Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 13, 2022

He is a deeply silly man. One of these slebs who are not interested in the detail, won't take the time to actually understand but are nonetheless very eager to jump on the trans train. Gotta love this idea of "living in the acquired gender". What happens if you, oblivious to the whole trans debate, were "living as a woman" accidentally? If you were a bloke who enjoyed cooking, knitting, kittens and pink stuff in general. Could you change gender/sex overnight? Come to think of it, my wife enjoys football, beer and catching spiders. Could she be a bloke? The rules are a bit hazy.

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Can she also hang a shelf and is she not great at cooking? Def a bloke if so.

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Unless of course she is a chef as men make the best chefs (as I've been told) or it's a BBQ, then definitley a bloke. This is how silly this gender BS is.

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These idiots don't realise how much this is going to bite them in the ass once the cover is blown off this whole sorry mess. How are they going to explain that they cheered on kids taking puberty blockers and having irreversible effects on their fertility, mental development, experimental surgeries, that they cheered on actively erasing sex based protections for women and girls and applauded homophobic rhetoric. I hope they're aware we're taking names and we won't let them forget the damage they've done.

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Billy may have a child who identifies as trans. It's quite the thing. If so he's probably full to the brim with cognitive dissonance that makes him lash out rather than face the actual horror. Either that or he just is a stupid misogynist band-wagon-jumper.

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I'd say the latter, also does anyone under the age of 30 even know who he was? I say was as he's a washed up old has been jumping on the woman hate bandwagon to desperately remain in the public eye. Thought he was shite anyway so I'm glad my initial thoughts were correct.

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Oh good lord. I remember when Billy Bragg used to campaign on behalf of striking miners, now he campaigns on behalf of a movement funded by US billionaires, which is a jackpot for unscrupulous surgeons, an opportunity for sex offenders and a disaster for women and vulnerable kids.

What on earth would young Billy Bragg think of middle-aged Billy Bragg?

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People usually get wiser with age, Billy just seems to have become so open-minded his brain has fallen out (as the late and great Magdelen Berns said).

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Unfortunately, I have not found that people get wiser with age. Most people become caricatures of themselves, more set in stone than ever. They've lost their youthful freshness and enthusiasm and replaced it with brains that run in the same old ruts. And this in my opinion is why we have so many demented people. It is not healthy to not use your brain, it needs exercise!

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Probably never, like most of his kind, he seems to possess little self awareness and he's likely to be more inclined towards conceit than introspection. Aside from that, I doubt he cares, he's well enough remunerated for his meagre skills as a writer, churning around the few ideas he has over and again. He's not the most original thinker, particularly where his misogynistic fantasies are concerned.

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Could I point this out, and it's been said before, isn't transitioning actually a conversion? Therefore it's nonsensical to call stopping a transition a conversion therapy. These people mess up language categories and make talking about these things rationally very difficult.

There are various different reasons for gender dysphoria so it needs to be challenged in a gentle healthy way because someone might have trauma, or be gay, or be autistic etc.

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Yes - going from one thing to another is conversion; going back to the original is reversion. I'd be delighted to see an end to conversion therapy that puts children and teenagers on dreadful medication in the name of "gender". Unfortunately, we're going to need a lot of reversion therapy in the near future, as young people come to terms with what's been done to them - assuming they cam ever trust therapists and doctors again.

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The terrible cynic in me instantly wondered if all the unethical doctors coining it with these unnecessary surgeries and drugs (largely in the US, of course) are then going to coin it going back the other way, offering "reversion" surgeries to implant false breasts where real breasts have been amputated, and drugs to re-feminise/re-masculinise, and more drugs to counter the side-effects of the first drugs and so on...

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The EHRC are being bombarded with the usual hysterical screams of transphobia, pressure to back down, calling for EHRC staff members’ jobs, investigations and full on bullying and threats to change things back to the way TRA’s want them.

As you mention Graham, all the EHRC have done is recommend a pause for more discourse, simply to be sure before you give a 14 yr old a double mastectomy, that that is genuinely something she will not regret ( although how you can be certain of anything you may feel later on in life at 15, I have no idea)

Since surgeries and puberty blockers have irreversible consequences, surely you’d think trans rights lobbyists would be encouraging further safe guarding, yet the insidious thing is here, they seem to refuse to even entertain the other side’s argument. ( see predators taking advantage of self ID to gain less attention in single sex spaces - oh! That doesn’t happen, no, never!)

The very nasty implication in this refusal to acknowledge any safeguarding is required, is that they see it, but as trans people can be some of the most self entitled narcissists on the planet, if it clashes with what they want, which is pretty obviously top tier when it comes to human rights, they simply don’t care about the extra potential dangers women and children may have to face because of it.

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A good friend who is gay tells us a work colleague recently decided he was trans at which point his wife and kids up and left him. He favours pencil skirts and make up and has changed his name to a porn star type name. The joke is they are employed by a Middle Eastern owned company which if they were not based in the UK would slap him in irons and no doubt arrange for some painful surgery.

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Feb 12, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

I only afforded that fake bastard 2 words in response.

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I argued with a guy and got blocked - he was very stupid and couldn't say anything to defend himself. It was righteous power I had. So fun!

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This is my first time commenting here but I just wanted to say how wonderful it is to know that all these intelligent people are out there seeing what's really going on. It can all be pretty depressing sometimes witnessing so many people being willfully ignorant of what's happening to women's rights. I need to step off twitter - I generally ask just one question, 'define woman', and the response from TRAs is apoplectic rage and accusations that I'm being aggressive, it's a transphobic dog whistle, I'm a racist (?) etc etc. I know they're utterly bonkers but I still find it amazing that so many people are being caught up in this ideology.

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There really is a new Trans dictionary being invented here, which they all seem to get a copy of with their ‘how to behave like a duck’ badge when they sign up.

A few notes I’ve made along the way ;

Everything is a dog whistle.

The mildest words of strangers cause trans ‘literal harm or violence ‘

Every time JKRowling picks up a pen 200 trans kids kill themselves

This newly invented fictitious non binary gender your kid decides they are when waking up one morning, immediately makes them an ‘oppressed minority group’.

Gender and sex are different things, yet despite recounting this as truth often, they still want to share single sex spaces and declare ‘trans women are women’.

Double mastectomies are referred to as Inoffensive ‘top surgeries’.

Having your dick cut off and your abdominal lining or colon yanked through a surgical wound created in your peritoneum and called a vagina is now just ‘bottom surgery’

‘Trans healthcare’ sounds so innocuous, doesn’t it? Who could possibly deny anyone health care..

Except what it really means, is access to expensive endocrinologists for hormones ( commonly referred to as titties skittles on trans Twitter) and regular blood tests. Surgeons of every description on demand for complex surgeries must be provided free of cost because once again, trans people will kill themselves in droves if they are denied these. ( would solve the problem, but anyway..).

Colonisation, capitalism, white supremacy, racism, boomers, anti semitism, gender critical views, the patriarchy, fascism, JKR, are very very bad and must be blamed for everything.

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Also that WE are the ones who have been radicalised 😂

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Yes, the comments here are sane and thoughtful. Most of the people subscribing to this ideology know absolutely nothing about what they are subscribing to and, what's worse, have no interest in learning anything. When a human being loses interest in what's going on, he might as well be put in a playpen.

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I can't properly express my contempt for Mr Bragg as it might be a hate crime. People can't change sex and all this transgender rubbish is just there to validate men's fetishes and render a generation of our youth infertile. As a form of population control it is evil. The GRA should be repealed, all GRC's revoked and biological status re-established. The should be no gender services on the NHS and education in schools should be on the basis of biological fact. If men want to dress up as women we should treat them the same way as we would if white men were in blackface.

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An activist has-been, who is busy strutting like a peacock to display his once right-on left wing social and cultural credentials, for a generation who have no idea who the hell he is. Back in the real world, it’s simply jumping the shark.

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The adults finally came into the room . . . bless them!

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Uninformed, unintelligent and his music is fucking shit. Christ he's like a living cringe

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I agree with challenging Billy Bragg's views but using insulting language is not going to make him think again.

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Not using insulting language is also not going to make him think again. I happen to enjoy insulting language when someone proves himself a complete and total arsehole.

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Oh I agree with you about taking down someone a peg or two is satisfying. But surely it is better to try to get them to think again and insulting language does not do that Susan. Don't be so certain about your attitude.

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Nothing is going to get this man to think again, Eric. I'm not as old as you but I have put up with male stupidity for far too many years to give a shit about someone like BB.

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Ok Susan. I agree with you about male arrogance. A woman friend of mine used to be head of research at a large chemical company. She used to go to conferences etc accompanied by her male assistant. Nearly always it was assumed he was top guy! What infuriated her most was that when she asked a question to some man when they were standing around, the reply was given to her assistant!. This attitude is so engrained!! Now she works as an independent technical expert and twice in last 3 years at international conferences has been awarded the top award.

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Agreed. I do think ( and hope) that if stonewall has enough clout to have the EHRC’s stance here the subject of review, those orgs will, just as we have- agree there is no ‘transphobia’ or bias in these recommendations.

Once again, the fact that when someone says ‘look, hold on, let’s look at the people who may be impacted by a change in the law in favour of GRC changes’ the TRans Lobby groups have a toys out of the pram, full on screaming melt down just proves their only concern is what they want and fvck how it effects women & kids.

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I hope you’re right!

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Very well put.

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