They are, and I don’t say this lightly, the fucking scum of the earth. How bloody dare they.

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Still reading Overshoot, and their behavior fits in perfectly with a collapsing society. All social norms and restraints are tossed by the wayside, and people's behavior becomes uglier and uglier.

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'Trans rights activism is evil'. You got that right alright Graham. These 'activists' are in the service of Narcissism, Lack of Empathy, Selfishness, and Woman and Child Hatred. They destroy everything they touch. Our institutions, our refuges, our governments, our children, our sense of stability. While they rampage through our tottering civil society, anything dark, and everything dark, is possible. Their capacity for destruction knows no bounds.

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Yes but it's not a handful of psychotics who are the problem. It's the fact that they have been so massively funded and given such a high profile throughout the media. They have even been assumed to be "the true normals" by some curious "Science" which likewise gets massive funding.

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Let them carry on, let everyone see the benthic depths of misogyny of this movement

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

This is what happens when society emboldens a bunch of self-righteous, entitled and privileged narcissists with a tenuous grip on reality - normal boundaries become meaningless and the line they cross is but a dot on the distant horizon. Utter scum.

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I’m glad we use the term “trans activists”. No transgender person I know would do this. Trans activists have forgotten the actual cause and are now just showing pure hatred towards women

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How rotten would you have to be to do something like this?

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What the fuck is wrong with these people? How could you do something so obviously vile and still think you're on the side of "good?" This cult is the perfect cover for vermin who just hate women.

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I actually thought they couldn’t go any lower , I was so sadly wrong ,this is beyond belief

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Just prepare for even more egregious behavior in future.

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Abhorrent behaviour. I could cry at what is being done to innocent women and children in today's 'society'. It's not really a society any longer is it? It's every narcissist for themselves and the nastier and more vicious the better it appears.

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On any level that is just pure vile

Still stunning and brave though eh …..

disgusting pieces of filth

How sad for the poor mothers to see this

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My saintly mother used to excuse bad behaviour by saying “they are more to be pitied” and so they are. These people who are full of pointless hatred towards women are empty. They can’t enjoy normal relationships or be loved for themselves because they are no longer lovable if indeed they ever were. The women who loved these babies had feelings on a higher plane than anything these destroyers could experience.

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Just who are these sadists?

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Yet they’d have us believe they’re a victimised minority!

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The justifications they give for their violence and hate are so flimsy.

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They should just put it all back up, and keep putting it back up to get the message through to these people.

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Absolutely agree. People who can do something like this are truly EVIL. Just the latest example of how evil they are. Can't think of a single good thing that this movement has ever done . My heart goes out to those poor mothers♥️♥️♥️🙏. The cruel nature of the tras reveals itself more and more each day. Shame on them all.👎🤬🤬🤬

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This is so sad. People who claim to be women feel the pain of other women.

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