” said one co-worker. “The most shocking part was the women in the mob who were shouting slogans: ‘kill, kill these tribals’ while they were being raped.”'
I'm not sure how reliable any of that reporting is. But it's so familiar - how our societies seem to be structured on cleaving apart differences, groups and eliminating them (or threatening or claiming that). Here again it's men committing violence towards women and other women joining in to egg them on. How spontaneous violence is erupting all over the world - how it starts, how it stops. Why. Is it spontaneous, the very inevitable predictable consequence of other factors, is it social inequality, is it criminal and how it falls along gendered lines (the old and true meaning of the word).
I used to study behaviour and crowd and group behaviour - on how some could witness (reliably or otherwise) or be bystanders. Who acts, who defends, who attacks, who forgets, who denies, what happens next. All of these confrontations when women meet to speak follow the same pattern. In some parts of the world men feel much more emboldened to attack. To have any police service hesitate or state they aren't 'aware' or totally deny any violence or threat occurs beggars belief. It's illuminating to see the difference in how police areas in the UK react - some police proactively and incredibly well so we are all safer, some stand back shrugging and smirking and some totally deny any violence towards women happened at all, turn up late or leave early, some accuse women of the violence and 'both sidesism'.
To deny aggression and violence and who perpetrated it against whom seems so shortsighted when a lot is caught on camera. And it happens again and again and what is happening in the public consciousness? It's only faintly hitting home? Or it's still accepted or totally denied. MPs still claim both sides and the poor trans activists were 'pushed' to it from their extreme vulnerability/oppression/victimhood. Meanwhile back at the ranch abuse is hidden in stats. Authorities do this with such well-documented events, then wonder why people don't trust them or the CPS to act with integrity. The madness of crowds.
*some analysts have stated it's one thing that creates this - social media. That's it. Adding that to any pre-existing issue is a flamethrower then carpet bombing.
I think, she, that, when all 'isms' are taken into account, sexism, or it's evil twin, misogyny, is to of the heap. If we accept that violence against females has been endemic in our societies since we lived in caves, I do not believe it is any exaggeration to say that the violence against females has been not only genocidal, but the greatest genocide of them all. Countless millions of females of all ages have been murdered by males.
On the end, I think it is both fear and self-preservation that allies females with males in the harming of other females. Conversely, I also believe that males fear females far more, but on a different way. They know that brute strength is their advantage and their sexual appetites their weakness - which females can and do exploit to their advantage. In intellect, the sexes are evenly matched, but, again, male control relied on preventing females from using their intellect. Now, females are actually overtaking males across the board and, if not stopped, males will lose intellectual advantage in modern society where brute strength is becoming less and less of an advantage in the pursuit of resources.
Females are bearing the brunt once more of male aggression to keep them corralled. We need to understand how all males gain advantage from a minority of males' aggression and sidelining of females. We need to understand how coercive control benefits all men by keeping females passive. We also need to understand that every advance in reproductive control and health actually benefits males more, albeit females are freed from the oppression of never ending childbearing, by allowing males sexual access to females at all times.
In many ways, having to be competitive is unfortunate for those males who are more responsible because there will be casualties. However, it is interesting that males do not blame other males, but, invariably, females, for their misfortune.
If our societies were ever to be structured around females' wants and needs to the same extent as they are constructed around males', I think that females would still prefer to have close and family relationships with males for the sake of affording our children the best structure in which to grow up, with both parents contributing. Of course, that is predicated on both parents being mature and nurturing.
I do not know what the answer is to stop male aggression against females, and to put an end to the interminable pogroms against females in every era, in every part of the world, but it has to stop or I fear that Mother Nature/evolution will step in and change human dynamics in ways that will disadvantage males hugely. 'Trans' is just another, ugly manifestation of male aggression and control of females - the latest one in millennia of such pogroms against one half of the human race, centred around their biology and little else.
Patriarchies are only five thousand years old, which is pretty recent in the scheme of things. Before men realised they had something to do with reproduction (when they claimed all the important parts while they claimed women only as incubators - much as surrogacy does now) women were worshipped as the bringers of life (which we are of course). Women lived in family groups with their siblings, so the men around them were their brothers, not their sexual partners, and both sexes had sex with whomever they pleased. Interestingly, settlements of these times had no fortifications, presumably because different groups didn't fight each other.
The research underpinning this was done by Gerda Learner, Emerita Professor at the University of Wisconsin, and is documented in her book The Creation of Patriarchy. It goes on to explain how men discovered their tiny contribution to the creation of life, blew it out of all proportion, created the one male God, justified themselves through the demonisation of sex to treat women as chattels, how women were the first slaves, how men created ownership of land and women and bartered one for the other, etc etc. It is fascinating and underpinned with meticulous research. Of course there is no publicity for these incredible discoveries because the patriarchy wants you to believe that societies all over the world have always been organised this way for ever and there is no alternative. But there is.
Women were in charge for peaceful millennia, in matriarchies that were egalitarian, focussed on the needs of women and children, and that oppressed no-one. Patriarchy is not inevitable, they just want you think it is.
If this unimaginable horror doesn’t wake people up, then nothing will. That and womb transplants and babies grown in pods. These people are psychopaths.
Thank you for mentioning pods. I have often thought that the way gender ideology has crept into our lives has much in common with what happened in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the best version of the film is the black and white one from 1956). Someone you think is sensible and fact-orientated is all of a sudden claiming that "transwomen are women" and that men can have babies and other such nonsense. Check the back garden - there might be pods there!
Am I seeing this in a far too simplistic manner? If a female hates her “assigned at birth” body so much that she decides to trans into a male, for this to be a “true to my real identity/self” metamorphosis then the last thing this new man would want to do is go through a supposedly hated female reproductive cycle. What am I missing? Agree with TT - these people are psychos but instead of hiding that fact they are revealing themselves in the mainstream and getting rewarded with tax payer funding. What that paper proposes is child abuse and it is truly disgusting.
They are eugenicists, Susan. Eugenicists must, by their very nature, be narcissists. Totally god-centred. I think that they do not see themselves as human, but special beings who are gods. The truly horrible thing is that they will give birth to damaged babies and give them up because they will not cope. The collapse of mental health services on the UK has much to answer for, at least the deliberate policy of letting unwell people rot has
It's not a stretch to directly link the rise of the gender Borg with the destruction of mental health services is it. The timelines and cause and effect. It left a very odd gap created and too many looking the other way that pied piper Nancy and her troupe of merry mad snake oil salesmen happily danced into over the past ten or 15 years. Who apart from everyone would have thought leaving vulnerable people exposed and in need of support would lead to that. Then allowing this social contagion to set fire to every school.
Many believe they have the right to have a child that carries their genes. This is the belief that makes them go all out to become a pregnant "transman"! They never consider the rights of the child they will produce. There is no human right that states anyone has the right to a child no matter what. But since "rights" are now a thing that come in a lucky bag decided by those who shout loudest, rather than through intellectual debate to protect the most vulnerable in society, anything goes and these women want them all. The child be damned, and if it is damaged through their desire to be something they are not, the state will pick up the tab!
Feeling sick about this, to be honest. It's one thing to be pregnant 8 months AFTER coming off harmful drug therapy but it's totally effing corrupt to deliberately carry on taking harmful drug therapy throughout pregnancy in the full knowledge that you're doing damage to the baby. These narcissists are evil. Corrupt to their very core.
It's almost as if this bunch of twerps aren't aware of the history and every protocol about the testing of every single drug, chemical, substance or activity which means you can't test on pregnant women or someone who might become pregnant, even girls or women at all as the risks are too high and the harm too severe. And still it happens and we don't get it right and gaps appear. Caroline Criado Perez's invisible women again. This is why this doesn't pass the sniff test - this paper shouldn't have passed go because of that wealth of evidence, governance and institutional and process hesitancy. They didn't google for a few minutes did they?
It is insane. It is also dangerous and cruel to the children born into this experimental crap. These people are criminal. Their crimes are against women and as yet unborn children.
That really says it all. As a normal woman and mother I can honestly say I would have sewn my mouth shut before I consumed something that had any potential to harm my unborn baby. These self-centred scumbags want to demand the time of doctors and nurses to inject and monitor the impact of their vanity drugs and then wheel the resultant damaged, innocent baby out for their validated martyrdom while the child suffers. Fuck every single person involved in this. They are rotten to the core.
Yet the fact that women do this, and would do this, to create, to nurture, to grow and protect and are so careful for that whole time, often terrified, then feel guilt of differing degrees for their entire lives afterwards is somehow something that many people don't 'realise'. How 'society' and 'the public' don't. Weird how women's experiences of so much are still and almost deliberately so oddly invisible. To suggest we should as a national policy not only deliberately harm, then dress the harm up as some kind of moral, societal 'good' and rebalancing the scales of justice is criminal. That funding should be returned and the 'academics' sacked.
And then the "detransitioners" openly state that their medical needs supersede the needs of regular women. I can only remember the "detransitioned" male who said that every single trans person he met was incredibly narcissistic, the women as much as the men (which is perhaps why they identify as men!).
I didn't think I could despise these people any more than I already do. Interesting isn't it that he describes the 'girl penis' as such because 'it's on a girl's body'. Err...thought we couldn't categorise bodies according to dimorphic biology? Seems the gender binary is alive and kicking under the surface of this utterly fatuous and superficial sophistry.
They’re so totally cunning. Conflating accepting disabled births (unintentional) with deliberately harming the unborn. They’re all dangers physcopaths. The welfare and health of babies and children (or anyone outside of themselves) doesn’t register.
Aren't they? There are disabled people, people with disabilities, who advise government on this. They are then approached to offer advice to parents to be or parents with children with disabilities. There is a strong and expert group who are well versed in this - many academics, clinicians and experts. I do hope they can speak up and advise on just how dangerous this is and to conflate those born with disabilities and those who advocate deliberately, knowingly and consciously damaging the unborn and creating disability, disabling for the sake of materialising the delusions of gender ideology fantasists and fanatics. And maybe the ESRC can listen to those real experts too.
‘Am just listening to radio broadcast about epilepsy drugs during pregnancy (sodium valproate) causing spinal bifida etc. “A bigger scandal than thalidomide” experts say.
Have you heard much about Baroness Cumberlege? Well worth a look and reading the reports. Totally gripping and shocking, and years have passed and not much of a flicker in the national conversation. Same old themes. I used to quote them a lot (you're lucky I won't here).
This sums up the narcissism of women who want to be men but without giving up the very thing that makes us different. Surely if you hate being a woman so much, you give up your womb and your ovaries the same way you give up your breasts? There is no such thing as a pregnant man, no matter how much they want it to be so. Me me me me me. The foetus may not have rights but the born baby does. The first thing that needs to happen is foster care. If a, woman takes drugs during pregnancy, this is ehat usually happens to the baby, so why not in this case? Same difference...
Real women give their foetus rights from the word go. We try to eat properly, not smoke or drink, think good thoughts. I watched two blue tits making a nest this year and they were unbelievable parents in their preparation and care. The idea of hurting a child should go against everything that nature has given us.
And this is why you can adopt an abused dog or cat and actually connect with them. Their MOTHERS gave them good care as long as they were able to do so. Even though the abuse they experienced makes them frightened / traumatized, they are still open to connection with the same species who brutalized them.
Ultimately I think Darwin’s theory will be victorious. I’d just like to see it not tested on foetuses and children. Hopefully the world will wake up to this utter lunacy.
Personally, I do not believe that most of these people are seriously ill. I think they know exactly what they are doing. The academics are enablers. When this collapses these enablers - academics, medical people, politicians, parents who push this on to their kids, etc. should all face trial like the Nuremberg lot. No ifs, no buts. I wish I could believe it is all mental illness - and some of it is - the bulk is pure, unadulterated evil by people with an agenda. It is deliberate. Always, there are people, sometimes psychopaths, who revel in nihilism, chaos and, of course, money, because there is a shed load of money to be made from deliberate eugenics that disable for a lifetime.
It's why we humans have always grappled to express what the thing we call evil is and means. I think the word evil sums this up well. To consciously, knowingly do such harm and to spread it and defend that to the death. Which this lot will. Too many of them are so wholeheartedly subsumed and invested. And enriched. They'll have to invent a new thing to be 'expert' in, some new 'field'. It's going to be hard to unpick their influence on all of us. Medical scandal timelines are often 50 to 100 years. Then the impact and aftershocks for centuries. That we know of. We're still piecing together scandals that are still being left and ignored. Where data wasn't collected, or was fabricated and destroyed. Eugenics being one. Wherever greed manifests and grows. Compared with which this has a strangely similar stink.
“You will notice that they don’t have one single medical qualification between them.”
First thing I noticed, Graham. The last thing I’ll ever do is take a bunch of captured sociologists seriously!
The real joke here though is the utter nonsense that ‘men’ can give birth. So captured are these women that they belittle the ‘feeling’ that they’re men to denigrate the wholly female action of giving birth. Come to think of it, it’s just another way of men telling women that they can do anything we can do better.
Presumably, as the main damage of women taking testosterone during pregnancy is to female foetuses, it doesn't matter too much to trans activists.
Precisely, Grace
and they might even think it'll help make the female baby more inclined to want to be a 'trans man' later.. !?
Harry, I really do not believe they care one iota for any female person. It has taken me years now of reading, of research, of listening to come to the belated conclusion that they want rid of us totally - all females - in the longer term. It is about genocide, but a very particular form of it, that goes way beyond even the annual cull of female foetuses in male-centred areas of the world. All this bilge has opened my eyes to so much that I just did not see before: the films that glory in the hurting and brutal killing of women and children; ditto for the books; and the acres of pornography where women, children, animals, et al are meat for the market.
Germaine Greer warned us that we have no real idea of how much men hate us. It is so alien to us because most females just have no such feelings towards men, unless they have hurt us very badly, and we don't tend to include the entire sex, even then. Yes, I know it is not all men - and it isn't - but too many to just shrug it all off as inconsequential. This 'trans' rubbish is just another manifestation of misogyny so vile and deep that it is very, very depressing. I know that if we fight back physically, we are just like those activists who beat women for speaking, I know that violence achieves nothing and I know that they want to provoke us into hitting back but, by God, they are sickening cowards. They do this to women because we are weaker physically, because we are female, and they say sex does not exist.
All they care about is that women should be controlled and do as they are told, ditto children, and that these men should be free to get their rocks off in any way they please, with whomsoever they please, whenever they please. The Suffragettes were kicked, punched, spat on, ill-treated in all manner of ways by the same kind of cowardly bully-boys who would be afraid to start on another man. Just heard that a woman was badly beaten at a rally in Aberdeen for 'Women Won't Wheesht' - and there were gloating young females in the midst of the men. I cannot articulate my contempt for these creatures.
One day, I can almost guarantee they will deeply regret their stupid, unfeeling, unsisterly and treacherous actions, but, right now, I have no pity for any of them, and I doubt I will have any in the future. If people are so stupid that they destroy themselves in the service of porn sick men, don't let them cry about it later. Shed loads of information out there and if they despise it, so be it. If they cut their breasts off and atrophy their sex organs with hormones, that is on them. The Suffragettes won eventually, as will women today.
I've been thinking how I can view and site all this (and therefore how to change and counter it) and just realised how your description of the "gloating females in the midst of the men" reminded me of something else. How the sexes behave in all this. I was reading a report about the violence erupting in Manipur, India. When I experience or read about others experiencing that incomprehension at events and the shock at how violence erupts. It is very familiar to me, but I still recoil. How or if we can move towards not doing this over a period as a whole community, culture or society.
'Eyewitnesses and relatives told the Observer that the two women were thrashed and gang-raped, goaded on by Meitei women in the mob. “They were like beasts. I cannot comprehend how someone can be so brutal,” said one co-worker. “The most shocking part was the women in the mob who were shouting slogans: ‘kill, kill these tribals’ while they were being raped.”'
I'm not sure how reliable any of that reporting is. But it's so familiar - how our societies seem to be structured on cleaving apart differences, groups and eliminating them (or threatening or claiming that). Here again it's men committing violence towards women and other women joining in to egg them on. How spontaneous violence is erupting all over the world - how it starts, how it stops. Why. Is it spontaneous, the very inevitable predictable consequence of other factors, is it social inequality, is it criminal and how it falls along gendered lines (the old and true meaning of the word).
I used to study behaviour and crowd and group behaviour - on how some could witness (reliably or otherwise) or be bystanders. Who acts, who defends, who attacks, who forgets, who denies, what happens next. All of these confrontations when women meet to speak follow the same pattern. In some parts of the world men feel much more emboldened to attack. To have any police service hesitate or state they aren't 'aware' or totally deny any violence or threat occurs beggars belief. It's illuminating to see the difference in how police areas in the UK react - some police proactively and incredibly well so we are all safer, some stand back shrugging and smirking and some totally deny any violence towards women happened at all, turn up late or leave early, some accuse women of the violence and 'both sidesism'.
To deny aggression and violence and who perpetrated it against whom seems so shortsighted when a lot is caught on camera. And it happens again and again and what is happening in the public consciousness? It's only faintly hitting home? Or it's still accepted or totally denied. MPs still claim both sides and the poor trans activists were 'pushed' to it from their extreme vulnerability/oppression/victimhood. Meanwhile back at the ranch abuse is hidden in stats. Authorities do this with such well-documented events, then wonder why people don't trust them or the CPS to act with integrity. The madness of crowds.
*some analysts have stated it's one thing that creates this - social media. That's it. Adding that to any pre-existing issue is a flamethrower then carpet bombing.
I think, she, that, when all 'isms' are taken into account, sexism, or it's evil twin, misogyny, is to of the heap. If we accept that violence against females has been endemic in our societies since we lived in caves, I do not believe it is any exaggeration to say that the violence against females has been not only genocidal, but the greatest genocide of them all. Countless millions of females of all ages have been murdered by males.
On the end, I think it is both fear and self-preservation that allies females with males in the harming of other females. Conversely, I also believe that males fear females far more, but on a different way. They know that brute strength is their advantage and their sexual appetites their weakness - which females can and do exploit to their advantage. In intellect, the sexes are evenly matched, but, again, male control relied on preventing females from using their intellect. Now, females are actually overtaking males across the board and, if not stopped, males will lose intellectual advantage in modern society where brute strength is becoming less and less of an advantage in the pursuit of resources.
Females are bearing the brunt once more of male aggression to keep them corralled. We need to understand how all males gain advantage from a minority of males' aggression and sidelining of females. We need to understand how coercive control benefits all men by keeping females passive. We also need to understand that every advance in reproductive control and health actually benefits males more, albeit females are freed from the oppression of never ending childbearing, by allowing males sexual access to females at all times.
In many ways, having to be competitive is unfortunate for those males who are more responsible because there will be casualties. However, it is interesting that males do not blame other males, but, invariably, females, for their misfortune.
If our societies were ever to be structured around females' wants and needs to the same extent as they are constructed around males', I think that females would still prefer to have close and family relationships with males for the sake of affording our children the best structure in which to grow up, with both parents contributing. Of course, that is predicated on both parents being mature and nurturing.
I do not know what the answer is to stop male aggression against females, and to put an end to the interminable pogroms against females in every era, in every part of the world, but it has to stop or I fear that Mother Nature/evolution will step in and change human dynamics in ways that will disadvantage males hugely. 'Trans' is just another, ugly manifestation of male aggression and control of females - the latest one in millennia of such pogroms against one half of the human race, centred around their biology and little else.
Patriarchies are only five thousand years old, which is pretty recent in the scheme of things. Before men realised they had something to do with reproduction (when they claimed all the important parts while they claimed women only as incubators - much as surrogacy does now) women were worshipped as the bringers of life (which we are of course). Women lived in family groups with their siblings, so the men around them were their brothers, not their sexual partners, and both sexes had sex with whomever they pleased. Interestingly, settlements of these times had no fortifications, presumably because different groups didn't fight each other.
The research underpinning this was done by Gerda Learner, Emerita Professor at the University of Wisconsin, and is documented in her book The Creation of Patriarchy. It goes on to explain how men discovered their tiny contribution to the creation of life, blew it out of all proportion, created the one male God, justified themselves through the demonisation of sex to treat women as chattels, how women were the first slaves, how men created ownership of land and women and bartered one for the other, etc etc. It is fascinating and underpinned with meticulous research. Of course there is no publicity for these incredible discoveries because the patriarchy wants you to believe that societies all over the world have always been organised this way for ever and there is no alternative. But there is.
Women were in charge for peaceful millennia, in matriarchies that were egalitarian, focussed on the needs of women and children, and that oppressed no-one. Patriarchy is not inevitable, they just want you think it is.
Totally agree.👍👍👍
If this unimaginable horror doesn’t wake people up, then nothing will. That and womb transplants and babies grown in pods. These people are psychopaths.
I agree. This reveals SO much about their narcissism.
Thank you for mentioning pods. I have often thought that the way gender ideology has crept into our lives has much in common with what happened in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the best version of the film is the black and white one from 1956). Someone you think is sensible and fact-orientated is all of a sudden claiming that "transwomen are women" and that men can have babies and other such nonsense. Check the back garden - there might be pods there!
Jennifer Bilek is fantastic on the monsters behind gender ideology. What they want is a ready supply of healthy bodies on which to experiment.
Thanks for producing this so quickly JL and for replying to my message.
I always go on about Invasion of the Bodysnatchers 😎
Am I seeing this in a far too simplistic manner? If a female hates her “assigned at birth” body so much that she decides to trans into a male, for this to be a “true to my real identity/self” metamorphosis then the last thing this new man would want to do is go through a supposedly hated female reproductive cycle. What am I missing? Agree with TT - these people are psychos but instead of hiding that fact they are revealing themselves in the mainstream and getting rewarded with tax payer funding. What that paper proposes is child abuse and it is truly disgusting.
They are eugenicists, Susan. Eugenicists must, by their very nature, be narcissists. Totally god-centred. I think that they do not see themselves as human, but special beings who are gods. The truly horrible thing is that they will give birth to damaged babies and give them up because they will not cope. The collapse of mental health services on the UK has much to answer for, at least the deliberate policy of letting unwell people rot has
It's not a stretch to directly link the rise of the gender Borg with the destruction of mental health services is it. The timelines and cause and effect. It left a very odd gap created and too many looking the other way that pied piper Nancy and her troupe of merry mad snake oil salesmen happily danced into over the past ten or 15 years. Who apart from everyone would have thought leaving vulnerable people exposed and in need of support would lead to that. Then allowing this social contagion to set fire to every school.
Many believe they have the right to have a child that carries their genes. This is the belief that makes them go all out to become a pregnant "transman"! They never consider the rights of the child they will produce. There is no human right that states anyone has the right to a child no matter what. But since "rights" are now a thing that come in a lucky bag decided by those who shout loudest, rather than through intellectual debate to protect the most vulnerable in society, anything goes and these women want them all. The child be damned, and if it is damaged through their desire to be something they are not, the state will pick up the tab!
Feeling sick about this, to be honest. It's one thing to be pregnant 8 months AFTER coming off harmful drug therapy but it's totally effing corrupt to deliberately carry on taking harmful drug therapy throughout pregnancy in the full knowledge that you're doing damage to the baby. These narcissists are evil. Corrupt to their very core.
It's almost as if this bunch of twerps aren't aware of the history and every protocol about the testing of every single drug, chemical, substance or activity which means you can't test on pregnant women or someone who might become pregnant, even girls or women at all as the risks are too high and the harm too severe. And still it happens and we don't get it right and gaps appear. Caroline Criado Perez's invisible women again. This is why this doesn't pass the sniff test - this paper shouldn't have passed go because of that wealth of evidence, governance and institutional and process hesitancy. They didn't google for a few minutes did they?
It's not that. It's a full frontal assault on western science and medicine: pure "Queer Theory" insanity. Thanks, Prof Judith Butler.
They're Satanic. What they're proposing is so evil and harmful.
It is insane. It is also dangerous and cruel to the children born into this experimental crap. These people are criminal. Their crimes are against women and as yet unborn children.
Hear, hear!
That really says it all. As a normal woman and mother I can honestly say I would have sewn my mouth shut before I consumed something that had any potential to harm my unborn baby. These self-centred scumbags want to demand the time of doctors and nurses to inject and monitor the impact of their vanity drugs and then wheel the resultant damaged, innocent baby out for their validated martyrdom while the child suffers. Fuck every single person involved in this. They are rotten to the core.
Yet the fact that women do this, and would do this, to create, to nurture, to grow and protect and are so careful for that whole time, often terrified, then feel guilt of differing degrees for their entire lives afterwards is somehow something that many people don't 'realise'. How 'society' and 'the public' don't. Weird how women's experiences of so much are still and almost deliberately so oddly invisible. To suggest we should as a national policy not only deliberately harm, then dress the harm up as some kind of moral, societal 'good' and rebalancing the scales of justice is criminal. That funding should be returned and the 'academics' sacked.
And then the "detransitioners" openly state that their medical needs supersede the needs of regular women. I can only remember the "detransitioned" male who said that every single trans person he met was incredibly narcissistic, the women as much as the men (which is perhaps why they identify as men!).
I didn't think I could despise these people any more than I already do. Interesting isn't it that he describes the 'girl penis' as such because 'it's on a girl's body'. Err...thought we couldn't categorise bodies according to dimorphic biology? Seems the gender binary is alive and kicking under the surface of this utterly fatuous and superficial sophistry.
They’re so totally cunning. Conflating accepting disabled births (unintentional) with deliberately harming the unborn. They’re all dangers physcopaths. The welfare and health of babies and children (or anyone outside of themselves) doesn’t register.
Dangerous physcopaths
Aren't they? There are disabled people, people with disabilities, who advise government on this. They are then approached to offer advice to parents to be or parents with children with disabilities. There is a strong and expert group who are well versed in this - many academics, clinicians and experts. I do hope they can speak up and advise on just how dangerous this is and to conflate those born with disabilities and those who advocate deliberately, knowingly and consciously damaging the unborn and creating disability, disabling for the sake of materialising the delusions of gender ideology fantasists and fanatics. And maybe the ESRC can listen to those real experts too.
‘Am just listening to radio broadcast about epilepsy drugs during pregnancy (sodium valproate) causing spinal bifida etc. “A bigger scandal than thalidomide” experts say.
Have you heard much about Baroness Cumberlege? Well worth a look and reading the reports. Totally gripping and shocking, and years have passed and not much of a flicker in the national conversation. Same old themes. I used to quote them a lot (you're lucky I won't here).
‘Haven’t but will have a look, thanks.
Yes File on 4.
Ta. File on 4? I might leave listening to where there are no objects around me that I could possibly throw.
This sums up the narcissism of women who want to be men but without giving up the very thing that makes us different. Surely if you hate being a woman so much, you give up your womb and your ovaries the same way you give up your breasts? There is no such thing as a pregnant man, no matter how much they want it to be so. Me me me me me. The foetus may not have rights but the born baby does. The first thing that needs to happen is foster care. If a, woman takes drugs during pregnancy, this is ehat usually happens to the baby, so why not in this case? Same difference...
Real women give their foetus rights from the word go. We try to eat properly, not smoke or drink, think good thoughts. I watched two blue tits making a nest this year and they were unbelievable parents in their preparation and care. The idea of hurting a child should go against everything that nature has given us.
And this is why you can adopt an abused dog or cat and actually connect with them. Their MOTHERS gave them good care as long as they were able to do so. Even though the abuse they experienced makes them frightened / traumatized, they are still open to connection with the same species who brutalized them.
After each new jaw dropping WooWoo Gendernista WTF comes yet another and newer WTF topping it.---
Absolutely beyond stunningly amoral self-centered-ness on parade with bells on.
He can't wait for the child to be born before he starts abusing it. Christ P. Pedophilia.
As long as they don't eat soft cheese, eh
Or a single glass of wine. Too dangerous.
Ultimately I think Darwin’s theory will be victorious. I’d just like to see it not tested on foetuses and children. Hopefully the world will wake up to this utter lunacy.
Personally, I do not believe that most of these people are seriously ill. I think they know exactly what they are doing. The academics are enablers. When this collapses these enablers - academics, medical people, politicians, parents who push this on to their kids, etc. should all face trial like the Nuremberg lot. No ifs, no buts. I wish I could believe it is all mental illness - and some of it is - the bulk is pure, unadulterated evil by people with an agenda. It is deliberate. Always, there are people, sometimes psychopaths, who revel in nihilism, chaos and, of course, money, because there is a shed load of money to be made from deliberate eugenics that disable for a lifetime.
They're getting off on subverting normality and pushing the boundaries. They have the upper hand at the moment and they are laughing at us all.
I agree, they know exactly what they are doing and it makes it even more horrifying.
It's why we humans have always grappled to express what the thing we call evil is and means. I think the word evil sums this up well. To consciously, knowingly do such harm and to spread it and defend that to the death. Which this lot will. Too many of them are so wholeheartedly subsumed and invested. And enriched. They'll have to invent a new thing to be 'expert' in, some new 'field'. It's going to be hard to unpick their influence on all of us. Medical scandal timelines are often 50 to 100 years. Then the impact and aftershocks for centuries. That we know of. We're still piecing together scandals that are still being left and ignored. Where data wasn't collected, or was fabricated and destroyed. Eugenics being one. Wherever greed manifests and grows. Compared with which this has a strangely similar stink.
You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.
This has to stop, the insanity has gone too far now
“You will notice that they don’t have one single medical qualification between them.”
First thing I noticed, Graham. The last thing I’ll ever do is take a bunch of captured sociologists seriously!
The real joke here though is the utter nonsense that ‘men’ can give birth. So captured are these women that they belittle the ‘feeling’ that they’re men to denigrate the wholly female action of giving birth. Come to think of it, it’s just another way of men telling women that they can do anything we can do better.