And there's the answer to the question: What happens when men have 24/7 access to hardcore porn for the first time in human history? See also: blokes in nappies, bloke sucking a pacifier etc.

Hardly surprising, but what nobody could have foreseen was that we're expected to pretend these keyboard-mashers are female. Ideally we're expected to "celebrate" this guy cramming his meat 'n two veg into his sister's bikini bottoms for kicks.

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Make no mistake - this guy knows damn well he doesn’t, and never will “pass” as a woman. That’s a huge part of the thrill for him. That’s why he flaunts his junk, it’s a power trip to show his junk in a bikini and force people to call him “she”. It’s ROAT - rapid onset autogynephilia takeoff. he’s been AGP for years, then suddenly it takes off because of the power he sees that he can wield - the fetishization of oppression for someone who has never faced oppression in his life. If the trans lunacy wasn’t happening, he would stay as he was, with a private AGP hobby in his mind and porn habits, this is what the trans lobby pushing this down everyone’s throats has achieved. He absolutely disgusts me.

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Baffled, again, why anyone takes these guys seriously- and the women clapping! How has transvestism become a powerful political lobby group??

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State of it!!

He's proving Chappelle's point, about straight white dudes appropriating whatever they can in a bid to claim oppression.

Also, that tattoo = 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 In hope he keeps the damn thing covered up, it's pornography on display.

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I agree when DC said it’s the equivalent of a black person looking at black face. These men are an abomination to womanhood. It has nothing to do with being a woman it has everything to do in competing and exerting their perceived superiority. This is punishment for women’s achievements, women saying no, women levelling the playing field- all of which is seen as a threat to some bloke’s egos. They are terrified of being ignored (something (middle aged) women contend with all the time). They are terrified of not being centred by society so when their stock dips they declare themselves to be women - no sane person buys that crap of

Course and deep down even they know it’s absolute bull

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This is everything in a nutsack. Sorry, of course, I meant *nutshell*!🥜

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I still don't understand why these blokes can't just say 'I'm a cross-dresser' instead of demanding people call pretend they're women. Control, I suppose.

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Why do these guys all tilt their heads as if that’s what women do. They already look ridiculous and just look certifiable when they are trying to be provocative.

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Also, at that size, how many are physically trying to stop him from anything, and is he implying that a woman assaulted him?

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A functioning mainstream media would invite Mr Head-tilt to debate Dave Chapelle, and he would decline as he knows Dave would effortlessly dismantle his "logic" in under 60 seconds. In which case they could "empty chair" him. But unfortunately there is no functioning mainstream media.

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by JL

Sam Smith: Do you like my tattoo?

Moore: Hold my beer

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Ugh the AGP fetish. They see women as weak and vulnerable so they adopt a victim persona as part of the titillation. They love to claim that people who don't go along with their bullshit make them feel unsafe and should be cancelled - it's all part of the performance.

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That picture of whatever is below the lavender bra-lette has put me off my lunch 🤮

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I watched the Chappelle thing last night. Bits of it I found very funny, other bits not quite my thing but there is no denying he is extremely clever and a master of his craft.

Perhaps your man here should be thinking about why Daphne threw herself off that building.

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Those photos are hideous! Made me feel quite nauseous

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by JL

So the 2020 lockdown brought him out of the dress up chest did it? Thanks JL, good stuff to know.

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