This evidences just what a vile movement trans activism is. It is imperative that this movement continues to be exposed for what it is and brought to an end.

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You're not wrong, Stroppy.

The idea that these creeps went out on International Women's Day specifically to beat up women tells us all we need to know.

Trans activism is about abusing women. That is its method, that is its goal, that is its purpose.

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Yeah ,makes me wonder why the Scottish Government just refuses to acknowledge it . How much more evidence do they need ?

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You're probably right. All Western Governments must have done as well as. Why else would any Government adopt such damaging policies ? Are they wilfully blind or just completely stupid Misogyny:s always existed throughout history but experimentation and mutilation of kids they've indoctrinated into this CULT ? Evil beyond belief !!

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What more evidence do we need to show that this is not much to do with trans "rights", and everything to do with male domination? We should call ourselves Male Exclusionary Radical Feminists; we want men out of our safe spaces, sports, refuges etc and we want women out of prostitution and surrogacy. Trans is a red herring: trans people need their own toilets, changing rooms, refuges and sports, not ours.

Lets stop helping these men to fool everyone about this and call them what they are: Male Domination Activists, then at least we could start dealing with what we have, instead of a trans shell of respectability covering something else entirely.

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Domestic terrorists. I cheered like mad when Valérie Bacot won her freedom. I have no problem whatsoever with women killing their abusers. Pity there isn't a Stand Your Ground law for us.

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Woman-hating men scream “whore” at women who oppose the pornographication and prostitution of women. And they scream “whore” at women who are pornographied and prostituted.

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Those are the self same men who uses prostitutes, are "sugar daddies" and spend a lot of time watching porn.

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Thanks very much for exposing this horror.These men are clearly psychopathic ,and obviously think it's fine ,brave even ,for men to physically attack and threaten women in plain sight ,while the world pretends not to see. Honourable ???. Cowardly bullies is what they are 👎👎👎

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We should stop calling them trans activists. They are trans extremists. I am trans moderate. I support genuine transexuals but not self ID

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Great column by Deborah Ross in today's Times. Hope you can read it. No comments permitted :(

Still confused about what a woman is, Anneliese? I can help


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Thank you. Best read of the day! Or the least depressing.

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Thought she captured the essence of womanhood in a brilliantly sardonic way! No tw would ever get it.

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Deborah Ross writes a good column

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Thanks for putting in all the work compiling these attacks. It makes it much harder to dismiss them as isolated events and shows the dangerous radicalization trans ideology facilitates and promotes. I'd like to say that it is getting scary, but unfortunately, it already is and even whan you have brought to light is probably just the tip of the iceberg. This is f...g dangerous. There aren't very many movements in modern societies so willing to use violence in public, and there is no other where this is continually shrugged off as irrelevant.

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“activists from three anti-capitalist and pro-sex trafficking organizations“

How does that work then?

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That's what I was wondering, thinking of the woman who wrote that global capitalists are now mining women's bodies for porn, prostitution, surrogacy, and egg harvesting. I think the lesson is: Beware anti-capitalist sloganeering because it may be used by people who are essentially fascists.

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I believe Dire Straits wrote a song about that once.

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