Jan 17, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Btw, Instagram has just banned the hashtag: #radfem

It lets countless violent porn pages and pedos run rampant, but banning a rad fem hashtag is more pressing.

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Absolute insanity. I'm shocked but I don't know why as it's such a totally predictable move

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check out @radical_abolitionism instagram, I read about it there

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But of course...

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I'm sorry, but three dudes discussing what is a woman with an actual woman looking on MAKES ME WANT TO PUKE. Men really have no conception of the shit that comes out of their mouths. I'm beginning to believe Emma on Spinster that there are no genes for intelligence on the Y chromosome.

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His face shows struggle- if he carries on GB News will have to refer him to occupational health

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Believe it. I do.

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Is being a woman so meaningless — lacking in value, honour, and respect -- that any man can wave a “trans” wand, conjure up a spinny-dress-go-spinny spell, and tra-la-la la, become one? And then this spell is viciously propped up by Tech social media, and almost every damn institution you can name?

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Namby panby...weak men, who can only fight women!


Mental health problems running wild.

The stupidity of people accepting this garbage!

Division sown over biology which no one can escape!

Its all so ridiculous and pathetic!

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Older female people previously known as women don’t get cat called. I know because I am one. Sorry was one

He thinks Phwoar = a woman. How brave/ stupid to say this on TV

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Me too. I'm 75 so I'm apparently not a woman anymore ,by his " definition " .How dare he ? Neanderthal ,obviously .👎👎

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Being discarded on life’s shelf by a cognitively challenged Pratt can be beneficial. Got a clear view of what’s going on. Laughing at him is the best approach. This won’t age well for him

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Agreed, and I’m one too. He’s not very bright is he.

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I've never been catcalled in my life!

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Nor me, I wonder what we are then🤔

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Men, presumably!!

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Of maybe just " non men "!!

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Probably. Maybe Boy George could clear this up.

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I've seen young men cat called too, FWIW. Should I perhaps start to pity Tom for never having been subjected to that?

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They’re not just silencing women, they’re also silencing transsexuals like my sister who states the biological fact that she’s a transsexual woman who is biologically male. She just got permanently suspended yesterday. She is also followed by Jk Rowling but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence

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Jack Dorsey was blocked for speaking out against rumblings of things within the current Twitter hegemony. A lot of the blockchain and crypto politics is beyond me, but it's alarming how opaque these power games are to the rest of us. It's hard to keep up.

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Classic transsexuals...those with gender dysphoria who do everything possible to pass AND who publicly assert that sex is binary and that people can't change sex are one of the biggest threats to the gender identity movement. Sorry that your sibling's voice is no longer on Twitter.

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Yeah I was wondering about that. I've read differing opinions of trans people and wondered if they were getting silenced too.

I hope your sister is ok

It's total bs :(

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She’s ok thanks. She’s on glittr like so many other “unacceptables” 😁

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I'm glad to hear that. I've just signed up. I can't say anything on twitter, I'd probably lose a bunch of friends

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I’ve just deactivated my Twitter account and feel better already.

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022

Twitter is finished as a serious public platform. I don't really care about Twitter, let them be a totalitarian echo chamber if they want, I care about the wider world. It's not just the trans issue, although that is a particularly stupid and divisive part of it. I fear we're going to end with a full-on generational war, you can see it already happening. It doesn't matter who wins elections anymore, Woke is in charge and it will be the end of the West. I really agree now that this feels like reality's last stand, if we lose this one then all bets are off. We won't need a foreign invader, we're doing it to ourselves.

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Paul Embery, herding moron-flavoured jellies so you don't have to 🤔🤨😄



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Linda Blade, @CoachBlade has just got a suspension.

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Shit, this is really happening in plain sight isn't it? And nothing any of us can do.

Other than mass strikes and refusal to use Twitter. Not sure how easy that will be.

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A lot of ordinary GC folk moving onto Gettr now. Particularly those who are already banned.

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II'm asking if simple words like "radfem" or "lesbian" or "GC" or Woman (with no cis before) are enough to ban somebody now.

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I can share a little twitter story while I'm here. I know of a company that's involved in social media monitoring for certain brands. The sheer volume of porn on twitter became quite a problem for them, open plan office, staff complaints etc. Adult content on twitter is supposed to be marked so it can be filtered but only a tiny percent is and there's almost zero enforcement. Because priorities...

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Porn, hate and crime. I know a few who have done stints in similar environments then leave. Who are asked back but go through this strange long dark night of the soul in their 20s and 30s after seeing the deep underbelly of this. It's not a reflection of us and our real lives, but it is and it seems to pull out the worst elements of the worst of us. Unsure how we grapple with that.

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If that was one of the content moderation pits, they're pretty much the inner circle of hell.

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Yup. A few have been young and with fewer skills to deal with it (who does). I was surprised how some got into it or could without better screening. I wouldn't have wanted them making complex decisions.

Then if you're also intelligent with the aptitude you can get into tech and end up stuck in this. Many seem to be thrown in and the mental health impacts are huge. You can't talk to others about what you do. You might be manipulating others for a living. That's head melting. 'Brand management' sounds so harmless.

One described now wanting a job he could go to, do, not think too deeply, or have to struggle with the moral implications of what decisions he was making, then go home and have a normal life. He left. Not using those skills now.

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Although everyone is already anonymous, I'll just say the firm I'm referring to is a good employer with a decent person that runs it. They reacted as most healthy well balanced people do to seeing twitter's underbelly, they shrieked and ran away!

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Good to know. It's hard to write about this and to be vague enough, but yes, I was referring to an amalgam of instances or experiences that I've had, or become aware of others having over years ;-). Not all bad, thank goodness.

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And some of those Females will be men who "feel" like women

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Yes, absolutely, do they mean gender or sex. How many of those are actual women.

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Wow I didn’t know that. Says it all

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The stats on a lot of this are held close and monetised. Buried in layers of IP and nonsense nonsenses. It's a tiny part of a tiny part of a tiny part of our populations that are being given huge disproportionate prominence and we're not allowed to know as they are private entities. Huh, Sir Nick Clegg?

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Yep, twitter are quite secretive, gender data comes from third parties.

For a little chuckle, read their gender targeting for advertisers, the other 58+ genders don't have much mileage when hard commercial reality enters the conversation!


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Looking at those simple drop downs and how we are grouped - is it 18 to 25 then in ten year increments? Just reading about generations and how (or not) they shape societies (Bobby Duffy). How all this advertising segmentation of data (us) has created false generational conflict to be capitalised upon by the very same advertisers.

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'...respected in your campaigns'. Respect? '...and extend that data to other people based on factors of account likeness to determine the gender of people haven't manually entered their preferred gender.' And can we have that in English? My gender is bleepybloopschhhdingding.

Ah the lovely 'extension' of data. We used to look at dashboards for who was visiting our websites, spending how long, then directing activity to where we needed if some parts were getting/not getting traction. Some thought it was some kind of magic. No, we're just tracking everything all the time, and looking at it, and directing users, but we all knew that right? Nope.

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It's been through the language mangle, paying advertisers don't give the slightest crap. When they target on that demographic it's always male or female, that's it. No one is going to make a washing powder specially for two-spirit

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Aha ha ha ha good one

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'...for those days you know you just have to smell womanymantransly...'

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Twitter is a joke, I've just been permanently suspended this afternoon myself, an account I've had for 10+ years, presumably on account of robust statements proclaiming sex is real, women should have their own spaces free from males etc.

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I was suspended after just a couple of days on Twitter. I'd made fewer than 2 dozen tweets, none abusive or that I considered even impolite. I decided to let it go and put my energies elsewhere. When I recently checked my account status, I found I'd been permanently banned.

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"... no lie can live forever." Martin Luther King

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Billy Bragg is posting very ripe BS on Twitter.

Compare tweet with article he wrote for the Daily Mail (I know!).



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He even refers to the importance of..." showing due respect for beliefs that you don't necessarily adhere to". That's something he's obviously forgotten in the 15 years between then and now. He was driven to it by desperation for relevance, Bragg is a good socialist, and he cares like a good socialist should, about patronisable groups and women. Based on this piece, his lack of self awareness is quite astonishing, he really seems to believe he's something, so there's bound to be some wisdom there. God! What an arse head he really is. Fuck off Billy Bellend.

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Maybe we need our own language just to be able to discuss these issues. Anyone recall 'Polari'? Created by gay men so as to be able to discuss what they wanted to out of reach of the police. I might suggest a 'twitterspeak' whereby common words are universally substituted for the more contentious ones. So, instead of 'trans' another word - say 'Wind' - could be substituted. So 'wind woman', 'wind issues', 'wind rights'. Would Twitter ban 'wind' I wonder? Just a thought.

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I like it. There's lesbian polari too. It loses 'cut through' though with those not aware of 'wind'. I also have no doubt they will ban absolutely anything on any ideological 'wind' thinking whim.

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Posy made an absolute tit of Tom last week.

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