Wow go Mr Menno!!

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Women do not equal a vagina! Damn right we don't. She was spot on - most of them are clueless and don't even understand the issues beyond "it's nice to be nice virtue signalling, or understand biology for that matter! And women get accused of being the ones obsessed with reproductive organs! Women are also not a feeling. We are half of the population.

What is more, same-sex attraction is real and they should not be shamed back into the closet because a minority chose to define everyone based on extreme gender stereotypes. If I had been a kid now I shudder to think what I would have been exposed to/peer pressured into because I have never been gender conforming (and boy was I made to feel weird most of my life because of it). I never wanted to play with dolls, hated pink, preferred trousers, liked getting muddy and playing football and preferred DMs to heels (I cannot walk in those things! and didn't want kids. But here's the thing. At no point in my life did I think I was the wrong sex, I just believed I was weird. I shudder to think of kids like me being groomed into self-harm via surgery and medical intervention.

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Women do not equal a vagina, but having a (natural) vagina is an undisputable indication of being female - and given time, being a women. Women know that - or should...

Unfortunately, some are still preoccupied with sex characteristics at a stage in life when it really shouldn't matter any more. I recently had two interesting "cases": My best friend went for double mastectomy after breast cancer chemotherapy to avoid thoraxic radation therapy, arguing that she is not defined by her breasts and that long-term health is the priority (fully understandable). My sister-in-law was reluctant to have part of one nipple removed (pre-tumor stage alterations) because she couldn't reconcile it with her image of being a woman (she has born two children) - not so understandable.

As a child, I behaved as a tomboy but was fully aware that I was a girl - and nobody did mind, not my parents, not my male childhood friends. My mother even told me to box older boys who'd been mean to me and my younger brother (I did and it shocked them enough to leave us alone). And guess what? I never became/behaved very feminine and nonetheless have a careed and a happy relationship with a man who loves me for being female and who I am (he's one in a series of men who loved me for who I am). I'm sorry for all the youngsters who don't get it. Going along with their fantasies doesn't help them in any way.

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Thank you for standing up for us Wales. Powerful !

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Blowing whistles is all they have. How childish. Utterly moronic. Don’t they get that we will not be silent. They can blow whistles, shout, cry and scream women are women and men are not and never will be. Their bullying is as old as time and we will not be cowed. I am so sick of these kids. They don’t know what they’re fighting for - sheeple moronic, stupid, sheeple.

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Absolutely brilliant! Kudos to the brave Welsh women and Mr Menno. The gap between your meaningful speaches and the childish protest is so obvious... And maybe age is one of the key points (considering the views we got on the counter protesters): When will adults finally stop encouraging wishfull thinking in juveniles - it doesn't change your sex, medical transitioning doesn't change sex, biological sex is what you are and will have to learn to cope with, whether you like it or not. Pretending otherwise is as effective as trying to pray away cancer... It does not work, it just makes things worse.

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A few generations have been raised who have NOT been taught that:

accepting and working with harsh reality, is better than chasing the ephemeral personal fantasy dream.

One can desperately want to be a Tolkienesque Elf. They can have facial surgery, fake ear tips added, long hair wig. They can exercise and diet to get as slim as the Elves in the films. They can dress like them. But they are still human and no one else in this world should be expected, compelled or coerced into treating them as an "elf".

Keep it for Cosplay (which in itself is fine). Don't bring ones fantasies into real life. It is a guaranteed path to misery and unhappiness.

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If anyone would like to hear more from Sonya Douglas ("child, we know") - she's the keynote speaker at Merched Cymru's free webinar next Saturday.


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Who was the woman commenting on women do not equal a vagina? She was fire!!!

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Sonya Douglas, a Welsh artist and poet. She was amazing. You can view her whole speech here: https://youtu.be/Zs5TYqupPN4?t=2942

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Yes she was ... sometimes the truth has a way of sounding awesome when its so rarely spoken ...

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Thank you. Sometimes as a mum you have to tell your children no ... and mean it.

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The word "No", sadly is not being used so much to a number of generations. Society is now reaping that bad harvest.

I bless my parents being quite prepared to say NO to me when I was growing up. I knew I was loved, but was not taught to feel I was the only person the world should revolve around. Too many young people have been taught that they can be "anything they want to be"....what was forgotten was "....if you have the *aptitude* AND work hard. Nothing is given to you....you have to work for it".

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Yes, I rent out rooms in my house and the number of tenants who come in expecting that I will wipe their arse as part of the lodging agreement is stupendous ... They also lie at the drop of a hat, particularly if they have damaged something and don't see why they should replace it. They want the rent of a lodger and the service of a hotel ... and no tends to make them spiral into narcissistic rages. I've had to get the police to remove 3 tenants who've all got violent

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And so was Mr Menno !!!

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Well done to everyone there. Mr Menno is a darling.

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The lady who pointed out the children with the sign was awesome. Who is she, I need to follow her? All those women were awesome! All those stupid kids had was the whistles.

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Sonya Douglas (@SonyaDouglas on Twitter). She's giving the keynote speech at Merched Cymru's free webinar next Saturday, so don't miss it.

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Hugely well done to all the wonderful supporters of women who turned up. As to The Whistling Idiots, doing their best to drown out the speakers, I can think of a very good place for their whistles, but being a lady, I'm much too polite to suggest it....and, as always, YAY! to Mr. Menno.

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A pleasure to have worked with you on the video Graham

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I have a crush on Mr Menno. He’s such a doll.

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