I'm so done with this shit. Certain people need to be held to account. This really can't be allowed to continue.

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The irony is if you're a man requesting male hormones from your GP (perhaps you're an aspiring bodybuilder, are impotent or just need a pick-me-up), you've got zero chance of them prescribing it.

Ditto prescription painkillers these days. Yet they're seemingly dishing out hormones like confetti for confused teens. And still the insane trans posse carp about the "institutional transphobia" of the NHS 🙄

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We have seen time and again that complete capitulation is still not enough for these people. Textbook narcissism.

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Some women find it hard to get treatment for their menopause, especially testosterone which some women benefit from during menopause but most GPS won't prescribe it.

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It goes further. Women needing a hysterectomy may find it very difficult to get one. They will often find they are told to wait because they "may change their mind and want more children" or even "Your husband/future husband may want children". *rolls eyes*

If they DO manage to get onto the long long path for a hyst to stop all the pain etc, they may find themselves on Lupron...the very same drug that was (1) created for men with prostate cancer and *only tested on men*; and (2) is misnamed as "puberty blockers".

If those very same women needing a hyst to get some quality of life announced they were transmen, they'd probably get the hyst in a heart beat.

In the mean time, teenage girls who genuinely do not have any idea of life 5 to 10 or 20 years ahead announce they are "men" will get all the drugs and in doing so, will likely HAVE to have a hyst due to the atrophying of the uterus and the heightened risk of a gynaecological cancer occurring.

Even if they wanted to retain....it is then too late.

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why should the nhs fund unnecessary vanity 'trans' projects (hormones/surgeries)? medical treatments inc hormones are not a solution to gendered dysphoria but a medical tidying up of gender presentations/appearances. this whole transition idea is a mockery of young women's transition into potential fertility with menstration (monthly periods/ 'the curse'). And actual women undergoing the peri/menopausal Transition (you know The Change) are finding it increasingly difficult to get help from the nhs - Because of 'austerity' and the fragmentation/privatisation of healthcare even before the pandemic. currently its difficult to access treatment quickly for medical conditions for both sexes (possibly with the exception of cancer tests at the moment) - and check out mumsnet for more info on uk healthcare.

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As if their rampant misogyny is in anyway new these little toerags are just selfish, narcisstic prats who are doing nothing to advance the cause of humanity just prioritising and indulging all their own worst ideas and impulses. A dead bore actually it’s so old. No good news for women and children the truly disadvantaged, neglected and unrepresentated. These men have been pandered to and privileged for far too long. It’s long past time to forget about them (they’ll be fine as most have no obligations and the ability to work and support themselves unencumbered) and focus on where the need is and most productive investment in time and money will be with the next generation and their Mothers in their formative years and ensuring the world, environment and resources are enough for them to grow up healthily and well supported and I’d like that to be in a nature based and free society not some tech bro, dystopian nightmare devised in some male sick fucks head and assisted and dependent on all manner of drugs. Just yuk.

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Point 7 on the “know your trans healthcare rights” doc is so stupidly irresponsible. All of it is, but especially that. Dangerous idiots.

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I can’t help but notice these young people have no normal physicality or muscle tone at all. They don’t exist in a real world ...fantasists and delusions rule. Maybe it’s tech maybe it’s industrial poisoning by pollution or maybe it’s because they do absolutely nothing physical but it seems they’re quickly evolving into something different from humans who have to get things done on a daily basis.

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If I'm ever attacked, I think I'll identify as a transwoman to the EMS and police. I'll be sure to get a quicker response and be treated with more respect. 😐

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I was identifying as trans on Twitter for a while because it appears that transgender is the only class of people Twitter goes out its way to care about.

Even got a few TRAs suspended for misgendering me.

Ain't I a stinker?

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Haha! Many a true word spoken in jest. At a local public swimming pool in DK a women claiming equal rights with men to swim topless was refused, and took the local authority to court claiming discrimination based on sex. She lost the case but you can bet she would have won if she'd just claimed trans manhood.

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Have just seen videos of women being attacked during Pride in France and Spain.

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The upcoming Pentagon UFO report says that crop circles were the alien's way of announcing their preferred pronouns but since we failed to understand them they flew home to kill themselves.

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I find it really sad that Pride has come to this. And that people think that there should be no transition on the NHS for adults. They pay their NI and their taxes the same as everyone else and the NHS is free to all citizens at the point of delivery. If we start choosing who gets treatment, then we have to remember, it could be us who are always at the bottom of the heap. Maybe we are lucky in Scotland...Yes there are long waiting lists due to Covid; my partner was told they will have to wait 50 weeks for a hip replacement. But if a women needs a hysterectomy, the waiting list is 10 weeks. If it is an emergency, there is no waiting time.

Maybe we should try walking in another's shoes before condemning everyone... There are genuine people out there in a, lot of personal pain who need help yo transition, and they should get that help in the same way any of the rest of us get help when we are in pain.

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Many, if not most here, would agree that people with genuine dysphoria are in pain or distress. The problem is the self-id brigade who have no plan to transition in any meaningful way, we just have to accept a man who says he's a woman at his say-so. The incidents at the spa in California for example, a guy showering naked with other women, talking about how many women he's fucked and that he's looking for more. THAT is an AGP male, not a transgender person and definitely not a woman. It's the failure of those who won't condemn this. The silence as women and girls are forced to share spaces with predatory males or go elsewhere.

Many here are gay, lesbian, bisexual, and some trans, and they also hate that Pride has been appropriated by the kink/fetish community. Like Stonewall.

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I find it really sad that Pride has come to this. And that people think that there should be no transition on the NHS for adults. They pay their NI and their taxes the same as everyone else and the NHS is free to all citizens at the point of delivery. If we start choosing who gets treatment, then we have to remember, it could be us who are always at the bottom of the heap. Maybe we are lucky in Scotland...Yes there are long waiting lists due to Covid; my partner was told they will have to wait 50 weeks for a hip replacement. But if a women needs a hysterectomy, the waiting list is 10 weeks. If it is an emergency, there is no waiting time.

Maybe we should try walking in another's shoes before condemning everyone... There are genuine people out there in a, lot of personal pain who need help yo transition, and they should get that help in the same way any of the rest of us get help when we are in pain.

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