I will never believe that trans-identified males will advocate for what's in women's best interests. Never. Wadhwa is showing us who he is. We should believe him.

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Hello Loretta, it's as unworkable as male midwives. No female reproductive organs = no understanding.

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Sorry Graham! But you are a big help.

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The mainstream media are not merely complicit by showing trans paedophiles in a good light, they also monitor and withhold any comment that questions the legality or rights of trans identifying people, no matter what crimes they commit. Also I have yet to find any stories regarding non-sexual crimes that trans people commit. It appears to me that if you research the crime history of any trans person their crime is always sex crime

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that's a great point.

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Why am i not surprised ? These events, and there are many of them, really need to be given a higher priority by the media. People need to know the reality of the TRA agenda.

There must surely be a good old fashioned journalist, aside from glinner of course, who is not scared to take this on . Surely. Please. Is there anyone out there ?

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it's the companies they work for I think that are afraid of litigation. Odd how many vexatious litigants there are among them. Goes along with the histrionic PD.

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Basically he's saying, I know nothing about this case but, purely because one of the participants in the dispute identifies as MIF, my instinct is to throw poor immigrant women under the bus - "as an immigrant woman".

Lying male head of Rape Crisis Centre with a curious interest in whether women orgasm during rape doesn't seem to understand that forcing or blackmailing anyone to handle your genitals when they don't want to... is a sexual assault!

If you were a woman who has been raped by a TIM (apparently a vastly under-reported crime), how encouraged might you feel to present yourself at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre?

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This Rape Centre should be shut down, in my humble opinion, not fit for purpose and its' safeguarding for women seems to be non-existent whilst they have a male in charge, and a male who has lied about his sex too, fraudulently pretending he IS a woman in the past, which this Rape Centre MUST have known about, as it's all over the internet.

So, WHY have they hired him? WHY are they being complicit in hiring someone who has kept the truth of who he really is from rape centres in the past.

I know, let's call in Police Scotland....................oh, wait, they've been Stonewalled too.

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These kind of situations can escalate in weird ways and I am concerned that someone will take it into their own hands if they keep delaying their response. If hired hands, or whipped up and angry online posters coalesce. This is a fairly moderate and considered place to discuss this, and is well moderated, but the Wild West of the rest of social media isn't and there can be unintended consequences.

Pile ons and trolling do and often translate into real world danger. I'd like to know who is doing risk assessments about the users of this service.

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I bet it's Stonewall or a Stonewall recommended group doing the risk assessments.

Hold on, do you mean Glinner or the ERCC when you say, "this service"?

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Yaniv displaying ignorance and hate speech. Immigrants working in this country are legally entitled to work here, as are those with refugee status. Asylum seekers are not allowed to work here until they achieve a right to remain. The very idea the this trans person would demand a Brazilian from these women is disgusting.

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And demand their DEPORTATION for refusing...! Anyone has a right to refuse services to anyone else at any time for any reason!! This true of shops and such; they can decide they don’t like the look of you, and ask you to leave, and that is *not a crime of any kind.*

How could you possibly think you’re on the right side of history when supporting a person trying to get immigrant women deported for saying no to them? For any fucking reason? (Note I am using gender neutral pronouns here, because the sex or “gender” of the person being rejected for a service is irrelevant, as is the reason for the rejection).

That these cases went to court at all is shameful. That the lives of the victims- yes, victims; the women he targeted for his campaign of harassment- have been fairly ruined is shameful. I hope they sue HIM for his racist discrimination, harassment, vexatious litigation resulting in lost wages, and the psychological harm he’s caused, and take every last penny he has. That wouldn’t be justice, but it would be beginning to resemble it, at least.

The racism of these white trans-identifying males becomes *so clear* the moment a woman of color says no to them; and clearly, the Woke left are just as happy to throw people of color as women under the bus to cater to the desires of these white men, if it comes to that.

Creepy racist misogynists suffering from affluenza, the lot of them. (These AGP types anyway).

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they are trying to push it so any "trans" being can do anything at all to any female at any time no matter what and any woman who refuses is a transphobe. Thats what sexual predators do but the trans stuff gave them legitimacy.

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How is become clearer as they use the same playbook. By pretending you're an immigrant woman yourself, kerching. As Mridul has done. Take on the protected characteristic as yours, then you have free licence to claim that ground to pontificate from. Then double down when called out, and hope the other, more reasonable or weaker person will back down, and enough others will feel enough doubt to back off or side with the one claiming underprivilege. It's revealing that Yaniv thinks they're 'these so called immigrants'. No, they have migrated to a country, so they are migrants emigrating from one country and immigrating to another country. Nothing 'so called' about it. Is that because he thinks women are just 'so called women' and anyone can choose to act as one? So called gravity and so called ageing must be a real annoyance to him. So called hunger when you can't access so called food. And after all, it's only the so called law and the so called police. So called reality.

I hope sometimes that they're test cases that people are encouraged to take, to make case law, to warn other disturbed and malicious people off and give it the publicity it needs. Who would believe it otherwise.

Time and again, supposed 'transphobia' appears to trump old-fashioned racism, zenophobia, ableism, abuse and misogyny. Utter flagrant breaking of laws.

All of these conversational tics are revealing.

"As a migrant woman"

You're not.

No. Stop taking on the mantle of woman as some kind of shield. To then attack us women with.

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I'm sure we could use this strategy against the AGP bunch. Would it be useful to claim to be a 'transman' to cause real XY men problems? What of their spaces could we invade? Oh god, not the men's toilets????

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Agreed, especially the bit about affluenza.

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I genuinely do not understand why the law and the entire legal system is enabling these perverts to operate with the full protection of the law and beyond that legal protection into political protection. I was recently (last week) looking at an article on the Glinner update and decided to do my own research. Tik Tok (a social media site owned and operated in China, with the full backing of Chinese government officials) appears to have an extraordinary amount of content relating to male children who are encouraged by their parents to dress as girls. Youtube has similar content. None of it, well none of it that I found, after doing some research was overtly sexual in any seedy kind of way, but what I found fascinating was the comments, some of which were lewd and were obviously adults viewing the content in a different way than (possibly) intended. It's all over social media. I am pretty sure there is worse hidden behind private content and in comments that I found. It struck me that Children might view these images and these comments and think that it is normal for adults to make suggestive comments regarding children. My belief is that people such as Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv and others must have, at some point in their development, gained the idea that children are sexual beings and therefore prey for sexual desires. I believe social media platforms should not only delete content that is unsuitable but comments too, and that more should be done to identify those who, may not exhibit paedophile tendencies in social media, but are anyway known and convicted paedophiles in the real world, and ban them. Why do they only ban people who argue against fetishists and paedophiles?

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forgot to add that he became a meme at reddit the "wax my balls" meme

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I’d wax his balls and believe me who wouldn’t ask anyone to do it again 😉

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It occurred to me that I'd do this too if he came to my salon (though I'm not a beautician). But then I realised he sue the pants off anyone who didn't do it problem. He's determined to cause harm to these women no matter what they do.

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The women he thinks he can intimidate... I’d fail that test given my menopausal not giving a fuck cos I’ve had enough attitude ... I couldn’t get near him.. but if I could it’d be worth the court case purely for the pleasure it would give so many wonderful women 😘

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I wonder this as well. Are there enough of them to hand Nicola Sturgeon a majority?

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Now, now. Tempting though it may be to give the fullest Brazilian we aren't men or autogynephilic men so let's leave out the threats of violence.

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two reasons: the CEO's themselves are fetishists, paedophiles, porn addicts...so many of the originators of these sites are gamers and got seasoned to porn early via gaming, when they were in single digit ages, and think it's 'normal' (and porn addiction progresses into more hardcore porn much of the time, like any drug addiction) and also the moderators are sex and violence addicted as well, from online exposure from gaming/porn...and if they aren't they soon will be. These people are not normal, and normal people don't stay in these moderation jobs, and many need counseling once they leave them. Many of the top porn tube sites have VOLUNTEER moderators...that's because they are hopelessly addicted and actually *want* to see the worst content...this is a terrible problem foist onto society by the internet, that's why I believe we could take on the internet without ever mentioning the word trans and arrive at the same destination.

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I have been an avid gamer since the 1980's but the games I chose were about military operations or space exploration or just simply about television programs like star trek. I did have a character in Second Life, once, for a few years and I realised that role playing games were often about finding the person behind the character, but what I am trying to say is I dont think being a gamer makes a person a paedo. I think paedo's play games and exploit people if they can. there were always people getting thrown out of Second life for what they call "Age play" basically where one paedo assumes the role of a child and another an adult, not so much now but I believe around 2007 there was a big investigation by law enforcement into role playing gaming

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China is pragmatic - until it affects control of their own population, interests and their GDP. Their place in geopolitics. It's creating traffic and bringing in money. These companies are not tied to any laws of any jurisdiction, other than their own and they appear to have free rein having utterly hoodwinked politicians and leaders.

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Searched for this, which I remember reading some time ago. (I’m guessing many will already be aware of this, but I’m relatively new to this trans fuck-wittery so am still appalled daily by stuff I read.)

It would seem that some judges (at least at the time of this article) do have common sense.

(NB: I’m not a fan of beauty pageants 😉)


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"In May 2019, Yaniv, whose biological sex is male, applied to be a contestant in the pageant’s “28 Years and Older Division” but did not disclose she was transgender"

Lololololol. As if he'd need to. Fucking hell.

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Indeed. Transbeauty, transage, trans...transreality.

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'Trans fuckwittery' for phrase of the year.

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hang on a second I recognise that person. Pretty sure it's the Romantic Novelist from "Little Britain"

Dame Sally Markham

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it doesn't surprise me that a man who would lie and say he's female would lie and say he knows nothing about Yaniv. Sorry, that's impossible. I wish I didn't know who Yaniv is. I live in the rural S.E. United States and I know about BOTH of these scumbags. What else is the loony rape fetishist hiding? No sane man wants to work in rape crisis unless it's male rape crisis. Any other job lying on the app is grounds for dismissal.

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Excellent point about lying on the application form. Perhaps a request as to why this was ignored?

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Perverts hiding in plain sight

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Hiding? Hiding?

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There must be a quarter of a million women in Scotland more fit for the job of chief executive of Edinburgh Rape Crisis than Mridul Wadhwa.

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Well, not to mention that removing hair from female genitals is much different from removing hair from male genitals. It's not painless in any instance, but I would imagine it's infinitely MORE painful for men. So, perhaps the answer, all along ... was to go ahead and wax and rip the hair off those penises and balls. The aestheticians involved said that they were not TRAINED to wax the pee pee and testicles. They were only trained to wax female parts. Maybe the answer all along was "The trial of Testicles, hot wax and rip version."

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I'm very willing to wax his genitalia for him. Pass the hot wax.

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Wait, there's MORE?? You're on fire JL - this is so well laid out and juxtaposed it's so clear to see. Coopting and hijacking is the very thing Mridul has done and is still clinging to. That he accuses others of. No shame. Attcking others who are genuine and highlighting actual vulnerable women. This is projection and gaslighting all rolled into one. It's fraud.

How can a man play the vulnerable woman card to attack women for defending vulnerable women. Ahhhhhh and breathe...wrong'un defends other wrong'un shocker.

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That link shows how perverse the man is

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Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. What's even more unbelievable is that he hasn't been prosecuted. Even if it's a catfish he's committed the offence of Attempt to have sex with a minor or to lure a minor into sexual activity. (Sorry, not sure of the exact name of the offences.)

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I'm delighted to read the court dismissed his application as being for personal gain from small businesses.

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