Haha, had a good laugh at 'Can I have my Twitter account back, you fucking groomers?' Perhaps not the best way to request a re-instatement of a twitter account but come on, there's a limit to what a sane, decent person can take.

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p.s. not in the same league at all, but I am permanently suspended too. Had acquired a few thousand followers in a couple of months, I think because I didn't pull any punches. Have appealed several times to no avail. Maybe I should try Graham's approach? At least it's honest. And what a loss that was, the day they took Graham Linehan's account down. Snuffing out the light. Little shits. That's the world we're living in now. The little shits are in charge.

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There have always been little shits in the world, and many of us were them at one time, but little shits have never been in charge until now. Of course, little shits get a free pass as soon as they claim that they're also 'victims'. I'm in New Zealand, and in a conversation with someone recently I was told that a person at Canterbury University relayed the information that 70% of students there now claim some sort of disability. A 'disability' can be anything from anxiety to an actual real physical disability. Insane!

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70%! That is insane!

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As an adult person under five feet tall (148.5cm), I’d like to say that really they’re humongous shits who just imagine they’re little and dainty. Or at least, isn’t that most often true? ☮️❤️🐾

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I ,too ,am under 5ft tall. (4ft 11inches ,female ) so maybe we should start claiming victimhood as well .lol

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I used to wonder why I’d sometimes hear the phrase, “old boy” in British movies, then figured out the “old” is referencing the time length of the acquaintance. “Little” in the phrase “little s***s” probably refers to their maturity level which would be about primary school age. Some say this culture war stuff is “so high school” but I think it’s really at the maturity level of primary schoolers. It’s just so very narcissistic!

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Surely toddler stage? I'm actually not joking.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

I'm being generous when I say primary school. Kindergarteners are usually into sharing, so the diapered crowd is probably the level of emotional maturity to which we are referring!

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Wow you are diddy. Getting close to queen Victoria’s height I think.

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The little shits are the face those in charge choose to present to the world, but I think they're nothing more than apparatchiks. And often highly paid apparatchiks.

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The world is not twitter.

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The world is not twitter, but twitter is highly influential. It's a shame so many women (and a few good men) have lost their place in that important public square.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

true but it isnt a public square if it excludes so many ppl

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A public phone booth?

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mmm Susan like ye old ones that smelt like someone had relieved emselves .... you could be right.

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But it's where a lot gets said by people who do have influence in society.

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Didnt Elon Musk find a huge amount of exaggerated figures of twitter users tho.

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Yes, little shits and computer nerds.

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and bots stirring things up ocourse.

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It's the only thing you can say to the bearded guys in lipstick and mini-skirts flicking through child porn on their mobiles while they mod normality out of existance on Twitter one ban at a time. 'Moderators' is such a misnomer. 'Extremetors' covers them.

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Yep. I wrote to my local cooncil, south lanarkshire, as they had noted the same on their website...'gender' instead of 'sex'. I 'await' their response, like I await winning millions on the lottery. 👍🏾

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I did the same with Waitrose. I am seeing gender used more and more often instead of sex and the options are simply laughable. No-one seems to be able to agree on what that drop down list should look like or how many should be on it.

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Twitter guidelines state that sexist stereotypes can get you banned but gender identity is just sexist stereotype being ostentatiously performed. To acknowledge sex (and therefore also sexism) is also "transphobic", according to trans activists, so it looks like Twitter itself will have to be cancelled!

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Graham Linehan

Elon's takeover is now stuck in some protracted legal battle over the number of bots on the platform, but I really think he's made a mistake. He should be auditing the number of beards, not bots. The number on Twitter is clearly impossible.

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Lots of spurious reasons for Twitter people to get offended. But did I miss the bit that says you can’t lie?

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'Gender identity' is really a (badly named) concept in developmental psychology. It is proposed to develop around age 4, when children realise that they are distinct from the opposite sex. There are three or four theories behind how it works but it's difficult to substantiate, if I remember correctly.

No doubt some 'queer theorist' decided to misuse the term and apply it to an aspect of adult behaviour/personality where it does not belong. In the way that it's being used now (particularly in legislation) it has ZERO empirical evidence base.

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'In other words, children categorise boys and girls (including themselves) by their stereotyped appearances and behaviours. This early identification happens around 18 months to 3 years and is known as “sex identity” or (in more recent literature) “gender identity” (the psychological literature around the development of this concept, until very recently, referred only to children’s knowledge of their own biological sex; and it is not a complex concept like some adults feel about their own identity, it relies on the same processes children use to work out what is a table versus a chair or a car versus a bus. Children identify other children solely on the basis of the other children’s dress and toy preferences. This is not too surprising given the sex-stereotype saturated world they have grown up in...'


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I think most of that 700,000 have been booted off Twitter as well.

I have been, and my most recent attempts at surreptitiously signing up have been rebuffed.

It's just a sh*tshow of Gender Lore and Trans Truth.

But I'd still love to have my original account back.

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I won’t ever be going back on Twitter. I realise it can be useful for people who need publicity, but I think it’s poisonous.

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It's a cesspit really.

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Every time I went on there my entire body would go tense. Shoulders up round my ears.

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However I do miss Undines ‘unexpected cats’. I can still read their Strange Company blog though.

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Shame Musk decided not to buy this incel ridden outfit.

Needs a complete clearout.

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They don't even have a basic grasp of English. I was locked out today for a tweet they said was wishing harm on someone. It wasn't.

There is no hope for Twitter for a good while yet, or until it gets bought by someone/ a consortium that values free speech.

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Who's Jenny?

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Forrest Gumps Jenny. All the men she got entangled with were violent.

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Thank you! I had no idea at all.

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I had no idea what the reference was at first either 😊

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