You may remember Katie Herzog, Jesse Singal and Helen Lewis smearing me on the basis of my ‘Her’ prank, in which I exposed the problem of men pretending to be lesbians on that dating app.
Isn’t it ironic that there are calls for violence against women to be treated as the same as terrorism but are also quite happy to give away all of women’s rights and safe spaces at the same time. Why are they so fucking stupid!!! 🤬
I work in the domestic abuse sector and as a result I have absolutely no faith whatsoever that any rape, assault or murder of a woman by the people you are highlighting will make any difference whatsoever to this debate around women’s safety and rights. Men have been raping and/or murdering women for millennia for rejecting them, leaving them, cheating on them. The only people who genuinely care are Feminists (actual Feminists not the dabblers and sand-pit players) and men like yourself who are allies, and we are a minority. Other people turn a blind eye and victim blame in order to not have to take a closer look. Women’s lives are expendable, Trans lives are precious, therefore “collateral damage” would be acceptable to the indoctrinated acolytes of the cult. I’m dreadfully cynical, I know, and there is some hope on the horizon but I have little faith that highlighting the potential risk these individuals pose to women will make any impact whatsoever even though you are 100% right to do so.
“Inappropriate decorum” nails it. Yes, there are a lot of people out there who clearly need psychiatric help. Arguably they’re victims of all this too, at least to some extent. But the enablers! They are *grown adults*. They *know* this is insane. And they are abject cowards for refusing to say so.
They are not critical thinkers. How many of us are? How many of us accept what we hear on the news? How many of us think carefully about what we are told? How many of us analyze WHO BENEFITS and who does not benefit from what I am hearing? Like a commenter on here about the Wi Spa story: Who benefited from lying? Did the woman who reported the sex crime benefit or was she targeted for abuse? Who benefited from lying at the Kavanaugh hearings? Did the woman who reported the sex crime benefit or was she targeted for abuse? EVERYTHING we hear and see deserves healthy skepticism.
We’re just collateral as always. When we have politicians saying our concerns aren’t valid, I doubt even a tragedy will open there minds.. the killing of woman is ‘just another story’.
I just want to say that this is one reason I love Graham and what he is doing. To him, we women are NOT collateral damage. What happens to us matters to him. This is so different an experience that sometimes I actually tear up when I reflect that someone like Graham is actually real. He's tireless and he calls it like it is and he refuses to give up! It's like having a daydream come true, and that almost never happens. I hope there is a special medal in heaven for him someday--I know he isn't getting any medals here on earth, far from it. He's getting grief instead.
They are already flying under the radar, what we want is for them to be on the radar and flagged for us. The city police send out e-mail notices when certain violent offenders move close to me, including a photo and a history of crimes.
At least we are being warned. The problem with male criminals identifying with aliases that imply they are neither male or criminal is the lack of warning.
If you accept that trans identified males are "women", you are not a lesbian, but hetrosexual. It is impossible for a lesbian to accept a man as a woman. Of course, I also think a man who says a man is a woman is a homosexual, lying or a predator himself.
It's time for women to begin openly protecting each other (and blatantly guarding restrooms and changing rooms) in the same fashion as the Q-patrol once protected our L&G neighborhoods in the 90s.
Tangentially: It is perpetually shocking to me how many American women will recognize this evil trans pervert as a threat and will still waffle off and oppose Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, and guns in general. At what point will they internalize that TIMs are, in general, violent, male, sexual predators who will have no hesitation about killing or raping them? The only people who will protect women are women.
I know it seems that way when we watch this like a horror stage but I know there are men out there willing to stand with us, we just have to spell this shit out to them and I think Graham is helping us do that.x
Quite right! My plan involves being very noisy before the man goes in, and/or once a woman begins to object. Men have no business in women's spaces for anything short of a medical emergency (and then, only if there are no women qualified to help).
And this is what the woman said whose husband stands outside the public toilets door. He was there in case he was needed, but did not invade women's sex-segregated space. We have so-called rest areas off the highway which often have enormous, empty restrooms; I and other women avoid them due to possible danger.
Women need a “Guardian Angels” type protection of badass women, or yes, just look out for one another.. which women tend to do anyway. Not sure why you have the impression that American women tolerate the Invasion of The TIMs?? ( I, for one do not, nor do I tolerate the ‘pronouns kill’ utter nonsense, lol).
I am speaking about American women seeing a threat and still blindly opposing or waffling when it comes to self defense and self protection measures and taking forever to come together.
-We are not going out together and guarding the doors in clubs and bars (yet).
-We are not (yet) trying clothes on in organized groups and then marching out and loudly saying that we're leaving and not buying anything (and leaving stacks of clothes to put back) because the changing room area is unisex.
-We are not forming shooting clubs (yet), tho women really should be learning en masse how to legally defend our homes and persons. We should not wait for men to charge into the ladies' room to protect us from other men...
-We are not taking self-defense classes together. As groups. While loudly talking about the threats posed by autogynephiles. (Yet.)
These are all similar to activities my friends who were in the Q-patrol engaged in...
By contrast: the women's conference in August in Seattle had an agenda that included collage 🙄😬 and poetry😵...or was it painting? They lost me at collage. Collage does not defend us from a psycho rapist with a pink and blue baseball bat.
I don't say the pronouns either. And that makes me way more likely to get murdered by a crazy trans person. I'd like to avoid that.
Club Sauce, the vast expanse of the U.S. is nothing like Seattle 😆🤣, Portland or parts of CA. Realize that “unisex changing rooms” do not exist in most of the U.S., because us women don’t put up w/ such dangerous nonsense. Never seen one, would never shop at a store that had one (most stores would never even implement such insanity, due to the obv insurance issues placing their female customers in danger presents). In many states, women are already armed (think Texas and most of the midwest, Dakotas & beyond), that’s how they live. In many states women carry mace, etc. Your focus on blaming American women for not forming roving packs of vigilantes is …umm… 🚩…unusual. I suggest taking self defense classes and /or martial arts, if you haven’t already, to learn self defense and empower oneself. Martial arts are great, as it teaches one to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Yeah, I don’t want to be murdered, either. ✌️
I'm well aware that culture differs between areas of the USA. I travel it heavily for work.
Seems like you're more invested in deciding who I am and starting an argument than in having a discussion on how we can mobilize the big populations in those captured blue areas who are trying to find their courage. So I'll agree to disagree and move on. Have a good one.
Interesting that you view a woman expressing her views as ‘arguing’… Also, funny how you shut down communication with me & then later present my suggestion of taking self-defense and martial arts classes as your original thought 😆. You have a good one too!
So what happened with Target having changing rooms in which men were found? I know women protested, but I don't know the outcome. And I don't think Club Sauce was blaming women, but asking why we don't do more to protect ourselves and one another. I cannot believe in this day and age that mothers are not emphasizing to their daughters the dangers of the world and how to be safe. Gabby Petito looked to me like she was 12 or 13 years old and why am I not in doubt that she was raised in a family that encouraged her to act ultra-feminine and vulnerable?
Susan Sirens, I appreciate your comment. Here’s what I think.
Asking why women “don’t do more to protect” themselves from male violence strongly resonates of male victim blaming, IMHO. It trips my internal male/misogynist gauge and sets my internal alarms blaring.
I understand some women may be new to the issue of Male “trans” violence against women & some who appear to show interest in this issue may be young, unfamiliar with the intricacies of TIM Violence Against Women, or even TIMs trolling (happens on Twttr all the time). It is very important to keep the lines of communication open between women and known allies, and that is just one reason I appreciate Glinner’s writings and comment section!
Susan, women ALREADY do plenty to avoid male violence; We live our lives with male violence in mind; We walk with keys in hand, laced between our fingers to gouge an attacker; We take self defense classes and martial arts training to protect ourselves; We travel in pairs/groups; We check on one another; We arm ourselves, carry mace, etc.; We don’t rent city apartments on ground level, to avoid becoming a statistic of male violence; Women buy our own drinks and never accept any from men we don’t know well to avoid being drugged by rapists; When traveling solo, we request hotel rooms closest to the reception desk; Women NEVER accept keys to a motel room at the end of the building or where there is no exterior lighting, etc. Women have been taking precautionary actions like these for decades, if not centuries.
As for specifically guarding ourselves against violent Trans-Id’d Men, women everywhere are taking action against legislation allowing men into women’s sex segregated safe spaces/prisons, etc. & much more. Women & allies are actively boycotting establishments that boast of and/or have “unisex” bathrooms/ changing areas (although I have never heard of any facilities implementing such ‘changing rooms’’- doesn’t mean they do not exist somewhere). We’re documenting the TIM’s online and IRL violence and threats, reporting their violence, fighting them in court, confronting TIM enablers, speaking out, losing our jobs and homes fighting TIMs’ false allegations against us, fighting against the medical ‘transing’ of children, etc.
As for Target Stores’ male offenders, I believe the majority of cases were men putting cell phones under (and/or over/ in) girl’s/women’s dressing room doors (which is heinous & TBH can occur in any store). I boycott all Target stores. Which reminds me…according to a WSJ article from approx 2016, Target was supposed to add private bathrooms “to quell trans debate”. The article quoted Target to be spending $20 million to add private restrooms to approx 270 stores, if I recall that correctly. Not sure about their follow-through, you’d have to research that.
Gabby Petito, seemed to me like an average young 20 year old. I don’t see her dress or behavior as being ‘hyper feminine’. ?? Even if she had dressed in Bubble wrap, it would not justify any male violence committed against her. I mention this to bring attention to the tendency to adopt the misogynistic female-victim-blaming that permeates our culture. Mothers, sisters and daughters are not to be blamed for male violence. I can only suggest focusing on the violent men, and ways to prevent/stop them from committing further violence against women being of utmost importance.
Here's an analogy for you. In post-WWII France, a priest named Abbe Pierre started a group to build houses for the poor and homeless. (We have a branch here in rural coastal Maine where old women were freezing to death in the winter.) When asked about soup kitchens VERSUS lobbying the government for appropriate food assistance, his reply was, "You do both!" You lobby for a decent social safety net but meanwhile you do not let people starve to death. Of course women need to fight male violence on every level, BUT MEANWHILE you protect yourself, your female relatives, and other women by being sensible. It is not blaming women for women to point out the necessity of doing so!
While you're focusing on the violent men -- and male violence is so endemic in our society it will take a long time to erase it, and frankly I don't think it's going to happen before we possibly go extinct -- vulnerable women are being assaulted, raped, and murdered, sometimes in situations that could have been avoided. For example, it is not smart to walk down the street in NYC drunk, it isn't even smart to walk down the street in NYC not looking purposeful. You may not get raped, but you'll probably be mugged. I lived in NYC, walked home at night up until midnight Mon-Thurs (after that I'd hail a cab), and anytime on Friday night. I NEVER got harassed, never got mugged, never got assaulted because I did not look vulnerable, vague, an easy target. Being sensible is emphatically NOT blaming women.
Asking that question does not mean you are blaming women for what happens to them! I don't know why this is so hard for women to understand. I cannot believe how vulnerable young women seem to be, utterly naive about the world and the dangers it presents. "Oh, yeah, it seems like a great idea to go to a frat party and get drunk!"
Not sure about that! The USA has much higher crime rates than any other 1st world country, so obviously your crazy gun laws don't help much. The lowest rates are in the Scandinavian countries. So if you want to protect women, what you really need is some socialism...
I think there is also a deep cultural difference(s) to factor in, as well as the pre-existing circumstances in each country. Where I live, the police will not show up if you call.
Self defence is empowering for many women. I view it as a responsibility. Others may feel differently.
But I for sure will not stand by and allow socialism into the USA without resistance: I see it as part of the problem behind genderism...
I’m all for people taking personal responsibility - like for instance well-known journalists should start taking responsibility for reporting the truth, because it would be the right thing to do. But more widely, I’d say that genderism is a product of US-style individualism and libertarianism. The central idea is that if someone says they are a woman, they are. It’s all about that individual’s rights. Over here in the UK/Europe, there (still, just about) is a *collective* sense of society. If someone says they are a woman but are clearly not, that’s not ok because society needs some shared acknowledgment of facts in order to function. To be clear: it’s absolutely fine for men to be stereotypically “feminine” and women to be stereotypically “masculine”. But wearing a dress does not make a man into a woman. He is a man in a dress, which is fine. He just needs to keep out of women’s single-sex spaces.
But yes, big pharma, the cult of the individual (instead of the responsibilities of being a member of society), the luxury beliefs of privileged US university campuses, and *especially* Silicon Valley big tech: that’s where the problem comes from I’m afraid, not European-style social democracy.
I suppose it would be most accurate to attribute much of the origins of this mess to Foucault and Judith Butler, yes? So, I suppose the source is split across the Atlantic. Have you read "cynical theories"?
Not sure on the link to libertarianism... Restricted/compelled speech, infringing on the rights of others, demanding that others' taxes be used to pay for cosmetic treatments and medical care, protected/privileged groups in lieu of meritocracy, overriding the rights of parents, granting the government the role of provider and caretaker: these are not libertarian values as I know them. I would see them as socialist, and as simultaneously enabling genderists to flourish and then being shored up and reinforced by genderists as their -ism spreads. If you have reading material on the link to libertarianism you can share, I'd love to add it to my reading list.
And of course, we're seeing self-declared socialists and commies in the autogynephile crowd in all impacted countries. But we're not seeing them taking over conservative parties.
>>*collective* sense of society. If someone says they are a woman but are clearly not, that’s not ok because society needs some shared acknowledgment of facts in order to function.<<
this is an interesting perspective. I would see it as clearly not okay because a free society that respects the rights of the individual prizes objective truth because it enables society to function while maintaining the delicate balance necessary for lowercase-l liberal values.
Cheers - how refreshing to actually discuss opinions without being instantly shouted down. My issue with your initial comment about 'socialism' is that it's really hard to pin down what that means. If you watch the 1980 republican debate with George HW Bush and Reagan, they sound so incredibly to the left of present day US politics (left/right is increasingly meaningless though) and that was the mainstream American view at that time.
We had Thatcher here, who famously said "There is no such thing as society; there are individual men and women and there are families". She would obviously not have been into gender woo-woo, but when I read about parents who, to paraphrase, argue along the lines that "My child [a son] is actually a girl and wants to shower with the other girls at school after sports" that's all about that individual [male] child's rights, and screw the girls. Screw the very idea that the female sex exists and that women and girls have sex-based rights in society.
And re politics, you're right that the 'left-wing' parties have been captured by genderism. Over here, Labour, Liberal Democrats, the Scottish National Party, the Greens are all to varying degrees pushing it. But from my perspective, that means they are just not left-wing any more at all. Paradoxically, the Conservatives (who in the UK actually did set things going with self-ID proposals, and who have several full-on TRAs among their elected representatives) are more focused on society rather than the individual's right to self-define as whatever they want.
You mention health-care, but again, the US is just such an outlier that I can't really comment on it. Here, almost everyone accepts that free-at-the-point-of-delivery healthcare, funded by taxation, is the most efficient and fairest system. Following the pandemic even more so, it is in society's interest for sick people to get treatment. Take away the private health insurance companies' cut and it works out in everyone's interest if my taxes help to pay for someone else's cancer treatment. It's part of the social contract. It's part of being a member of society. I would absolutely agree though that the TRAs' demands for cosmetic 'validation' surgery are unreasonable. And of course you have the weird dichotomy that double mastectomies are apparently vital life-saving interventions for teenage girls, but middle aged men can be women while keeping their lady-penises intact...
I love America and have several relatives who are American. I don't want people walking round with guns over here though! So, we'll have to disagree about some things, but we clearly agree about the sheer lunacy of genderism, so that's good!
Time zone differences saw me pass out in the middle of this. I'll keep it brief. 🙂
You're so right re: definitions. One of the best (and most difficult) habits I'm internalizing is to define terms when conversing with those I'm trying to peak. Now I need to task myself with a simple, conversational definition of socialism I can chuck in there.
I was all for universal health care until I experienced it in a couple of countries who supposedly do it very well. Both the pros and cons of the experiences shocked me, but I now feel it's not the solution for us. (We must create our own solution that fits our actual needs and values.)
I note that we both perceive a duty to benefit society, but see it in a different place... I see the duty not around placing gov't in the role of administrating services, but rather in gov't keeping hands off private practices while ensuring fairness, competition, legality, and rigorous safety thru law (the mandate of the people).
This is broken in the USA right now: see insulin as an example-- I shouldn't have to pay for my neighbour's insulin via taxes, but the people I elect should craft laws ensuring that his insulin will be cheap, safe, and freely available from multiple competing manufacturers. (Currently NONE of those requirements are being met to minimum standard. Dreadful.)
These are the sorts of conversations we need to have to pull diverse people/parties/philosophies in around our common cause(s). I hope we get to have another some time!
We have to remember the laws in the USA are different to those in the UK. There are differences too between the UK and GB.
There are cultural differences too.
We can stand with our sisters on the other side of the pond but must be wary of how we challenge men in women's spaces over here. We have to stay within the law to stay safe all round.
Absolutely. That's why I'd like to see my friends come along to self-defense classes to better understand their legal rights and responsibilities. And other women in other states who find their courage may feel empowered by doing the same. Knowledge is power.
With 50 different sets of laws on public assembly, peaceful protest, self-defense, etc., we will have to forge our own approaches in the USA.
Some of the strategies in the UK and GB will not fly here and vice versa, nor will all mind-sets resonate the same with our varied and regional sensibilities:
The police might show up at my house, but it would take them time to get here. And I am a radical feminist, which essentially means I am a socialist. Unbridled predatory capitalism has a lot more to do with gender ideology than socialism does.
As A Lakes Poet said, we'll have to pin down what 'socialism means 🙂 I don't recall advocating for unbridled predatory capitalism. I wouldn't think either to be a good way to run a society. But! That's probably a running chat for a different forum. RIP glinner's inbox 😆
Very telling also that Braiden-Lee Mckee …calling men macho w@@kers and fa@@ots also using the terms macho, manly and muscles.
In the video it is shown he is not well built... I think a lot of the false/fake/photoshopped images of men and women induce so much insecurity in those who try to live up to these extreme images.
Physical beauty is a plus today but confidence in who you are is much more satisfying.
Easy for you to say about physical beauty if your photo is anything to go by!
Any current scandals among the Witnesses? They haven't stopped by my house for a long, long time, and that usually means some sort of scandal. I always take the magazines and chat with them; my grandma-in-law was a Witness and was a lovely human being.
We in the UK haven't been out from a month before the official lockdown in the UK. Different parts of the world will comply with what the governments allow in this time of covid-19.
In the UK we are now witnessing by letter writing until it is safe for us and those we call on.
All our meetings are on Zoom...which has been great for all of us, and we are getting a 100% attendance.
Its lovely to hear your grandma-in-law was a witness, so a spiritual sister to me.
In my 36 years as a witness I have never heard of a "scandal" any where in the world that would stop our witnessing.
There was a big sex scandal at the headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. I didn't see any Witnesses for a long time after that and that was many years before the pandemic. I'm sorry, but it's patriarchal religion and patriarchal religion has a strong component of sexual access to women and children.
Headquarters in Brooklyn, New York...moved along time ago btw.
In July 2009, Jehovah’s Witnesses purchased a plot of land in upstate New York with plans to relocate their world headquarters. The 102-hectare (253 a.) property is located about 80 kilometers (50 mi) northwest of the existing facilities in Brooklyn, New York, where they have been since 1909.
Donald Trump’s son-in-law and campaign advisor, developer Jared Kushner, bought the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ iconic Watchtower headquarters in Dumbo last Wednesday, which he plans on turning into a tremendous, classy office complex by September next
FEBRUARY 14, 2017
Witnesses Receive Highest Rating by GBI for Sustainable Design of New World Headquarters
by starconnec tFebruary 17, 201725
Believe me JW women including myself are very strong. No woman in the world has more rights than me or my sisters. And no woman or man can undermine my beliefs.
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Scripturally Based Position on Child Protection
The welfare of children is of utmost concern to Jehovah’s Witnesses. This document provides an explanation of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ response to allegations of child abuse.
"In 2006 the secretary-general of the United Nations transmitted to the UN General Assembly a world report on violence against children that had been compiled by an independent expert for the UN. During a recent year, according to the report, an estimated 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 years of age experienced “forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence.” Those numbers are staggering, but the report notes: “This is certainly an underestimate.” A review of studies from 21 countries suggested that in some places as many as 36 percent of women and 29 percent of men had been subjected to some form of sexual victimization in childhood. The majority of the perpetrators were relatives!"
"Sometimes I worry that it will take a tragedy to reveal to these people how their careerism and cowardice is failing women."
Sadly I think it will. Humans have a history full of 'shutting-the-stable-door-after-the-horse-has-bolted' examples. Until then they cna dismiss our concerns as bigotry, or at best, as unfounded. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to pull heads out of arses.
I might just be feeling particularly pessimistic this evening, but I don't think the first two or three will make any difference. I suspect the first two will be reported as being committed by women, and the third as "not a *real* trans". The signal has already gone out to these dangerous men that a segment of society will write off deaths of women as the price of "inclusion", so I fear that we will see the blood-drenched results only too soon. How are we going to stop it?
I'm not going to sleep well now, but, then, maybe I shouldn't. There are too many women who sleep badly because of men - why should I be insulated?
Unfortunately, it often takes a death to get action. Traffic lights and speed bumps magically appear after the death of a child. Boy racers get hauled off the road and their cars crushed when a dad coming home from the pub is hit and dies. Boys doing parkour are taken away and given something more meaningful to do when one is killed on the motorway. It may well be the same here... A woman is killed in a public toilet for looking the wrong way at a man doing his make up or taking a selfie. And as harsh as it is to say, if the young woman is the daughter of a police sergeant or a politician or a judge, how much fallout will there be?
We live in a cruel world but how cruel is it for communities who have to suffer a death for action to be taken? It puts life back centuries...
The journalist activists who have attacked you pretty obviously see these Her guys as being on their "team." That's why they think mocking them is in poor taste, but mocking the Jan 6 crowd is perfectly fine. Simple as.
Isn’t it ironic that there are calls for violence against women to be treated as the same as terrorism but are also quite happy to give away all of women’s rights and safe spaces at the same time. Why are they so fucking stupid!!! 🤬
Politicans like Sadiq Khan know what women are when it's politically expedient for them to. It's so cynical it's beyond belief.
I work in the domestic abuse sector and as a result I have absolutely no faith whatsoever that any rape, assault or murder of a woman by the people you are highlighting will make any difference whatsoever to this debate around women’s safety and rights. Men have been raping and/or murdering women for millennia for rejecting them, leaving them, cheating on them. The only people who genuinely care are Feminists (actual Feminists not the dabblers and sand-pit players) and men like yourself who are allies, and we are a minority. Other people turn a blind eye and victim blame in order to not have to take a closer look. Women’s lives are expendable, Trans lives are precious, therefore “collateral damage” would be acceptable to the indoctrinated acolytes of the cult. I’m dreadfully cynical, I know, and there is some hope on the horizon but I have little faith that highlighting the potential risk these individuals pose to women will make any impact whatsoever even though you are 100% right to do so.
“Inappropriate decorum” nails it. Yes, there are a lot of people out there who clearly need psychiatric help. Arguably they’re victims of all this too, at least to some extent. But the enablers! They are *grown adults*. They *know* this is insane. And they are abject cowards for refusing to say so.
They are not critical thinkers. How many of us are? How many of us accept what we hear on the news? How many of us think carefully about what we are told? How many of us analyze WHO BENEFITS and who does not benefit from what I am hearing? Like a commenter on here about the Wi Spa story: Who benefited from lying? Did the woman who reported the sex crime benefit or was she targeted for abuse? Who benefited from lying at the Kavanaugh hearings? Did the woman who reported the sex crime benefit or was she targeted for abuse? EVERYTHING we hear and see deserves healthy skepticism.
We’re just collateral as always. When we have politicians saying our concerns aren’t valid, I doubt even a tragedy will open there minds.. the killing of woman is ‘just another story’.
I just want to say that this is one reason I love Graham and what he is doing. To him, we women are NOT collateral damage. What happens to us matters to him. This is so different an experience that sometimes I actually tear up when I reflect that someone like Graham is actually real. He's tireless and he calls it like it is and he refuses to give up! It's like having a daydream come true, and that almost never happens. I hope there is a special medal in heaven for him someday--I know he isn't getting any medals here on earth, far from it. He's getting grief instead.
Yes, totally agree.. I just wish people would listen to him, and us.
When the dust settles the list of people we call heroic will be redefined!
Hear, hear!
The picture of Braiden with the gun is quite disturbing. Some of these individuals should be under the radar of social services and the police!
They are already flying under the radar, what we want is for them to be on the radar and flagged for us. The city police send out e-mail notices when certain violent offenders move close to me, including a photo and a history of crimes.
There is no crime of intention without the goal achieved. Him being known as pestilent cannot get him incarcerated. Sadly.
At least we are being warned. The problem with male criminals identifying with aliases that imply they are neither male or criminal is the lack of warning.
The whole thing os disturbing and loads of lesbian profiles now say no TERFS in the descriptions
If you accept that trans identified males are "women", you are not a lesbian, but hetrosexual. It is impossible for a lesbian to accept a man as a woman. Of course, I also think a man who says a man is a woman is a homosexual, lying or a predator himself.
Wait- what? The profiles of actual lesbians (not TIMs) say that?
Yes I am a lesbian (TERF I guess) and loads of them say it so I swipe the other way
I wonder if it's just virtue signalling on their part? Sad. At least you know who to avoid..
Also I do a lot of profile reporting which I doubt makes a difference tbh but i still do it
Oh yeah and it’s very obvious who else to avoid too mainly “lesbians” (men) with full beards and Adam’s apples
But loads of them also say no Trans
Some days I’m speechless. But thanks for all the work you do Graham.
Truly vomit-inducing predators...where were/ are the parents; they must be stoked?
It's time for women to begin openly protecting each other (and blatantly guarding restrooms and changing rooms) in the same fashion as the Q-patrol once protected our L&G neighborhoods in the 90s.
Tangentially: It is perpetually shocking to me how many American women will recognize this evil trans pervert as a threat and will still waffle off and oppose Stand Your Ground, Castle Doctrine, and guns in general. At what point will they internalize that TIMs are, in general, violent, male, sexual predators who will have no hesitation about killing or raping them? The only people who will protect women are women.
Frustrating as hell.
I know it seems that way when we watch this like a horror stage but I know there are men out there willing to stand with us, we just have to spell this shit out to them and I think Graham is helping us do that.x
I already have a plan for when I see men entering women's spaces, regardless of whether he's wearing a dress. I can be very noisy when I want to be.
Please tell me that includes a cowbell.
That's a great thought, but my pockets aren't big enough! 🤣🤣
There absolutely are men out there willing to help.
But I don't want them in female spaces to protect me from other men invading female spaces...
Relying on them to protect me and my rights seems to me to be less than ideal for multiple reasons.
Quite right! My plan involves being very noisy before the man goes in, and/or once a woman begins to object. Men have no business in women's spaces for anything short of a medical emergency (and then, only if there are no women qualified to help).
And this is what the woman said whose husband stands outside the public toilets door. He was there in case he was needed, but did not invade women's sex-segregated space. We have so-called rest areas off the highway which often have enormous, empty restrooms; I and other women avoid them due to possible danger.
Women need a “Guardian Angels” type protection of badass women, or yes, just look out for one another.. which women tend to do anyway. Not sure why you have the impression that American women tolerate the Invasion of The TIMs?? ( I, for one do not, nor do I tolerate the ‘pronouns kill’ utter nonsense, lol).
I am speaking about American women seeing a threat and still blindly opposing or waffling when it comes to self defense and self protection measures and taking forever to come together.
-We are not going out together and guarding the doors in clubs and bars (yet).
-We are not (yet) trying clothes on in organized groups and then marching out and loudly saying that we're leaving and not buying anything (and leaving stacks of clothes to put back) because the changing room area is unisex.
-We are not forming shooting clubs (yet), tho women really should be learning en masse how to legally defend our homes and persons. We should not wait for men to charge into the ladies' room to protect us from other men...
-We are not taking self-defense classes together. As groups. While loudly talking about the threats posed by autogynephiles. (Yet.)
These are all similar to activities my friends who were in the Q-patrol engaged in...
By contrast: the women's conference in August in Seattle had an agenda that included collage 🙄😬 and poetry😵...or was it painting? They lost me at collage. Collage does not defend us from a psycho rapist with a pink and blue baseball bat.
I don't say the pronouns either. And that makes me way more likely to get murdered by a crazy trans person. I'd like to avoid that.
Club Sauce, the vast expanse of the U.S. is nothing like Seattle 😆🤣, Portland or parts of CA. Realize that “unisex changing rooms” do not exist in most of the U.S., because us women don’t put up w/ such dangerous nonsense. Never seen one, would never shop at a store that had one (most stores would never even implement such insanity, due to the obv insurance issues placing their female customers in danger presents). In many states, women are already armed (think Texas and most of the midwest, Dakotas & beyond), that’s how they live. In many states women carry mace, etc. Your focus on blaming American women for not forming roving packs of vigilantes is …umm… 🚩…unusual. I suggest taking self defense classes and /or martial arts, if you haven’t already, to learn self defense and empower oneself. Martial arts are great, as it teaches one to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Yeah, I don’t want to be murdered, either. ✌️
I'm well aware that culture differs between areas of the USA. I travel it heavily for work.
Seems like you're more invested in deciding who I am and starting an argument than in having a discussion on how we can mobilize the big populations in those captured blue areas who are trying to find their courage. So I'll agree to disagree and move on. Have a good one.
Interesting that you view a woman expressing her views as ‘arguing’… Also, funny how you shut down communication with me & then later present my suggestion of taking self-defense and martial arts classes as your original thought 😆. You have a good one too!
Your reading comprehension is very odd.
So what happened with Target having changing rooms in which men were found? I know women protested, but I don't know the outcome. And I don't think Club Sauce was blaming women, but asking why we don't do more to protect ourselves and one another. I cannot believe in this day and age that mothers are not emphasizing to their daughters the dangers of the world and how to be safe. Gabby Petito looked to me like she was 12 or 13 years old and why am I not in doubt that she was raised in a family that encouraged her to act ultra-feminine and vulnerable?
Susan Sirens, I appreciate your comment. Here’s what I think.
Asking why women “don’t do more to protect” themselves from male violence strongly resonates of male victim blaming, IMHO. It trips my internal male/misogynist gauge and sets my internal alarms blaring.
I understand some women may be new to the issue of Male “trans” violence against women & some who appear to show interest in this issue may be young, unfamiliar with the intricacies of TIM Violence Against Women, or even TIMs trolling (happens on Twttr all the time). It is very important to keep the lines of communication open between women and known allies, and that is just one reason I appreciate Glinner’s writings and comment section!
Susan, women ALREADY do plenty to avoid male violence; We live our lives with male violence in mind; We walk with keys in hand, laced between our fingers to gouge an attacker; We take self defense classes and martial arts training to protect ourselves; We travel in pairs/groups; We check on one another; We arm ourselves, carry mace, etc.; We don’t rent city apartments on ground level, to avoid becoming a statistic of male violence; Women buy our own drinks and never accept any from men we don’t know well to avoid being drugged by rapists; When traveling solo, we request hotel rooms closest to the reception desk; Women NEVER accept keys to a motel room at the end of the building or where there is no exterior lighting, etc. Women have been taking precautionary actions like these for decades, if not centuries.
As for specifically guarding ourselves against violent Trans-Id’d Men, women everywhere are taking action against legislation allowing men into women’s sex segregated safe spaces/prisons, etc. & much more. Women & allies are actively boycotting establishments that boast of and/or have “unisex” bathrooms/ changing areas (although I have never heard of any facilities implementing such ‘changing rooms’’- doesn’t mean they do not exist somewhere). We’re documenting the TIM’s online and IRL violence and threats, reporting their violence, fighting them in court, confronting TIM enablers, speaking out, losing our jobs and homes fighting TIMs’ false allegations against us, fighting against the medical ‘transing’ of children, etc.
As for Target Stores’ male offenders, I believe the majority of cases were men putting cell phones under (and/or over/ in) girl’s/women’s dressing room doors (which is heinous & TBH can occur in any store). I boycott all Target stores. Which reminds me…according to a WSJ article from approx 2016, Target was supposed to add private bathrooms “to quell trans debate”. The article quoted Target to be spending $20 million to add private restrooms to approx 270 stores, if I recall that correctly. Not sure about their follow-through, you’d have to research that.
Gabby Petito, seemed to me like an average young 20 year old. I don’t see her dress or behavior as being ‘hyper feminine’. ?? Even if she had dressed in Bubble wrap, it would not justify any male violence committed against her. I mention this to bring attention to the tendency to adopt the misogynistic female-victim-blaming that permeates our culture. Mothers, sisters and daughters are not to be blamed for male violence. I can only suggest focusing on the violent men, and ways to prevent/stop them from committing further violence against women being of utmost importance.
Here's an analogy for you. In post-WWII France, a priest named Abbe Pierre started a group to build houses for the poor and homeless. (We have a branch here in rural coastal Maine where old women were freezing to death in the winter.) When asked about soup kitchens VERSUS lobbying the government for appropriate food assistance, his reply was, "You do both!" You lobby for a decent social safety net but meanwhile you do not let people starve to death. Of course women need to fight male violence on every level, BUT MEANWHILE you protect yourself, your female relatives, and other women by being sensible. It is not blaming women for women to point out the necessity of doing so!
While you're focusing on the violent men -- and male violence is so endemic in our society it will take a long time to erase it, and frankly I don't think it's going to happen before we possibly go extinct -- vulnerable women are being assaulted, raped, and murdered, sometimes in situations that could have been avoided. For example, it is not smart to walk down the street in NYC drunk, it isn't even smart to walk down the street in NYC not looking purposeful. You may not get raped, but you'll probably be mugged. I lived in NYC, walked home at night up until midnight Mon-Thurs (after that I'd hail a cab), and anytime on Friday night. I NEVER got harassed, never got mugged, never got assaulted because I did not look vulnerable, vague, an easy target. Being sensible is emphatically NOT blaming women.
>>but asking why we don't do more to protect ourselves and one another.<<
Every time I ask it on every women's forum I belong to, women jump down my throat. I'm used to it😁 gonna keep asking.
Asking that question does not mean you are blaming women for what happens to them! I don't know why this is so hard for women to understand. I cannot believe how vulnerable young women seem to be, utterly naive about the world and the dangers it presents. "Oh, yeah, it seems like a great idea to go to a frat party and get drunk!"
Not sure about that! The USA has much higher crime rates than any other 1st world country, so obviously your crazy gun laws don't help much. The lowest rates are in the Scandinavian countries. So if you want to protect women, what you really need is some socialism...
Certainly a valid opinion!
I think there is also a deep cultural difference(s) to factor in, as well as the pre-existing circumstances in each country. Where I live, the police will not show up if you call.
Self defence is empowering for many women. I view it as a responsibility. Others may feel differently.
But I for sure will not stand by and allow socialism into the USA without resistance: I see it as part of the problem behind genderism...
I’m all for people taking personal responsibility - like for instance well-known journalists should start taking responsibility for reporting the truth, because it would be the right thing to do. But more widely, I’d say that genderism is a product of US-style individualism and libertarianism. The central idea is that if someone says they are a woman, they are. It’s all about that individual’s rights. Over here in the UK/Europe, there (still, just about) is a *collective* sense of society. If someone says they are a woman but are clearly not, that’s not ok because society needs some shared acknowledgment of facts in order to function. To be clear: it’s absolutely fine for men to be stereotypically “feminine” and women to be stereotypically “masculine”. But wearing a dress does not make a man into a woman. He is a man in a dress, which is fine. He just needs to keep out of women’s single-sex spaces.
But yes, big pharma, the cult of the individual (instead of the responsibilities of being a member of society), the luxury beliefs of privileged US university campuses, and *especially* Silicon Valley big tech: that’s where the problem comes from I’m afraid, not European-style social democracy.
I suppose it would be most accurate to attribute much of the origins of this mess to Foucault and Judith Butler, yes? So, I suppose the source is split across the Atlantic. Have you read "cynical theories"?
Not sure on the link to libertarianism... Restricted/compelled speech, infringing on the rights of others, demanding that others' taxes be used to pay for cosmetic treatments and medical care, protected/privileged groups in lieu of meritocracy, overriding the rights of parents, granting the government the role of provider and caretaker: these are not libertarian values as I know them. I would see them as socialist, and as simultaneously enabling genderists to flourish and then being shored up and reinforced by genderists as their -ism spreads. If you have reading material on the link to libertarianism you can share, I'd love to add it to my reading list.
And of course, we're seeing self-declared socialists and commies in the autogynephile crowd in all impacted countries. But we're not seeing them taking over conservative parties.
>>*collective* sense of society. If someone says they are a woman but are clearly not, that’s not ok because society needs some shared acknowledgment of facts in order to function.<<
this is an interesting perspective. I would see it as clearly not okay because a free society that respects the rights of the individual prizes objective truth because it enables society to function while maintaining the delicate balance necessary for lowercase-l liberal values.
Thanks for sharing your perspective.
Cheers - how refreshing to actually discuss opinions without being instantly shouted down. My issue with your initial comment about 'socialism' is that it's really hard to pin down what that means. If you watch the 1980 republican debate with George HW Bush and Reagan, they sound so incredibly to the left of present day US politics (left/right is increasingly meaningless though) and that was the mainstream American view at that time.
We had Thatcher here, who famously said "There is no such thing as society; there are individual men and women and there are families". She would obviously not have been into gender woo-woo, but when I read about parents who, to paraphrase, argue along the lines that "My child [a son] is actually a girl and wants to shower with the other girls at school after sports" that's all about that individual [male] child's rights, and screw the girls. Screw the very idea that the female sex exists and that women and girls have sex-based rights in society.
And re politics, you're right that the 'left-wing' parties have been captured by genderism. Over here, Labour, Liberal Democrats, the Scottish National Party, the Greens are all to varying degrees pushing it. But from my perspective, that means they are just not left-wing any more at all. Paradoxically, the Conservatives (who in the UK actually did set things going with self-ID proposals, and who have several full-on TRAs among their elected representatives) are more focused on society rather than the individual's right to self-define as whatever they want.
You mention health-care, but again, the US is just such an outlier that I can't really comment on it. Here, almost everyone accepts that free-at-the-point-of-delivery healthcare, funded by taxation, is the most efficient and fairest system. Following the pandemic even more so, it is in society's interest for sick people to get treatment. Take away the private health insurance companies' cut and it works out in everyone's interest if my taxes help to pay for someone else's cancer treatment. It's part of the social contract. It's part of being a member of society. I would absolutely agree though that the TRAs' demands for cosmetic 'validation' surgery are unreasonable. And of course you have the weird dichotomy that double mastectomies are apparently vital life-saving interventions for teenage girls, but middle aged men can be women while keeping their lady-penises intact...
I love America and have several relatives who are American. I don't want people walking round with guns over here though! So, we'll have to disagree about some things, but we clearly agree about the sheer lunacy of genderism, so that's good!
Time zone differences saw me pass out in the middle of this. I'll keep it brief. 🙂
You're so right re: definitions. One of the best (and most difficult) habits I'm internalizing is to define terms when conversing with those I'm trying to peak. Now I need to task myself with a simple, conversational definition of socialism I can chuck in there.
I was all for universal health care until I experienced it in a couple of countries who supposedly do it very well. Both the pros and cons of the experiences shocked me, but I now feel it's not the solution for us. (We must create our own solution that fits our actual needs and values.)
I note that we both perceive a duty to benefit society, but see it in a different place... I see the duty not around placing gov't in the role of administrating services, but rather in gov't keeping hands off private practices while ensuring fairness, competition, legality, and rigorous safety thru law (the mandate of the people).
This is broken in the USA right now: see insulin as an example-- I shouldn't have to pay for my neighbour's insulin via taxes, but the people I elect should craft laws ensuring that his insulin will be cheap, safe, and freely available from multiple competing manufacturers. (Currently NONE of those requirements are being met to minimum standard. Dreadful.)
These are the sorts of conversations we need to have to pull diverse people/parties/philosophies in around our common cause(s). I hope we get to have another some time!
We have to remember the laws in the USA are different to those in the UK. There are differences too between the UK and GB.
There are cultural differences too.
We can stand with our sisters on the other side of the pond but must be wary of how we challenge men in women's spaces over here. We have to stay within the law to stay safe all round.
Absolutely. That's why I'd like to see my friends come along to self-defense classes to better understand their legal rights and responsibilities. And other women in other states who find their courage may feel empowered by doing the same. Knowledge is power.
With 50 different sets of laws on public assembly, peaceful protest, self-defense, etc., we will have to forge our own approaches in the USA.
Some of the strategies in the UK and GB will not fly here and vice versa, nor will all mind-sets resonate the same with our varied and regional sensibilities:
The police might show up at my house, but it would take them time to get here. And I am a radical feminist, which essentially means I am a socialist. Unbridled predatory capitalism has a lot more to do with gender ideology than socialism does.
As A Lakes Poet said, we'll have to pin down what 'socialism means 🙂 I don't recall advocating for unbridled predatory capitalism. I wouldn't think either to be a good way to run a society. But! That's probably a running chat for a different forum. RIP glinner's inbox 😆
Very telling also that Braiden-Lee Mckee …calling men macho w@@kers and fa@@ots also using the terms macho, manly and muscles.
In the video it is shown he is not well built... I think a lot of the false/fake/photoshopped images of men and women induce so much insecurity in those who try to live up to these extreme images.
Physical beauty is a plus today but confidence in who you are is much more satisfying.
Easy for you to say about physical beauty if your photo is anything to go by!
Any current scandals among the Witnesses? They haven't stopped by my house for a long, long time, and that usually means some sort of scandal. I always take the magazines and chat with them; my grandma-in-law was a Witness and was a lovely human being.
We in the UK haven't been out from a month before the official lockdown in the UK. Different parts of the world will comply with what the governments allow in this time of covid-19.
In the UK we are now witnessing by letter writing until it is safe for us and those we call on.
All our meetings are on Zoom...which has been great for all of us, and we are getting a 100% attendance.
Its lovely to hear your grandma-in-law was a witness, so a spiritual sister to me.
In my 36 years as a witness I have never heard of a "scandal" any where in the world that would stop our witnessing.
There was a big sex scandal at the headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. I didn't see any Witnesses for a long time after that and that was many years before the pandemic. I'm sorry, but it's patriarchal religion and patriarchal religion has a strong component of sexual access to women and children.
Headquarters in Brooklyn, New York...moved along time ago btw.
In July 2009, Jehovah’s Witnesses purchased a plot of land in upstate New York with plans to relocate their world headquarters. The 102-hectare (253 a.) property is located about 80 kilometers (50 mi) northwest of the existing facilities in Brooklyn, New York, where they have been since 1909.
Donald Trump’s son-in-law and campaign advisor, developer Jared Kushner, bought the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ iconic Watchtower headquarters in Dumbo last Wednesday, which he plans on turning into a tremendous, classy office complex by September next
FEBRUARY 14, 2017
Witnesses Receive Highest Rating by GBI for Sustainable Design of New World Headquarters
by starconnec tFebruary 17, 201725
Believe me JW women including myself are very strong. No woman in the world has more rights than me or my sisters. And no woman or man can undermine my beliefs.
Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Scripturally Based Position on Child Protection
The welfare of children is of utmost concern to Jehovah’s Witnesses. This document provides an explanation of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ response to allegations of child abuse.
Love and Justice in the Face of Wickedness (Part 3 of 4)
For Parents to Use With Their Children
“Your Child Is in Danger!,” “How Can We Protect Our Children?,” and “Prevention in the Home” Awake! October 8, 1993
“A Danger That Concerns Every Parent,” “How to Protect Your Children,” and “Make Your Family a Safe Haven” Awake! October 2007
“How to Be a Good Father” The Watchtower, October 1, 2008
“Talk to Your Children About Sex” The Watchtower, November 1, 2010
We Protect Our Children, video available on JW Broadcasting®
“Jehovah’s Witnesses Educate Parents and Children to Protect Against Sexual Predators,” available on® (Look under ABOUT US > ACTIVITIES.)
“How Can Parents Teach Their Children About Sex?” available on (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED.)
Learn From the Great Teacher, chapters 10 and 32
Become Jehovah’s Friend—Protect Your Children, video available on (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > CHILDREN.)
Comfort for Victims
“Help for the Victims of Incest” The Watchtower, October 1, 1983
“The Innocent Victims of Child Abuse” and “The Secret Wounds of Child Abuse” Awake! October 8, 1991
“Young People Ask—What Should I Know About Sexual Assault?—Part 2: Recovery,” available on (Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > TEENAGERS.)
“Providing Comfort for Victims of Abuse” The Watchtower, May 2019, Study Article 20
How to Protect Your Children
Are You the First Line of Defense?
Give Your Child Background Education
Equip Your Child With Some Basic Protective Tools
"In 2006 the secretary-general of the United Nations transmitted to the UN General Assembly a world report on violence against children that had been compiled by an independent expert for the UN. During a recent year, according to the report, an estimated 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 years of age experienced “forced sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual violence.” Those numbers are staggering, but the report notes: “This is certainly an underestimate.” A review of studies from 21 countries suggested that in some places as many as 36 percent of women and 29 percent of men had been subjected to some form of sexual victimization in childhood. The majority of the perpetrators were relatives!"
Please post your proof...
"Vichy Feminism"!!!!!!! You are the best :)
"Sometimes I worry that it will take a tragedy to reveal to these people how their careerism and cowardice is failing women."
Sadly I think it will. Humans have a history full of 'shutting-the-stable-door-after-the-horse-has-bolted' examples. Until then they cna dismiss our concerns as bigotry, or at best, as unfounded. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to pull heads out of arses.
I fear this issue will only be taken seriously when women are hurt physically which of this madness continues on its current route they will be.
But then again I think of Newton, Mass and babied being murdered and then I not so sure.
I might just be feeling particularly pessimistic this evening, but I don't think the first two or three will make any difference. I suspect the first two will be reported as being committed by women, and the third as "not a *real* trans". The signal has already gone out to these dangerous men that a segment of society will write off deaths of women as the price of "inclusion", so I fear that we will see the blood-drenched results only too soon. How are we going to stop it?
I'm not going to sleep well now, but, then, maybe I shouldn't. There are too many women who sleep badly because of men - why should I be insulated?
But two lesbians and their son were murdered in Oakland, California, by a transactivist, and the media didn't seem to care at all.
"Be kind" is another way of telling women to get back in line.
Unfortunately, it often takes a death to get action. Traffic lights and speed bumps magically appear after the death of a child. Boy racers get hauled off the road and their cars crushed when a dad coming home from the pub is hit and dies. Boys doing parkour are taken away and given something more meaningful to do when one is killed on the motorway. It may well be the same here... A woman is killed in a public toilet for looking the wrong way at a man doing his make up or taking a selfie. And as harsh as it is to say, if the young woman is the daughter of a police sergeant or a politician or a judge, how much fallout will there be?
We live in a cruel world but how cruel is it for communities who have to suffer a death for action to be taken? It puts life back centuries...
The journalist activists who have attacked you pretty obviously see these Her guys as being on their "team." That's why they think mocking them is in poor taste, but mocking the Jan 6 crowd is perfectly fine. Simple as.