Sometimes I have difficulty working out what is real and what is a joke: scientists carrying out unnecessary experiments on young children who’ve probably given little thought to and have limited feelings about reproduction; Conservative Catholics who now also believe in the transubstantiation of people’s private parts; prison staff who want to put male sex offenders in locked rooms with women; statisticians who don’t want to collect accurate data; and, even after Savile, government officials who publish their thoughts of sharing a tent with a child.

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Pat, I have been banned from Twitter twice for life now and can no longer comment about the deviance that is gender ideology. However I have swapped phones recently and think I might try for the hat-trick of bans, keep up your sterling work!

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This just confirms that this movement has gained its power through stealth and not through democratic process. Ultimately, democracy will remove it. Its just a slow process.

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Isnt it amazing that these people are in highly paid senior roles on our money - seems the public and civil service are the only workplaces that indulge this shite and happy to promote it. Mr Cook is now in a £30k 3 day week job 'advising' the CPS. God help us.

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Good reporting

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Great. They make money from making kids sterile ,then make more money trying ( and failing ) to make them fertile again ! The greed and cynicism of this movement becomes ever more apparent. How could governments let this happen ? Thanks ,Tish ,for uncovering this.👏👍♥️

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Good Lord! They're everywhere. Good work for searching them out. Their activism is totally unacceptable and doing irreparable harm to people. They have to be exposed for what they're doing. Some of it is grooming of the vulnerable.

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And as if by magic....


See this thread for the new EDI Champion's history


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Thank you. Just tweeted some complaints to CPS, Max Hill QC the director and Sophie Cook.... who will probably block me @STranswidows.

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Excellent work! It's important to get names...who specifically (and, in what capacity) is promoting this child-endangering, sexual fetishist-uplifting evil ideology! And, then to get the word out.

The Sexual Fetishist Lobby (used to call it the Trans Lobby, then the Gender Identity Lobby, but after learning more about it and its agenda, think this new label is a keeper) works in darkness...the mushroom 🍄 approach, until, of course one of its loose canons says the quiet part out loud.

Prominent female-identifying male Grace Lavery, Professor at UC Berkeley and Editor of the Trans Quarterly Journal, once wrote that his side would win, because, secretly, at heart, everyone is a pervert, and wants his peversions to be normalized (I paraphrase here...quite a bit...but. you get Lavery's drift).

Lavery doesn't really believe he's a woman inside...he believes he's a pervert inside...and, that you and I and everyone else are also perverts.

Lavery self-IDs as a pervert...and, he does so vocally and publicly with little pushback. So, there's that.

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They cost us a fortune and don’t serve the whole community

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Just because someone is trans does not mean that they're a TRA out to trample the rights of women and children. Let's not turn this into a witch hunt.

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Absolutely. I draw a sharp line between TRAs and the rest i.e. people with gender dysphoria, gender non-conformity, cross dressers etc. who just want to live in peace and don't think like the mind-cult mob.

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Please do not be quite so "generous" to AGPs, the majority of adults with GD. My experience as the abandoned ex-wife of a transsexual was horrible. I have just posted under an article in "The Times" https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bbc-altered-gender-in-trans-rape-claim-3cqj73tq5 as follows:

They are seriously confused men (mostly men) who have, many of them, abandoned their wives and children in a vain quest to be "reborn" as a "woman". As Dr Paul McHugh, head of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University Medical School said in the 1980s: "The transgendered suffer a disorder of 'assumption.' ”. A disorder of "assumption": in other words they are delusional. We can feel sorry for the delusional but we should be realistic: they live cut off from what life offers to most people: solid relationships, carefree laughter, confidence to try out new occupations and jobs, curiosity about the real world. They are severely limited by the continuing anxiety which their own lie creates inside them, and paranoid about any challenge to their delusion. The best we can do is to "neuter" their delusion. As adults we should say: "I feel sorry that you are so confused. You may not impose your delusion on the majority of the population. You may live alone if that is what you want. But we feel no obligation to take any notice of your particular mental disorder to any greater extent than someone with a different severe mental disorder, for example anorexia nervosa. We will only intervene in a crisis". And then leave them alone. They are manifestly not socially suitable for many, if not most social roles, although specialist professional roles, especially in technical fields, may be suitable. Their behavioural traits are repellent: narcissism and controlling relationships, anger and surliness, extreme selfishness. I should know: I lived with one unknowingly for 14 years until he walked out on us. They are difficult patients, as Dr James Barratt, Clinical Lead at the Charing Cross GID service acknowledged in his book: "Transsexual and other disorders of gender identity" (2007). The severely mentally unbalanced are, by definition, extremely difficult to understand or to integrate into normal society. They are condemned by their own misunderstandings.... whose causes we really don't know, although they are definitely exarcebated by fetish(es) and watching pornography.

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I wasn't really thinking of AGPs but yes, you're right, and that's a very jarring but necessary read. I hope you're either at peace or getting the help you need to cope after being ensnared by such a toxic man.

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I was helped initially by an excellent psychotherapist. In a short time she helped me overcome "panic attacks". And then I spoke to a Consultant psychiatrist, the ex-Medical Director for Mental Health Services for NW London whom I knew in a personal capacity and who knew my H and me. She looked at an exchange of e-mails with my then H and said: "Well, you're not mad, are you?" Her reassurance gave me a huge boost. And she explained that psychiatry is "in the Stone Age" compared to physical medicine. There is an excellent article from 2016 by Dr Richard Corradi, who sets the context for the rise of "transgenderism": https://thefederalist.com/2016/11/17/psychiatry-professor-transgenderism-mass-hysteria-similar-1980s-era-junk-science/. Then the support of GC feminists on line, under articles, at meetings in real life. And very importantly my own curiosity to understand as much as possible about the wider context of "transgenderism". Not everyone is as curious as I am!

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That's great, I'm glad it's in your rearview and thanks for the article. I look forward to reading it.

'Trans' really is a baffling cult that's somehow gained mainstream acceptance, like Scientology in a dress, and I can't wait to see it pushed back into the closet.

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It appeals to the young because the conjunction of three factors in the 21st century: (1) they want to be "Social Justice Warriors" for "trans inclusion" AND (2) they want to adopt the fashion for pink, green, blue hair and long nails, etc. AND (3) for some, it is a real and distressing mental disorder and confusion. "Transgenderism" is an intensely introspective and narcissistic movement.

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It seems to me that, while AGP is decidedly unhealthy, the real issue is how a man handles it. Whether he indulges it-- particularly at the expense of those around him, and even people (most of all women) in general-- or recognizes it as a delusion, and works on overcoming it.

I might not have said (or thought) this before meeting a few men with AGP who refer to it as precisely that, know damn well that they are not and never will be women, and completely oppose the entire "TWAW"/trans agenda. As you observe, they have a mental illness; I think that the men who acknowledge AGP as such-- and as a serious problem which they must take responsibility for-- are in quite a different category than men like your ex-husband. Of course, the sad fact is that the latter seem MUCH more numerous than the former, especially now that they have an entire movement facilitating, and indeed encouraging, their sickness.

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that what your ex put you through was a terrible and cruel thing... but of course it was, and you have my every sympathy.

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Jun 1, 2022Edited
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"Trans," Transgender"...that's their language. I backed away from their language a while ago, preferring to call them gender identity activists. But, now, after learning more and more about the agenda of the powerful, wealthy trans humanist and fetishistic men behind this whole debacle, I'm considering a new label for their campaigners: "Sexual Fetishism" activists

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