They really wrote "Hitler had the right idea" and "I will report you to the Police" in the same email, and the Police protected them? That's really going to take awhile to sink in.

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Yes. Bizarre doesn't begin to cover it. The detail is so fantastical it's hard to believe. I'd like to be a fly on the wall when there are a few questions asked of those who fluffed this non-hate non-crime nothing nonsense, exactly how they overlooked those statements and pattern of behaviours, yet went after Harry. And what they will be doing now in the light of recent developments. And is it me, or are the same names cropping up here with this case too?

There's clearly something amiss with how, what and why anything is now investigated. That's not lack of resources or staff. Is it their official policy? What are thresholds? Why are Police apparently overlooking evidence? I'd suggest someone finds what exactly the College of Policing think their role is here and that is definitely very much in the public interest. Maybe they'd like to clarify that for everyone's benefit.

Now all that evidence is public, at what point do the perpetrators have their collar felt? This seems like a very small, very coordinated group. Surely not!

Well done Harry.

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Nazis typically think the state is here to protect them and support them in enforcing their views. Sadly, they are right most of the time.

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That's libertarians for you - always demanding police protection from their slaves.

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Graham can you interview Harry again on your youtube channel ASAP please?! I cannot wait to see him and hear what he has to say. Such fabulous news the day after GC coming out day!

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Will there be apologies to everyone harmed by this including Marion Millar and you yourself Graham? I hope so

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Great news for team GC and for Freedom of Speech. Thank you to Harry, Sarah, Rob and all at fair cop for the wonderful work you do for the most crucial rights in any liberal society. Keep going.

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From the Mail: " ..Mr Justice Julian Knowles said Miller's tweets were 'lawful' and that the effect of the police turning up at Mr Miller's place of work 'because of his political opinions must not be underestimated'. He added: 'To do so would be to undervalue a cardinal democratic freedom. In this country we have never had a Cheka, a Gestapo or a Stasi. We have never lived in an Orwellian society.'"

This makes me feel quite proud of British justice for once: other countries are falling and we may be on our knees, but we are getting back on to our feet and fighting for our freedom - all this gender nonsense and controlling people's speech is just not compatible with our sense of right and wrong.

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It is incredible how the Mail has been writing such quality journalism on the subject. Even the Sun have been surprising. I'd not heard of Andrew Doyle (maybe he's horrible, I hope not however) but in this YouTube interview, he speaks so sensibly of cancel culture and the Sun interviewer asks few but very relevant questions. I was quite amazed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqQBLIzDDUQ&lc=UgxiLB5lsFu_86Uko2F4AaABAg.94FWH-Sq-PS9W1Atf_cI5Y&ab_channel=TheSun

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I really like Andrew Doyle. He was a Labour supporter; he's gay; he does stand-up comedy and runs a comedy club in East London. He wrote a great little book on Freedom of Speech. He explains complicated things very well and is a very good interviewer also

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He has a segment on GB News called Free Speech Nation.

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I like his statement about social media platforms: We're not publishers so you can't sue us, but we curate what you can see and are therefore publishers.

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Brilliant news. I saw him interviewed and he’s a articulate. Brilliant brilliant news. Fantastic man.

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I'm so happy! This is such a wonderful judgement and will have far-reaching consequences. Coming after the Scout Association climb down too - all their castles made of sand are falling down.

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Great news!

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More evidence that the world is insane - those quoted comments are clearly in breach of several laws and should have been acted on by the police. The writer should probably have been made to receive compulsory psychiatric care via the courts.

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"In short, the recording of non-crime hate incidents is plainly an interference with freedom of expression and knowledge that such matters are being recorded and stored in a police database is likely to have a serious ‘chilling effect’ on public debate. "


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Much as it pains me, it looks like Priti Patel did influence this new and positive result https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/priti-patel-orders-police-to-stop-recording-hate-incidents-that-are-not-crimes-hhqkgf7p0

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Even the blind squirrel finds a nut now and again.

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Congratulations Harry!!

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I truly cannot believe this vile pos was getting away with saying these things with impunity thinking the cops were in her/his pocket - btw was this really a woman and not a troon? anyway I hope Harry feels like GOD as he should -

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Not a woman by any stretch of the imagination, and no friend to women either

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Fantastic news!

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Messages from Mrs B are totally damning imo. That is where the hate is.

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A huge congratulations to Harry Miller on his landmark victory today in the Court of Appeal

Now, let's stop these Orwellian and creepy "non-crime hate incidents" once and for all

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Mentally deranged people calling the shots....Well, not for much longer. Their time is coming to an end and it's heroes like Harry and Graham who will bring this vile era to a close. Now, TRAs are threatening Graham's producers of The Father Ted Musical, at Hat Trick Productions, (see article below) You can contact Hat Trick here: https://www.hattrick.co.uk/contact/ I've left a long message on their answerphone, suggesting they stand up to these bullies and become as courageous and respected as Graham.

Story of what TRAs are doing, is here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10324511/amp/Father-Ted-creator-claims-trans-zealots-forcing-stage-version-show.html

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Thank you very much, have emailed. Twats.

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Well done, I'll see if I can do the same to Hat Trick

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I mailed them when I saw this story. No Graham - no way any tickets getting bought.

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Thanks for this link. I will be writing them immediately. I hope many others do. Tired of seeing good men and women lose out to a small, deluded bunch of narcissists.

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