Hello. Decided to pay subs for at least a month. A gift to myself. Thought i'd share something with you all as I can't say anything freely elsewhere. I was told - and I mean told - I was being transphobic at work today. It was only a matter of time I think, but still, a sad and worrying day. Angry and upset I immediately confided in my cat on getting home. She looked interested for the first 30 seconds until she grew bored & decided to wash her bits instead. Long story short. I work in government and I am alarmed by cult ideologies & refs to Stonewall that has spread through gov departments. I am also part responsible for sharing newsletters with my work. But this week I didnt, because it had links to 'Gender ID champions' and Stonewall as a 'go-to' to uneducate ourselves via brainwashing blogs. A piece written by some guy 'elsewhere' in the dep, advised us of gender ID and sex and what words we must use and of course, sex being assigned at birth... I decided to disagree with the author, who described himself as an " Archeological gender scientist " πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Really preached down to me and tried to belittle me - No appropriate behaviour on dept platforms so will throw that at him, if he tries to report me, which I think might happen. I was calm, honest, respectful and tactful. Stated facts and expressed concerns over his blog misleading people and being devoid of facts around sex. Some had commented before myself, praising this guy on a 'Very informative piece indeed' and 'I'm so glad you posted ----, I've been quite ignorant. Now I know how to be kinder to my colleagues...' etc πŸ™„ This 'scientist' was basically trying to brainwash staff. I pointed out Stonewall's flaws. Referred to law, safeguarding. Advised him gov questionnaires for all its staff, cannot state something which isn't scientifically true (Requesting they ask 'assigned at birth' question and to not gather biological sex data, as it basically 'hurts peoples feelings'.

I said long story short, sorry. But my anger around today is, that although I've stood up for what's right, I did it because I've had enough of this shite, I did it on a domain where you can't hide behind a green monster baby avatar ( Pic of the telly screen. 'V. The mini series'. Forces TV...sad but true) It is read by thousands. And likely my own bosses. I know, I have done nothing wrong. Yet I get the feeling I'm going to have some explaining to do. Bonkers. 30 years of service but I can't just shut up and let theses cultists infiltrate.

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Firstly let me pay a huge Respect to You, it's very easy to be brave behind animie avatars and cartoon profile pictures on social platforms, but it takes immense bravery to stand up in real life with all the information and convincing people about the reality. I am sorry You had to go through all of this, and have faith, as long as You stick to facts and are are polite in Your approach, I don't see a reason for 30yrs of service being wasted. It will count Sister ❀️

Best Wishes ☺️

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Good morning and thank you so much. I will be careful. It all feels like poking a tiger with a short stick. I will try not to bite back.

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That's the spirit. Be careful , and Strength to You Sister ❀️😊

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I was threatened on Twitter last week with job loss by a handmaid who told me to β€˜be kind’ and stop misgendering someone (who loves to bang on about his dick but claims to be a woman) or I’d be reported. β€˜Don’t get too comfortable in your day job’ was her lovely piece of advice. Admittedly, it did spook me as I’m not that tech savvy and was worried about being doxxed, so I’ve been a bit more circumspect.

Please be careful. If you’re in a union, don’t assume they’d have your back.

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Thanks. Much appreciated.

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An "archaeological gender scientist"? Jeez...

You are, of course, correct. These people *are* cultists, but seeing as how they apparently lack a charismatic leader people seem to have great difficulty acknowledging this. I know how aggravating this institutional capture is. I only wish I had some practical advice for you.

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I use tweet deck and it gives you the option to switch accounts. I didn’t realise it wasn’t allowed. I set up another profile not even really that different to my normal one just to follow all the GC stuff there. I wanted to stop bombarding all my nice followers who are just normal folk trying to have a laugh and I’m shouting at them all day about women’s rights haha. Anyway it didn’t work really, i want to make people think about these issues. Although from recent messages with a couple of them it really seems it was a wasted endeavour. Have a lovely friend on there who said she doesn’t mind self id because trans women aren’t a risk to women. *facepalm*

I mean...

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AHH, it's hardest hit when it comes from Your own friends.

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Twitter took out Sylvia Bern last night, too. Another leading GC voice, gone. She apparently doesn't even now why.

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*know why

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I feel like I know that name. incel motherfuckers

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I love Sylvia. Damn , fuck twitter to pittest of purgatory. They are deboosting Conservative Woman's account every 2 days from replying and RT too.

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I think people who wish to stay on twitter should rather have their accounts on discord server or simply heed Rip4nutmeg's advice and lay low till US elections are over.

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To be honest, I was surprised that the report against me wasn’t upheld. I made it clear that I had no intention of referring to @NotCursedE as β€˜she’, EVER. Maybe I’m too much of a small-fry? Maybe someone with a bit of common considered the complaint and realised it was bollocks? Who knows.

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Or maybe the one who handled your complaint wasn't a woke bro. Twitter is Wokerati staff, but they might have incels (our people) in it too πŸ˜‚, unless Jack's sending them shaved beard πŸ˜‚, what an utterly Gross man.

P.S I am glad You got off the hook. If they asked me to call that Fatty woke bro a she, I would have said straight No. No preferred Pronoun and crap for me.

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Considering women have been banned from Twitter for much much less, I was surprised. I wanted to gloat but the threat from the handmaid dampened by smugness somewhat so thought it best to enjoy the wee victory quietly with a glass (or two) of wine.

I laughed so much though when I got the email telling me the complaint hadn’t been upheld that my teenage son said I sounded like Sid James. πŸ˜‚

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He is a notorious flabby dude. I can really imagine You laughing now πŸ˜‚. Well all for well, atleast You know now, those accounts should be blocked straight away. Their egos and hurt-y feels can get people sued , and unfortunately that dude comes out as a woman, so he is protected with 'Z' level task force security because he is a fragile woman πŸ˜‚

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