I've long been waiting for the exposure of whoever was behind the removal of Gender Identity Disorder as a psychological condition from the 2013 DSM, and who manipulated into position its replacement, the newly-dreamt-up recruiting tool of 'Gender Dysphoria'. Who kicked off the subsequent mass promotion of GD to young people, and to all of society.
'Gender dysphoria'. A shiny, new not-disorder yet which somehow magically requires permanently damaging yourself, your endocrine system and all it maintains, maybe removing healthy body parts, otherwise you'll need to kill yourself. So they say. A descriptor so broad and vague that teens and others can fit their typical angsts or their fad-driven, social media-fuelled desires into it several times over.
Talk about semantic contagion. And its fruit, mass social contagion.
What a mass recruiting device for these f**king fetishists. Damn them to hell.
The Royal College of Psychiatrists (and others like Nursing) don't need to go along with this or the 'diagnostic manuals'. Why are they? And what is their defence of that? How are they not being held to account? The use of leeches is more evidence-based than this.
I know, I know, capture and money. But surely they have to give some account of themselves? You can get a few people to write a few papers and be on enough panels and committees, then as they are on those, they get on a few more, writing policy and before you know it Nicola Sturgeon and the whole of the SNP are spouting their claptrap.
Human suggestibility, and semantic contagion. We are all way more suggestible than we think. Our social natures copy what others seem to think (though 'think' can be overstating it, as with sheep). Something goes into the DSM and is unthinkingly given credence, just for being there. An acquired appearance of authority, often unjustified.
I recommend bioethicist Carl Elliott's thought-provoking 'A New Way To Be Mad', on how psychiatric disorders are named and then spread. 'Can the mere description of a condition make it contagious?'
Three excerpts:
Contagious Desire
'I am simplifying a very complex and subtle argument, but the basic idea should be clear. By regarding a phenomenon as a psychiatric diagnosis—treating it, reifying it in psychiatric diagnostic manuals, developing instruments to measure it, inventing scales to rate its severity, establishing ways to reimburse the costs of its treatment, encouraging pharmaceutical companies to search for effective drugs, directing patients to support groups, writing about possible causes in journals—psychiatrists may be unwittingly colluding with broader cultural forces to contribute to the spread of a mental disorder.'
'Fifty years ago [Elliott wrote this in 2000] the suggestion that tens of thousands of people would someday want their genitals surgically altered so that they could change their sex would have been ludicrous. But it has happened. The question is why. One answer would have it that this is an ancient condition... But it is possible to imagine another story: that our cultural and historical conditions have not just revealed transsexuals but created them. That is, once "transsexual" and "gender-identity disorder" and "sex-reassignment surgery" became common linguistic currency, more people began conceptualizing and interpreting their experience in these terms. They began to make sense of their lives in a way that hadn't been available to them before, and to some degree they actually became the kinds of people described by these terms.'
'Ian Hacking uses the term "semantic contagion" to describe the way in which publicly identifying and describing a condition creates the means by which that condition spreads. He says it is always possible for people to reinterpret their past in light of a new conceptual category. And it is also possible for them to contemplate actions that they may not have contemplated before.'
Which of course doesn't excuse the RCP or RC of Nursing or any others. They're f*ing professional organisations, lives depend on them thinking things through.
All that you say is undoubtedly very true but I’m discovering more and more that people in reputable institutions can also be simply downright lazy and complacent. It takes effort to whistleblow, do due diligence, even ask a few pertinent questions. And a lot of people just can’t be bothered. It’s very depressing.
Oh I completely agree. My view of us as a species has dropped way down since watching the whole gender identity fiasco keep spreading and worsening, with people right across society and institutions not bothering even to mildly engage their brains or care enough to try to do the right thing.
I'm not great at mustering optimism about the future of humans. Or of the planet with humans running the show. Grateful for dark humour, though!
I love a new way to be mad :-) and it's a perpetual source of confusion how some professions just gently roll on and some tinkering at the edges seems enough. My interest is in how and why parts of some professions, systems or industries seem to self-regulate well and others have to be dragged kicking and screaming. Thinking fit and proper and a few other baselines.
Oh I received a response, from Thomas Johnson himself. It was intended to be sent to the university only, but staff forwarded it to me. It's a four-page long rant about how awful and uneducated I am. He says the child sexual abuse stories are projections of what forum members wanted themselves, and how I am ignorant to not realize this. I'm working on a video about all of it, with screenshots from my investigation.
I’m guessing the fact that staff forwarded it to you means they find him equally sinister and want you to pursue this further? In other words, they are on your side, which seems hopeful.
I would bet a not inconsiderable sum that he's one of THOSE professors everyone knows about - the dirty old creep all the women avoid who is always leching on students half his age. Academia is still really crap at booting them out (speaking as an academic). If he ever gets in the firing line, I suspect a whole load of unsavoury stuff about his behaviour will suddenly flood out. I find it very suggestive that staff forwarded his email to you. Just a hypothesis.
I am quoting your first peace every time I see someone talking about medical ‘experts’. HOW were fetishists allowed to have any input let alone a formative one in psychological classifications?
I do wish more people were aware of the process of getting things into the 'diagnostic manuals'. People pitch terms and they discuss them, and some get in and other 'diagnoses' are altered or removed. Bit like pin the tail on the donkey. It appears like guesswork much of the time. I'm not sure how those within mental health professions, who genuinely want to help people and relieve suffering keep sane working within that structure. It's often quasi-scientific at best. A consensus of whoever pushes hard enough.
And some professional titles are registered and some similar sounding ones are not. Child psychologist or clinical psychologist? That's how people get to be 'experts' when they are no such thing, or get into academic positions to flog flimflam.
Gosh , Genevieve. You must feel as if you're swimming in a sewer at times. These stories are fantasy for now but they're what the men who wrote them would like to do to young boys !! Shocking and terrifying. Hard to believe these people are human!🤮😭💔🤬Thanks , Genevieve ♥️x
Oh my I couldn’t really do more than scan this as it is too traumatising- thanks to reduxx for doing the work. Wpath is increasingly sounding like a P ring or at best a safe space for Paedophilic thinking. .
I've long been waiting for the exposure of whoever was behind the removal of Gender Identity Disorder as a psychological condition from the 2013 DSM, and who manipulated into position its replacement, the newly-dreamt-up recruiting tool of 'Gender Dysphoria'. Who kicked off the subsequent mass promotion of GD to young people, and to all of society.
'Gender dysphoria'. A shiny, new not-disorder yet which somehow magically requires permanently damaging yourself, your endocrine system and all it maintains, maybe removing healthy body parts, otherwise you'll need to kill yourself. So they say. A descriptor so broad and vague that teens and others can fit their typical angsts or their fad-driven, social media-fuelled desires into it several times over.
Talk about semantic contagion. And its fruit, mass social contagion.
What a mass recruiting device for these f**king fetishists. Damn them to hell.
And thank you so much, Genevieve Gluck. For having the stomach to go down into this sewer, reveal what's been there all these years.
The Royal College of Psychiatrists (and others like Nursing) don't need to go along with this or the 'diagnostic manuals'. Why are they? And what is their defence of that? How are they not being held to account? The use of leeches is more evidence-based than this.
I know, I know, capture and money. But surely they have to give some account of themselves? You can get a few people to write a few papers and be on enough panels and committees, then as they are on those, they get on a few more, writing policy and before you know it Nicola Sturgeon and the whole of the SNP are spouting their claptrap.
Human suggestibility, and semantic contagion. We are all way more suggestible than we think. Our social natures copy what others seem to think (though 'think' can be overstating it, as with sheep). Something goes into the DSM and is unthinkingly given credence, just for being there. An acquired appearance of authority, often unjustified.
I recommend bioethicist Carl Elliott's thought-provoking 'A New Way To Be Mad', on how psychiatric disorders are named and then spread. 'Can the mere description of a condition make it contagious?'
Three excerpts:
Contagious Desire
'I am simplifying a very complex and subtle argument, but the basic idea should be clear. By regarding a phenomenon as a psychiatric diagnosis—treating it, reifying it in psychiatric diagnostic manuals, developing instruments to measure it, inventing scales to rate its severity, establishing ways to reimburse the costs of its treatment, encouraging pharmaceutical companies to search for effective drugs, directing patients to support groups, writing about possible causes in journals—psychiatrists may be unwittingly colluding with broader cultural forces to contribute to the spread of a mental disorder.'
'Fifty years ago [Elliott wrote this in 2000] the suggestion that tens of thousands of people would someday want their genitals surgically altered so that they could change their sex would have been ludicrous. But it has happened. The question is why. One answer would have it that this is an ancient condition... But it is possible to imagine another story: that our cultural and historical conditions have not just revealed transsexuals but created them. That is, once "transsexual" and "gender-identity disorder" and "sex-reassignment surgery" became common linguistic currency, more people began conceptualizing and interpreting their experience in these terms. They began to make sense of their lives in a way that hadn't been available to them before, and to some degree they actually became the kinds of people described by these terms.'
'Ian Hacking uses the term "semantic contagion" to describe the way in which publicly identifying and describing a condition creates the means by which that condition spreads. He says it is always possible for people to reinterpret their past in light of a new conceptual category. And it is also possible for them to contemplate actions that they may not have contemplated before.'
Which of course doesn't excuse the RCP or RC of Nursing or any others. They're f*ing professional organisations, lives depend on them thinking things through.
All that you say is undoubtedly very true but I’m discovering more and more that people in reputable institutions can also be simply downright lazy and complacent. It takes effort to whistleblow, do due diligence, even ask a few pertinent questions. And a lot of people just can’t be bothered. It’s very depressing.
Oh I completely agree. My view of us as a species has dropped way down since watching the whole gender identity fiasco keep spreading and worsening, with people right across society and institutions not bothering even to mildly engage their brains or care enough to try to do the right thing.
I'm not great at mustering optimism about the future of humans. Or of the planet with humans running the show. Grateful for dark humour, though!
True . Medicine and Nursing are supposed to be evidence based !
I love a new way to be mad :-) and it's a perpetual source of confusion how some professions just gently roll on and some tinkering at the edges seems enough. My interest is in how and why parts of some professions, systems or industries seem to self-regulate well and others have to be dragged kicking and screaming. Thinking fit and proper and a few other baselines.
Just to say thank you to Genevieve for her work, and everyone else contributing at Reduxx.
Bloody hell!
I hope you're okay after all that awful (but brilliant) research. Seriously.
You need somebody to units onto after uncovering that nest of depravity.
Fantastic work.
More proof that these men are sick predators obsessed with degradation and children. Nothing more.
There's nothing profound about their sex obsessions. They're just a bunch of undesirables obsessed with dick. Detached or otherwise.
I hope your hard work will have ramifications?
Do you think the anthropology department is going to respond? I don’t think they’re going to respond.
Oh I received a response, from Thomas Johnson himself. It was intended to be sent to the university only, but staff forwarded it to me. It's a four-page long rant about how awful and uneducated I am. He says the child sexual abuse stories are projections of what forum members wanted themselves, and how I am ignorant to not realize this. I'm working on a video about all of it, with screenshots from my investigation.
Wow. You’ve obviously really rattled him.
I’m guessing the fact that staff forwarded it to you means they find him equally sinister and want you to pursue this further? In other words, they are on your side, which seems hopeful.
I was just guessing it meant the staff was incompetent. I don't get my hopes up about such things, unfortunately.
I would bet a not inconsiderable sum that he's one of THOSE professors everyone knows about - the dirty old creep all the women avoid who is always leching on students half his age. Academia is still really crap at booting them out (speaking as an academic). If he ever gets in the firing line, I suspect a whole load of unsavoury stuff about his behaviour will suddenly flood out. I find it very suggestive that staff forwarded his email to you. Just a hypothesis.
I am quoting your first peace every time I see someone talking about medical ‘experts’. HOW were fetishists allowed to have any input let alone a formative one in psychological classifications?
I do wish more people were aware of the process of getting things into the 'diagnostic manuals'. People pitch terms and they discuss them, and some get in and other 'diagnoses' are altered or removed. Bit like pin the tail on the donkey. It appears like guesswork much of the time. I'm not sure how those within mental health professions, who genuinely want to help people and relieve suffering keep sane working within that structure. It's often quasi-scientific at best. A consensus of whoever pushes hard enough.
And some professional titles are registered and some similar sounding ones are not. Child psychologist or clinical psychologist? That's how people get to be 'experts' when they are no such thing, or get into academic positions to flog flimflam.
Gosh , Genevieve. You must feel as if you're swimming in a sewer at times. These stories are fantasy for now but they're what the men who wrote them would like to do to young boys !! Shocking and terrifying. Hard to believe these people are human!🤮😭💔🤬Thanks , Genevieve ♥️x
The Eunuch Archive holds an annual meeting of members? Lol. As usual, they are so crazy that people who describe it sound crazy.
Oh my I couldn’t really do more than scan this as it is too traumatising- thanks to reduxx for doing the work. Wpath is increasingly sounding like a P ring or at best a safe space for Paedophilic thinking. .