'Trans Educator' describes arousal at wearing women's clothes, denies biological sex
Meet Martin Neeves, another central outlier
Leaked footage of a webinar hosted by a top UK "trans awareness training" organization shows its founder discussing getting sexually aroused by women's clothing.
In the footage, Cool2BTrans founder Martin “Katie” Neeves is heard describing in graphic detail how, as a youth, he would steal his sister’s underwear and try them on for sexual gratification. Clips from the webinar were posted by Twitter user @SarahSurviving, who says she had been subjected to the purported diversity training Cool2BTrans offered through her place of employment.
“My earliest memories were of my mum catching me trying on a pair of my sister’s knickers. I remember when I did it, it felt so right. But then my mum came in, and she caught me and told me off,” says Neeves in one of the clips.

“In my childhood, I used to secretly dress in my sister’s clothes whenever I had the opportunity. And whenever I did it, it felt so right. But then those feelings of being right were very quickly overtaken by feelings of guilt, shame, and self-loathing. Because what I was doing was wrong, it was dirty, it was naughty, and not what respectable people did,” he continued.
In January 2018, at the age of 48, Martin Neeves declared himself “Katie," the alter-ego he says he used when dressing up for sexual gratification.
Neeves has on several occasions elaborated on how his crossdressing fetish led him to pursue a transgender identity. In an interview announcing his self-declared identity, Neeves told Leicester Live, “My earliest memory is when I was about three, I preferred to wear my sister’s knickers, not realising this was anything to bother about – until mum found out and chastised me.
“I still kept borrowing my sister’s clothes (and my girlfriend’s), in secret though, all through until my early 20s,” Neeves added.
The interview describes Neeves as having “soft skin” as a result of taking female hormones, and as “a naturally slightly-built person” with “an enviable figure.”
Prior to launching Cool2BTrans, Neeves had worked as a professional photographer and, according to Leicester Live, had “photographed the Queen at Buckingham Palace, covered wars and attended Princess Diana’s funeral for IPC magazines.”
In the leaked video clips of the recent Cool2BTrans training webinar, Neeves goes on to state that he now describes himself as a lesbian. “Previously, I was labeled as a heterosexual man, now I’m labeled as a lesbian… but obviously for my wife, her label hadn’t changed.”
Neeves is also heard stating that biological sex is not an observable reality, but a random label placed on infants when they are born, saying, “ When you’re talking about a trans person, please don’t say they were ‘born a boy’, or ‘born a girl.' Please acknowledge that we weren’t born with that label, we were given it. It’s much better to say they were ‘assigned male’ or ‘assigned female’ at birth.”
Neeves had previously disclosed how his relationship with his wife deteriorated as a result of his sexual fetish. Speaking with Leicester Live, he describes the moment he confessed to his wife while watching a television program about a woman whose husband was a cross-dresser: “My wife at the time said jokingly, you’d never do that to me would you? I said, ‘well actually, I do' ... We patched it over and managed 13 years together but it was always there, and we finally divorced,” said Neeves.
Neeves decided to announce his new identity very publicly and created a series of videos that he sent to all of his photography clients. In the videos, Neeves again tells of how he began crossdressing as a fetish and “envied the girls," but began to “embrace” it as a hobby during his twenties.
Neeves explains that he was first able to “admit” to himself that he is actually a woman after consulting a “clairvoyant” who consulted with a “spirit." He also describes the manner in which he intended to “go full-time as female."
“My transition is going to be very public, very bold, and very out there. No apologies for that. I’ll be starting on HRT soon, which should start to give me the feminine curves that I would like, and I need, in order to be happy,” said Neeves.
“It’s a slow progress, so I’m not going to all of a sudden be turning up with massive, great big double-E breasts,” he says, laughing. “Hopefully the HRT will reverse some of my male-pattern baldness. I really hope it does. It’s something I’m very worried about.”
Martin Neeves’ professional photography site now links to his “trans ambassador” project Cool2BTrans, where, in a February 5 blog post, he boasts about being a “page 3 girl at 52," having had an interview published on page three of Chat magazine. A “page 3 girl” refers to a tradition initially introduced by British tabloid the Sun, which featured pornographic photographs of women on its third page.
Neeves has spoken at Leicester College in the past, and an upcoming webinar hosted by Neeves and platformed by the Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion, scheduled to take place on March 24, is selling tickets for £63.22 per person.
Neeves is also publicly campaigning against the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) for its stance that gender identity presents a conflict to women’s sex-based rights. In January, the EHRC told the Scottish government proposed reforms that allow for a self-declaration of sex do not adequately take into account the rights of women.
On October 16, 2021, the EHRC announced its intention to provide further guidance on securing women’s rights, stating, “The law allows for single-sex spaces and we believe it’s important people understand how they should operate in practice. We are looking at how best to provide more clarity for service providers so they can be confident they are complying with the law.”
In 2020, he published an open letter to J.K. Rowling in response to her essay expressing concern at the clash between gender ideology and women’s rights. He accused the renowned author of “peddling anti-trans mis-information” and made an unfounded claim that her “diatribe directly caused some trans children to self-harm and other to attempt suicide.”
According to Neeves, he is currently on the BBC’s and ITV’s list of experts for “when they need transgender people they can call on who will speak out and represent the trans community well.”
Originally published in Reduxx.
It is a sickness which they delight in...and it makes me feel sick hearing about it!
They all need therapy.
I read Sarah's Twitter thread about this. It made me feel sick. Imagine being compelled at work to sit and listen to that man flaunt his fetish? Completely gross. The people engaging his services must be exceedingly dim.