Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

Oh my, a service for women and young women who need women only spaces. Shock horror.

All the venomous energy spent deriding, it could be spent creating other spaces more suitable for their needs...of course not, because there's no thought for 'need', there's only thoughts of maligning a wonderful gesture.

Simply jealousy of womanhood, women & girls. Despicable.

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There are "thoughts of maligning a wonderful gesture," but also thoughts of how they have to invade women's everything in order to -- what? Get their rocks off, dominate us, meet some other sick need. They wouldn't WANT their own spaces if someone handed them over on a silver platter. Despicable indeed.

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Yep, they don't want 'their' spaces, they want ours.

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and theirs .. THEY WANT IT ALLLLLLLL!!!

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Funny--when women discuss IPV from a female perspective--men always show up to whine about ‘male victims.’ Like clockwork. Any media platform, any comment section; they’re there.

These men always ask us--in the midst of a conversation about female victims--why THEY aren’t included; why we don’t care about male victims; ad nauseam.

We always give the same response as above: “Why don’t YOU build those shelters?” We know why they don’t; they know, too. It’s never really about male victims, nor inclusion. It’s about the prevention of female liberation; the preservation of female isolation & under-the-thumb of men.

It baffles me that other feminists, other women, wouldn’t see the clear similarities (& in some cases, exactness) of that language. These men never even changed the script. Every MRA to TRA retains the same playbook.

You’d think they would change it up to avoid suspicion. Why would they, though--when they can be their authentic, woman-hating selves--& still be crowned King Victim.

Smoke & mirrors won’t fool forever.

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Like the spike on search engines, for international men's day, when it's international women's day...and it's mostly women who know when international men's day is!...and when international men's day arrives there's even less search engine hits.

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Apropos, IMD 19th November.

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Ugh it's so annoying when they pretend you wouldn't be able to tell who's trans. in 99% of cases it's obvious at 1st glance. I heard there's a sexual fantasy of the 'penis reveal' maybe that's why they're always saying why are you going to make us show you our genitals.

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The idea of a "Transgender Day Of Visibility" always makes me laugh; they already stand out like a sore thumb in most cases.

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You made me laugh out loud. 😁

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A teeny, tiny thumb

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A lady thumb

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Particularly men, with eyebrows larger than pubic hair!

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by KFP

Agreed. There have been VERY rare cases where it was -less- detectable, but I still got a "Hmm, something is off with this person; I wonder if they're trans" feeling.

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I'm sure you're 100% right on both counts.

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We spend our whole lives, especially our formative years, absorbing material and non-material cues and clues about females and males until we must have about a million of them embedded in us - and still f-tards trot out tropes about “inspecting genitals” as being the only way of distinguishing between females and males.

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Dec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

Small children can literally identify a person's sex by the time they are able to talk. Our sex is absolutely embedded in us, right down to our cells, we almost never get it wrong. It's how humans have continued to breed successfully. Even now, when they set out to deliberately try to obfuscate and hide their sex, we almost never get it wrong.

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Totally agree!

I keep saying it: WE'RE MAMMALS!

We create rules based on our behaviour, which is most effectively determined by our sex.

We can't control for feelings. It doesn't work like that and no amount of wanting it to work like that makes it work.

I suppose this is the very reason this movement attracts control freaks and narcissists. They want to change the unchangeable, and they want to do so by lies, gaslighting and manipulation.

DARVO, of course!

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Agreed, and can i welcome the use of the term f-tards. They are F tards. ✔️

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Size 12 feet, and bare legs like plucked chickens... we can never tell!

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"We need to look at intergenerational violence in men". OK well you do that, instead of making tweets in an attempt to undermine women who are proactively taking measures to save the lives of women. The jealousy is potent, is it not?

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Actually, that's a clue to what really happened to them. They reveal the damage from outside and their claim of "wrong body," doesn't stick. Let the woo surface!


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The people laying into JKR are fringe lunatics. who have completely lost perspective. And they are f-ing cruel too. Really nasty cruel men. Weaponising the suffering of others. Unforgivable.

I still can’t believe that these men actually believe that a woman is literally whatever they perceive a woman to be! nothing to do with biology! Just whatever they say!

You couldn’t make this shit up.

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I’m amazed ( seems to be a constant state these days ) how men, who barely gave these transwomen a second thought 5 minutes ago, seem so passionate about them now.

Misogyny 💯

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How many of these men have taken "one of the most marginalized" into their homes?

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I’d suggest that’s a big ‘NO’!

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I ❤️ JKR forever

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Is there any way of donating money to this awful organisation just out of interest?

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How dya mean?

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I want to help JK’s crisis centre with some money

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Ah OK, I didn't know what you meant by awful. I'm sure there will be an opportunity to support it financially at some point. The Guardian surprisingly has quite a good article, although it's disingenuous to say trans people have caused no issues, there's a bloke running Edinburgh Rape Crisis.


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If ERC have had to close their lists to such an extent, why isnt Brindley knocking down Sturgeons and Robinsons doors for more funding ?

Has she evidence that nobody has experiencend male violence in ERCs ? Has any former residents been asked ?

What are the protocols if did happen in the future ? Or will any protocols fall under ' this hardly ever happens ' ?

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deletedDec 12, 2022Liked by KFP
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I'd be having the best time ever. 😄

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God, men just SUCK don't they? Like, I'm a man, and reading this stuff is so fucking embarrassing. Even when the subject is violence against women they have to centre themselves.

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Let’s see. What do we have here so far? JKR's generous and courageous enterprise is:

Sinister. Cynical. Major threat to women. Nauseating. Discrimination. No oversight. No accountability. Supremacist. Circumventing human rights laws.

Desperate numpties.

Orcs mewing at the sun.

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Predatory men moved into our spaces. So we moved out and created more for ourselves. And now they're throwing a tantrum. Fuckwits.

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fucking too right. Trans is basically men’s latest throw of the dice to stick it to women and get them to be subservient. Sick bastards. Not the men with serious body dysphoria, i want to help them, but the career women haters like india fuckhead or whatever his name is.

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I absolutely do not care what happens to any of them. Don't care if they get help, don't care if they don't, just want them all to fuck off, shut up, and leave women alone. If I could put them on an island and leave them there with no access to internet or normal people ever again, I would.

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I predict that the island's population would shrink very quickly as they did each other in.

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WTF is "intergenerational violence against men?" In passing, I note that a discussion about a female-only rape & domestic violence shelter has become become a story about men... again.

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I think it's the usual excuse that because we don't treat children (all children) the way we should, this is an excuse for men's bad behavior. It's the same as those who insist that sexual predators were obviously sexually abused as children. Emphatically, NO! If that were true, then women would far outnumber men as sexual predators, which they obviously do not. Sexual predation is closely linked to a mindset of entitlement which sees others' bodies as objects for one's own use. Gee, sounds like patriarchy.

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I honestly don’t know if I’m a member of human society anymore

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You are. They are not.

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So sick of DARVO. Demanding that Mridul Wadha be fired from a job he got dishonestly and proved he was unable of fulfilling equals death threats? I know of no real feminist who uses threats of violence. We all say the same thing : "Get out of our spaces, sports and organizations. You don't belong there."

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Also they say these inflammatory things to get a rise- so they can keep dribbling on about being a persecuted minority. Wankers- grow up.

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I might rejoin Twitter just to have a go at those sub shits

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Go for it; rattle a few cages ... 😉

As some ammunition to fire across their bows, you might have some interest in this article, published in the Journal of Molecular Human Biology, the abstract in particular and, more so, the definitions for "male" and "female" in its Glossary:


Of maybe some related interest and value, a page showing all the people tweeting links to that article -- to the general consternation, discomfiture, and chagrin of various transloonie nutcases and spectrumists, along with assorted charlatans, grifters, and scientific illiterates:


The point being some solid biological definitions for the sexes by which "Botox Chucky" [🤣] and his ilk won't EVER qualify as female since they're lacking the ovaries necessary to qualify as such -- no tickee, no washee.

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Cheers. I had a look yesterday and I must say, Elon Musk has been pissing off that india willoughby creature. Great reading.

Thanks for the links.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022

Young boys don’t usually go to women’s refuges - I think that is standard. Families sharing a house with strangers , not a lot of privacy

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022

Hmm, JK, so sinister in deciding to do something to protect women. Delightful transresistancesque.Take her down, except you won't you fucktards, not this time.

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