Transideology seems to provide an ideal smokescreen for sexual predators. Most of them are not transsexuals in any meaningful sense of the word, I seriously doubt that most of them even suffer from Gender Dysphoria at all. They just know that there is a gullible crowd out there willing to defend them practically to the death and demand that even the last safeguards be torn down for them.

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I suspect 'these people' have always been around but the ideology means they don't need to hide in the shadows anymore.


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Which in turn means that with less stigma attached, a lot more people will feel encouraged to engage in their kinks...

This is what you get when you combine ill thought through advocacy for a minority with the esoteric realms of queer"feminism" and pornography.

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I read a wonderful comment on twitter some time ago, that gender identity means making children aware of their own sexuality, and sexual pleasure and sexual everything, and once they are aware, they can be treated as adults. Removing a child's privates is an act of pedophilia in essence.

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I am sure that many see this as an invitation to act that way towards children, but in all fairness, this is not the idea behind the concept, however esoteric it may be. Nor would I say that the majority of activists who use the term use it with these connotations, at least not from my limited observation.

But inherently vague terms always are an invitation to interpret them to serve one's own end. "Gender identity" is supposed to describe one's "true" inner self in a context that is connected to questions of sexuality and self fulfillment. So no wonder that predators take advantage of it.

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But that's the problem really, isn't it? That predators have a knack of finding where the exploitable loopholes exist. That's why this whole thing is so messed up. It's as if the western world is willingly blind to not only the existence of this particular loophole but resolute to making it wider.

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This is certainly a major problem trans ideology poses to society. It's not the only one, though.

And even if we leave aside the issue with sexual predators and especially pedophiles being given a huge loophole for the time being - really nothing trans ideology advocates does anything for the people it claims to represent.

It certainly does not do anything to decrease hostility towards people with Gender Dysphoria - and that is certainly one thing transsexuals do need. No one should be intimidated, shamed or insulted for suffering from a severe and chronic mental condition.

That does not mean that we must not question where this condition comes from or that we should feel obligated to see the way people afflicted by it want to be seen, mind. And it certainly does not entitle anyone to privileges such as trans ideology demands. Etc. etc.

The whole discourse generated by trans ideology has become so utterly insane that there is hardly any hard won achievement of modern society that is likely to be untouched by it. Much of it not as a direct result of this ideology itself but because it rests rather comfortably on many prior antimodern currents and movements whose principles now find and easy trajectory into those institutions that are supposed to further progress.

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Which brings in question two things: what is gender dysphoria, and is gender dysphoria valid if trans ideology is valid, since what it comes down to is that you can choose who to be and how to be and it's all a choice, humans are frogs. Since you can choose your gender, why is there a gender dysphoria to begin with? Secondly, what is gender? Sex is biology, end of story, that's the easy bit, that they will never manage to undo, cause it's nature. Gender is a social construct, and that means it's fluid and mutable. Therefore, and it's the ONLY part of gender ideology that I agree with, since gender is a social construct, aka an opinion, it can definitely change, even by claiming you changed it. So, if it's so very easy to change, why would anyone decide to be gender dysphoric instead of straight away changing into a less dysphoric state by claiming it? According to gender identity, gender dysphoria shouldn't even exist. And it doesn't, because it's fiction.

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Absolutely. Gender dysphoria is as much a fiction as all the rest of transology. If a person's not happy with their so-called gender, maybe they could just stop conforming to societal stereotyping associated with that gender? Once upon a time it was ok to be a tomboy without a double mastectomy and synthetic testosterone.

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Agree with almost all of it. I think we could stress the point here that Gender Dysphoria is a very unfortunate misnomer for many of the reasons you list here.

There are people who are deeply distressed by their sexed bodies. There are a number of reasons for that and a number of varieties and symptoms. It is, for all we know, an externally induced condition, and as such influenced, shaped, and perhaps even created by current societal conditions and expectations.

(I regard it as a product of capitalist Western society, born out of medical progress, and firmly embedded in neoliberal discourse. Supposedly similar conditions in other societies turn out not to be so similar after all.)

Now, thing with transideology is that it both claims that gender is a social construct (which it is, and that notion predates transideology by decades) and that gender is something innate and part of our (preordained) true inner selfs. The latter is of course the more important part of their argument, because where would there be a need for "trans rights" if "being trans" is a voluntary choice?

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'NJ woman who forced daughter she fathered into child porn...'

Who could've imagined we'd ever get a news headline like this.

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I'm weeping for that poor little girl.

Those men are monsters.

As for the cook ... Dulcinea. Dulcinea? Dulcinea???! Cervantes would be turning in his grave. This is his description of Don Quijote's (fantasy) Dulcinea:

As he does not have one, he invents her, making her the very model of female perfection: "[h]er name is Dulcinea, her country El Toboso, a village of La Mancha, her rank must be at least that of a princess, since she is my queen and lady, and her beauty superhuman, since all the impossible and fanciful attributes of beauty which the poets apply to their ladies are verified in her; for her hairs are gold, her forehead Elysian fields, her eyebrows rainbows, her eyes suns, her cheeks roses, her lips coral, her teeth pearls, her neck alabaster, her bosom marble, her hands ivory, her fairness snow, and what modesty conceals from sight such, I think and imagine, as rational reflection can only extol, not compare" (Part I, Chapter 13, translation by John Ormsby). Quoted in Wikipedia.

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May 9, 2022
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Looking at the picture: No, not a woman. Considering the name: No, not a woman. Even if you factor in the stage names of porn actresses.

I could of course be wrong. I just doubt it.

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I think it could be a woman, very young and possibly with learning disabilities? I could also be wrong. What a terrible terrible tragedy for that little girl.

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IF it is a woman with a learning disability the sentence is scandalous. In that case she would have been taken advantage of almost to the same degree as the little girl.

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Yes that's true, didn't think of that

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Having a double chin does not make one intellectually challenged. I think it is a male.

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Me too

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I agree. Maybe not learning disability but certainly not bright. Quite possibly exploited and abused too. But some women also are sadistic abusers 😢

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Actually does look like a woman to me. Not wearing any makeup, for a start!

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Maybe the male perverts insisted that she rename herself Dulcinea.

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Interesting that we can't all agree, I wouldn't put money on either sex but I've seen plenty of women who would look like Dulcinea in a mug shot.

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Could be being coerced yo take "care" of the child. Still should have denounced those monsters.

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I thought " she " was a man as well ,going by the pic !!

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I'm sick to my stomach. I have no patience for anyone who enables this smokescreen to continue. Now, no doubt, they will be residing, or will soon request to be housed in a women's prison.

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I am afraid you could be right.

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Poor girl. No kid should be subjected to this. They really go all in on the ruination of childhood and innocence. Fucking monsters.

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And if you survive it your whole adult life might be blighted, and you may die earlier. Which no one really likes talking about.

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And in some cases (particularly for male children) go on to abuse others yourself. Abuse perpetuated down the generations.

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A cult founded on absurd ideology attracts disturbed souls. The "queer" smashing of boundaries, especially those of biological reality, creates a space for all kinds of perversion. The departure from reality is a departure from civil society. We can only expect travesty piled upon travesty when the accepted, embedded in biology, fabric of society is torn apart.

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Current gender ideology insists that ANY male who asserts that he's a woman...inside...is a trans woman...and, as we all know, "trans women ARE women 🤪🙄," so, at least three of this "charming" quartet ARE, therefore, women....right😡😖?

No doubt, after conducting some of the most heinous crimes possible against a young girl, these three will choose to be housed in women's prisons where they, undoubtedly, will cause great discomfort to the female guards required to stripsearch them...not to mention, of course, the terror they'll instill in female inmates forced to share intimate cells, communal toilets, and showering facilities with them

The prominent female-identifying male autogynephile Grace Lavery, a professor at U.C. Berkeley University, once wrote that his side, the gender identity side, would win because, secretly, so many people are just as perverted as he and his fellow genderists are.

Lavery has a habit of saying the quiet part out loud, and we should believe him...at least when it comes to the disproportionate amount of perversion associated with autogynephilic female-identifying males.

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The problem with people who are as sick as Lavery is that they cannot imagine any other state of being (which is why they need to be institutionalized, and I don't mean professorships at Berkeley, that minor American university). He projects his own sickness onto everyone else and it helps to justify his diseased dysfunction.

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May 9, 2022
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Evil monster is what he is !! Every evil person on the planet will be on the side of these ideologues !! Stands to reason. They definitely won't be on the side of women and children .

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It makes you want to open the back door, stick your head out and fill the world with vomit.

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Thanks for that - it made me laugh.

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F____ng Hell! Thank heavens these monsters have been caught but you can't help thinking that for every one caught and punished ten go free. It's true that 'trans´persons are not all predators of course we must never forget that, but this shows that more and more predators are - as predicted - using the trans fog to conceal, disguise and enable their despicable activities. This guy was president of the Queer Student Association at the Vancouver Clark College. Of course when you hear that you're bound to get the impression the whole movement is simply riddled with perverts. As an outsider how could you surmise otherwise? The people who vote someone like that into such a position either knowingly protect evil, or they are naive and need outside input to wake them up with a dose of reality.

Well, depravity is not a new thing in the world of course, but exactly therefore our lawmakers need to heed the warning signs, and think about what they're doing by giving any Tom Dick and Harry the right to identify and qualify as a woman. This case is like a blazing red light in the sky, which ought to make anyone stop in their tracks.

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Will they be sent to a women's prison 🤔

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I was just going to ask that question. What do you bet.

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Is that photo of Voltz the police mugshot? If it is, what arrogance to grin like a loon.

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God , that's so beyond evil !! Hard to believe that newspaper reporter called him SHE and even said "the child SHE fathered"!! How grotesque can you get 🤮🤮🤮 It's well past time for news outlets to show some backbone and honesty in their reporting. THEY should be ashamed of themselves and as for these creeps ,no sentence will ever be severe enough for what they did. Poor wean😭😭😭. Can't imagine how she'll ever recover from the trauma. Hope she gets a lot of help.🙏🙏🙏

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As trans identified men I’m sure they still have their penises, as over 90% of them do. Can I suggest they now have them lopped off with a rusty knife?!

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May 9, 2022
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Bang on about "weaponising oppression".

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May 9, 2022
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I'm glad Fox News didn't cover this. They aren't exactly very considerate of victims and would have used this horrendous crime to satisfy the voyeurism of their audience.

Yes, it is a shame responsible journalists for the most do not cover these incidents. In fact, it is a disgrace to my profession that only a handful of people cover anything involving purported or "actual" (i.e. diagnosed with GD) trans people responsibly and unbiased at all. Most in traditionally serious outlets have either been captured by trans ideology or are afraid to speak out, and most who do any critical reporting are sensationalist and/or pursue their own agendas.

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May 9, 2022
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I think Mr Baumgarten was contrasting Fox News with Ms Slatz. It's Fox that's voyeuristic. If I'm right, then he wasn't calling either you or Ms Slatz a voyeur. But pardon me if I'm mistaken.

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Thanks for helping to clarify this.

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I'm glad I read you correctly. Best wishes.

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No, I'm not saying that everyone who reports these cases is catering to voyeurism, nor that everybody who reads about them is a voyeur. To know about violent crimes, including sexual violence, is in the public interest and it's my profession's obligation to report these cases as accurately as possible without causing a victim further harm by exposing graphic details, among other things. It is also a journalistic duty to expose failures in safeguarding, or other societal and politic problems that have led to these cases, and I may say, it is one of my profession's noblest duties. This has to be done without inciting hatred against any specific group, however. I think Anna Slatz has done a great job doing this, and she has also pointed out the sorry complicity of many in our profession with those people who would like to hush up some rather obvious issues. Fox News would not have done a great job. It would have exposed the victim to voyeurism in publishing as many graphic details of this horrible crime against her as possible. Plus they might have deliberately just thrown in gay men as potential predators purely by choice of words, while they're at it. This is how tabloid journalism works, even when it's on TV.

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Please learn to READ comments carefully before jumping to conclusions. Chris was quite clear; you misinterpreted what he said.

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May 9, 2022
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I think I know what he means, even though I tune in to Tucker Carlson's videos on youtube. For an example, many Fox viewers love Nancy Grace -- who looks like the devil incarnate! -- because they are hooked on crime stories. I love a good mystery as much as anyone, but at some point crime stories become almost pornographic in their salaciousness.

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