It’s heartbreaking to think of the untold damage already done to vulnerable children because of these drugs. I hope moving forward children can be helped to feel

at peace with their bodies with appropriate care and support

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It really is heart-breaking, Rachel. Especially when it could so easily have been avoided. In the months and years ahead, those still advocating to pump vulnerable kids full of untested drugs (Mermaids, Stonewall, Pink News, Aido, certain vulpine-averse barristers...) in spite of all the mounting evidence, are going to look every inch the monsters they are.

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I hope they have dozens of suits for hundreds of millions each. I'd love for some of these clinics and drs. to serve jail time. Here in about ten years when these detransitioners really get to meditate on how they were experimented on, maybe it will happen.

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Yes I hope so too. The rotten bastards. Like with war criminals, they think they're getting away with it, and making loads of money as well, now, but it will catch up with them. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

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Well done Hannah Barnes & Deborah Cohen, do not be dissuaded from your brave investigative journalism by an attempted smear campaign from those who try to deny science. They evidently couldn't care less about the potential for child abuse. If the NHS has been penetrated (I use the word deliberately) by gender ideology loonies, how long before they try and infiltrate NICE?

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Now that's a disturbing thought (to go with the many other disturbing thoughts)

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This is all so shocking. With respect to Scotland, why is a country that has, what?, 5 million people, such a misogynist place? Can anyone venture why this is so? Was it the historical influence of the RC as well as the Protestant churches? Is it the education system? Is it the long-time customs of the country of centuries long duration? There are women in power there, yet so many of them go along politically with the males. What is the influence of immigrant males from the Middle East and elsewhere who are now part of the power structure? I presume the police in Scotland as in England and Wales have an unsavory history with respect to the treatment of women and ditto with the justice system in general and with respect to the stipulations of law. Why has Scotland been such a hotbed of trans activism? In England, does it have something to do with the English public school system? Does that same system exist in Scotland, too? I know the inroads postmodernists and queer theory have made, but what are the foundations that allowed them to be so readily accepted? [I could ask the same questions about the US, but I have more knowledge of the US.]

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Humza Yusaf, Sadiq Khan...western democracies are misogynist enough and the islamofascist element sure pushes it into a whole other region of toxic masculinity for sure. Until this particular issue arose I never realized how intrinsically hated women are in patriarchal society. I mean there is just seething, deep-seated hatred. I followed ex-muslim activism for a long time so I am used to seeing the evidence of the torturous treatment of MENA females but this sickening bro code and 'bro's before ho's' whenever it comes to anything concerning trans 'women' has produced a level of disgust in me that I have never felt in my life. I was literally thinking yesterday of starting a database of just the muslim males in positions of power or celebrity that have made violent threats or passed misogynist legislation that hurts women but favors the men who present as feminine.

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