Jan 17, 2022Liked by mole at the counter

Btw, Instagram has just banned the hashtag: #radfem

It lets countless violent porn pages and pedos run rampant, but banning a rad fem hashtag is more pressing.

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I'm sorry, but three dudes discussing what is a woman with an actual woman looking on MAKES ME WANT TO PUKE. Men really have no conception of the shit that comes out of their mouths. I'm beginning to believe Emma on Spinster that there are no genes for intelligence on the Y chromosome.

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Is being a woman so meaningless — lacking in value, honour, and respect -- that any man can wave a “trans” wand, conjure up a spinny-dress-go-spinny spell, and tra-la-la la, become one? And then this spell is viciously propped up by Tech social media, and almost every damn institution you can name?

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Namby panby...weak men, who can only fight women!


Mental health problems running wild.

The stupidity of people accepting this garbage!

Division sown over biology which no one can escape!

Its all so ridiculous and pathetic!

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Older female people previously known as women don’t get cat called. I know because I am one. Sorry was one

He thinks Phwoar = a woman. How brave/ stupid to say this on TV

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They’re not just silencing women, they’re also silencing transsexuals like my sister who states the biological fact that she’s a transsexual woman who is biologically male. She just got permanently suspended yesterday. She is also followed by Jk Rowling but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence

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These TV debates are jaw-dropping. I can't believe we live in an age where 'What is a woman?' is an actual debate that gets on TV.

For every dingus who attempts to answer that without referencing reality (like Harwood), you see so many talking around it; just making noises to use up their time and hope they've been sufficiently vague to get away with it - because they know it's bullshit but they're scared of a pile-on by the the porn-addicted, women-hating, sunlight-deprived shut-ins on twitter.

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Jan 18, 2022·edited Jan 18, 2022

Twitter is finished as a serious public platform. I don't really care about Twitter, let them be a totalitarian echo chamber if they want, I care about the wider world. It's not just the trans issue, although that is a particularly stupid and divisive part of it. I fear we're going to end with a full-on generational war, you can see it already happening. It doesn't matter who wins elections anymore, Woke is in charge and it will be the end of the West. I really agree now that this feels like reality's last stand, if we lose this one then all bets are off. We won't need a foreign invader, we're doing it to ourselves.

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Paul Embery, herding moron-flavoured jellies so you don't have to 🤔🤨😄



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Linda Blade, @CoachBlade has just got a suspension.

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Twitter is a joke, I've just been permanently suspended this afternoon myself, an account I've had for 10+ years, presumably on account of robust statements proclaiming sex is real, women should have their own spaces free from males etc.

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I was suspended after just a couple of days on Twitter. I'd made fewer than 2 dozen tweets, none abusive or that I considered even impolite. I decided to let it go and put my energies elsewhere. When I recently checked my account status, I found I'd been permanently banned.

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"... no lie can live forever." Martin Luther King

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Billy Bragg is posting very ripe BS on Twitter.

Compare tweet with article he wrote for the Daily Mail (I know!).



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Maybe we need our own language just to be able to discuss these issues. Anyone recall 'Polari'? Created by gay men so as to be able to discuss what they wanted to out of reach of the police. I might suggest a 'twitterspeak' whereby common words are universally substituted for the more contentious ones. So, instead of 'trans' another word - say 'Wind' - could be substituted. So 'wind woman', 'wind issues', 'wind rights'. Would Twitter ban 'wind' I wonder? Just a thought.

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