It’s actually quite frightening how much they hate women. Why weren’t they kicked out?!

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That's what I felt too!

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This is the problem in a nutshell. Any attempt to safeguard fairness in women’s sports, or maintain sex-based rights and you are immediately deemed far right, non-inclusive and a fascist.

I consider myself to the left of centrebut I’m unwilling to deny science to make people feel better about themselves.

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by the captured press and the vastly overrepresented TRA tech monopoly. The reality is that 70% of the public does not support this. People need to remember US feminists had NO WARNING Biden was going to go full groomer on us. Dems will get a nasty demotion to minority party in the senate in next year's midterms. Democratic women DID NOT vote for this endorsement of endangering children and allowing predators into female spaces.

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That's a very good point to make. 👍 I see ALL THE TIME with conservative males commenting that "women voted for this" and "it's what you wanted", or "congratulations, here's your equality".

We are seeing now with the sports issue that it is most certainly NOT what people wanted.

This movement represents a very small niche of people but they have incredible influence and financial backing. The headway gained is very much about money and nothing to do with social justice or "rights". And it has spread as you say because of the hold they have over technology, and what we see and know. Capturing Google was huge. Its algorithms influence what people are able to discover, it hides inconvenient truths, it promotes biased news stories, and makes something virtually no one believes seem like a universal truth. Eat your heart out, George Orwell.

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As a lifelong Democrat living in the U.S. I feel I cannot support a party that doesn’t support women’s rights & willfully puts women & girls in danger with GI legislation. The Republican Party is a complete shit show, so this leaves me without a party. One year ago I wrote to my Senator & State Representative. I began with how I support basic rights, healthcare etc for all trans people but not at the expense of women’s rights. Then went on to explain the harmful effects of self ID on women & girls, the medicalization of children, trans women in women’s sports etc. Both responded specifically saying that they disagreed with me & detailed how trans people were being discriminated & needed protection. Just the usual no hold water bs. I am politically homeless. It is quite frightening just how fast a harmful ideology can take over a society, including the media. I am so very grateful for Graham’s reporting on this. I spread it wherever I can.

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There are so many of us, here, Canada, US, Australia, NZ who feel like you do, politically homeless. It's a choice between a party that shits on women and a party who gives lip service to women's concerns but thinks woman is a feeling or costume. 🤷

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Same here! Politically homeless.

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I left two years ago after watching dems get into bed with islamofascists and silence ex-muslim apostates. The largest percentage of US voters, 40%, are now unaffiliated, which is a huge increase. I think they are trying to commit political suicide supporting the trans agenda.

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One last thought: Do we truly believe that all these male politicians have suddenly grown a caring bone in their body regarding trans rights since all this shit began? They are doing this because they're being PAID. It's all about part donations. That's how it works in the US! Think about the track record of anything ever getting this much attention in the area of LGBTQ in politics before. Seriously dodgy shit going on here, and it's not because a bunch of Democrats suddenly decided to 'be kind'!

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*party donations

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that makes more sense to me than anything I've heard so far. Of course you are right. Except I do believe there are moronic gay male politicians who hate women and have drank the kool-aid. They are openly aggressive to lesbians who try to fight this. One is in CA I can't remember his name, he's downright menacing to one lesbian on a youtube video in a hearing.

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I can definitely see that. EUGH!

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Oh no, they're getting paid.

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Hahaha did you just repeat what I said? Hahaha. Oh dear.

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This is what it's like on many platforms when women stand up for their rights. Shouted down and intimidated by men. Gosh, and we're supposed to wonder why women want spaces free from men?

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Right? Kind of ironic. Why wouldn't we want these guys in our spaces? Hmm.

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trans fetishists are VASTLY over-represented in tech. I have finally absorbed that we are not only fighting them but there is big porn money in this as well, and the pedophile lobby...all the perverts are in on this. Their biggest defenders on social media? Sex workers. But the gamer to porn addict to AGP fetishist to sexual predator and platform moderator/coder/ tech support/social media account manager is being documented right in front of our faces and it's why our voices are so oppressed online. This is not the same as the electorate. I suspect there are uncounted numbers of women and many men who are shellshocked at Biden's trans fetish who might have voted otherwise had they known he was going to pull this. They are also defunding police right and left in localities with predictable results. I admit I have voter regret. I felt Trump was an incredibly dangerous fascist and the future of our democracy was in danger. I would not have voted for him but I might have seriously abstained from voting for the first time in my life had I known this. I hope they do not run Trump again, sincerely. I don't know if I could ever pull the lever for a republican, if they don't run Trump...but I WILL NOT vote for Biden again or any democrat that supports the Sexual Predator rights movement.

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What the hell? Sounded like a crazy trying to crash in. An analogy of AGPs and predators with women's spaces I guess. Why would that - bloke I presume - fly off the handle like that? Unless - is he AGP? Or maybe he's a (nicking the term I first picked up from a commenter on this substack - thanks whomever!) trans-banger?

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two words: Narcissistic rage

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The man making the most appalling noise is @mikeskindell who is a piece of work to say the least. He is a paid disruptive **** allegedly who pushes the trans agenda on behalf of corporations.

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Male Democrats, at that. . . behaving like animals. And that's why we need women-only spaces. Supported her argument with their c***y behaviour. Imagine if they were let loose in a private space designated for women, with no witnesses. Just disgusting.

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yes this was unbelievably assaultive of this woman, just horrible the image this gave the democrats. just battering her with noise and her body slouching as she flinched. Good going, dckheads.

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They are deranged... a woman is speaking up for woman’s rights. Instant circus. The Chair did nothing, remarkably. Is HE a Dem or just a bog standard misogynist I wonder?

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He’s a paid TRA

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Paid being the key word there.

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Actually I wish there was footage of the objectors. I sense from the angle shown it would look pretty bizarre and unhinged.

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Sorry about the source, but you can see and hear more in this video:


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yeah you really have to see the action - he's so raged up he looks like he's going to explode- and really shouldn't be making decisions on anyone else's behalf- our parliament isn't any better and often (pre pandemic) when the house is packed - female speakers struggle to speak against the disruptive rabble making waves of incoherent loud noise - in a no debate fashion.

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It is obscene, that man's behaviour.

Every time I see men get frothed up about removing the barriers to women and girls' spaces, my brain automatically wonders what might be lurking in his internet search history.

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That is 1000% a man who doesn't want to lose his big fat pharma donation right there! So freaking conservative looking, he'd not be caught dead next to any trans bearded fake woman!

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Really dislike the argument from those in favour of trans-identified males competing in women's sports that it's somehow okay because well, there aren't that many trans athletes. Hmm, so if a sprinter is doping up on steroids, we shouldn't object because well it's just one guy, right?

Can any of us even imagine these men taking a stance like this if it were male athletes being denied medals and scholarships and participation if it were females taking testosterone and winning? Yeah, sure.

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Maybe we owe Lance Armstrong an apology.

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exactly my thought.

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This reminds me of high school but on a horrific turbo sized scale. Teenage boys would make ape noises and any other kinds of loud awful sounds whenever I'd try to speak in class over 26yrs ago. This being allowed, this not being carted off by security and all privileges lost, is yet another blatant affront to civilised society. Down the toilet with Trump it's going...

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Nobody made offensive noises when I spoke in class. I think they were scared shitless of me (I stayed out of school a lot, and my right-wing history teacher told me that trying to have a class discussion without me was pointless as no one had anything to say; this was an advanced placement class), and that's a good thing. I was told at my last job in NYC that everyone was intimidated by me, and when I asked why, was told it was because of my intelligence. I used to think people were generally intelligent; I am now 67 and have learned that most people are phenomenally and willfully ignorant. Very sad and does not bode well for the future of our species. Sorry for the long comment.

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I was no shrinking violet. I told those meat heads where to shove their shit.

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God bless, it sounds like you were incredibly brave. I am becoming more and more interested in how upper class males have conned lower class males to keep women enslaved once humans were colonialized by the herding cults that conquered the egalitarian gather/hunt tribes all over the globe.

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I was 15. They were idiots. I knew I was smarter than them. No way I was letting them take away my right to speak. This was in Australia btw.

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I’m writing from a UK perspective but there is no push in our education system for critical thought and debate. I’m in my 50s and my 13 year old’s curriculum is completely different from the one I took.

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yes! It's as different as night and day, and even worse, these kids are all just cheating their way through school on their smart phones. They are NOT learning critical thinking.

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are you autistic? I am and I have this same thing going. It's not even intentional.

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Not in the least autistic, though I suspect my oldest sister may be on the spectrum.

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May I ask what 'same thing'? :) and nope, not autistic. Just did a mini check test recently and didn't even register on the scale.

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Fucking hell...the state of these bastards!

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As someone on twitter said in reply: 'Narcissistic rage'. That's 1000% what that horribly gross pounding was. Whoever did it should lose their chairs!!

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that was appalling - why is anyone voting these people into power?

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yep and the visual is horrifying for dems. You know, those women that slid over to vote for Trump in the last election are not so mystifying to me now. I won't vote for the demise of my country in fascist Trump, but I won't vote for Biden again.

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I am not at all astonished. The Democratic Party is not as abysmal as the Republican Party and that's about all that one can say for it. It is totally controlled by corporate funders and is as warmongering as the Republicans. I have thought a lot about it, and I think so-called liberals are still very uncomfortable with homosexuality. They know they should be acceptant, but their unconscious minds are still rooted in the 1950s when homosexuality was considered a disease. Consequently they love the idea of transgenderism; it explains the existence of men and women who do not fit male and female gender stereotypes.

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