Nothing changes. Love the crickets 😂 so true. Women are meant to just suck all the insults and take blame, carry responsibility and do it all “cheaply” and psychically because rampant misogyny and male pattern violence can’t be challenged or even spoken of except in hushed whispers. Not even in book clubs or study groups or Women’s studies at universities in case some MRA in a dress with his woman brain gets offended. Ludicrous.

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Dec 21, 2020Liked by Graham Linehan

Some happy news, an actually supportive article discussing JK Rowling published under the generally gynophobic beeb umbrella. Shame the author didn't quite dare say "And of course she's right because reality doesn't care about your feelpinions", but still. https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-55350905

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If *ANYONE* in the public eye decides to weigh in on this subject and joins the vicious diatribe against JK Rowling - as *MANY* "celebrities" have done - a site should be created and the whole damned lot of them should be named and shamed.

They should have their names appended beneath a full list of every single one of those horrid, violent, misogynist messages posted against JK Rowling.

And can any single person, on either side of the argument, deny that messages constantly boasting of "cocks" and what the perpetrators plan to do with their "cocks" is *NOT* total misogyny?

And furthermore, can *ANY* single alleged supporter of those Trans Activists posting their vile messages, can they please explain to me *WHY* such trans-monsters are transfixed with the power of their *COCKS*?

They seem to claim they are "women"!

Women do not have COCKS to abuse real women with.

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It is absolutely extraordinary why some young men have so much time and violence to waste on a fabulously successful author whom they do not know. Just detached from any idea of reality!? Duh!

Your apology, Graham: thank you, just thank you and we give you so many hugs and warm wishes of appreciation for everything which you are doing for us women.

I am currently raising the stakes for transwidows, by consulting with Meghan Murphy in Canada and Stassja Frei in Australia ("Movement for Biological Reality"). I need to point out that Transwidows have been gas-lit in the UK by the NHS, the judicial service (divorce), the police. In 2007 I was convicted of common assault when my now ex-H attacked me (I had forced him to reveal a psychiatrist report), and then he laid charges - wearing a dress and a demure demeanour - to Sussex Police saying that I had attacked HIM! I had just spent 14 years like a frog being "brought to the boil" and I was "ccoked". I was so, so confused and devastated. I knew nothing about GD, narcissism, etc. I was so gas-lit (and my children were waiting for me in London) that I accepted a caution in order to escape. No, just no. NOT any more. I am working out a position for a crowdfunded action against the NHS for total lack of information and support to me and my children as the NHS abused and castrated my then husband leaving him a mutilated permanent patient with a host of iatrogenic illnesses.... Yes, it will take some time. But I am looking for other transwidows who want compensation for their ruined lives, and want to overturn trumped-up criminal convictions.

So I am full of gratitude to you. And always will be. Thank you!

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My contribution: I keep complaining about the BBC's disturbing output. The particular case is CBBC's "My Life: When "Mum" became "Dad"" The BBC, a public service, are obliged to respond, although they make it as hard as possible to do so. I don't mind going on and on and on, because I believe as sure as "Transwidows are Tranwidows", that we have to keep going on. I wrote (2nd or 3rd round!):

"In your reply to me dated 12th December you did not address the points which I made.

In my discussion below, I use quotation marks " " to denote instances of fake "gender identity", and I contrast these with reality - no quotation marks.

(1) Contrary to new Dept of Education guidelines of Sept 2020, the programme perpetuated gender stereotypes in adults: the mother who, flying the face of reality, wished to "change gender" and "become a man" or "dad Jack", this mother, yes, she is still the biological mother and is STILL performing motherly duties. She has NOT become a "dad". She has stayed a mum despite having her breasts removed, taking testosterone and growing a wispy beard, and her voice changing to a lower frequency register. So what, exactly, is the point of the "change of gender"? The "gender" is a "costume", a fake identity. Why would any caring mother want to inflict such pain on her children? I don't know and this programme offers no answers. It only raises very uncomfortable questions.

(2) (3) and (4): Again you have not addressed the points which I raised.

Overall, the children of trans parents are left utterly confused, frightened and abandoned by the selfish behaviour of their mothers. They are mourning the death of their biological mothers. One of them is receiving bereavement counseling - correctly. Their feelings have been manipulated by the mothers, they are unable to call this performance by its true name, a "sham", a "performance", an "imposter syndrome". Not recognising and naming the truth is devastating to the mental health of anyone, especially a child/young adolescent. And it is true that the adolescents no longer have a role model of a mother. Why don't they? Because the mother is utterly selfish.

This programme is one of the most disturbing, destructive, sinister perversions which I have ever watched on television.

CBBC should not be commissioning such destabilising, manipulative vignettes - psychiatric histories.

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I had nearly forgotten what it was like to be able to tell the truth online about the fact that men aren't women, gender = personality, gender roles are invented by society and nobody in the history of humanity has ever changed sex. I had nearly forgotten what it was like to be able to speak the truth online without being blocked, censored and attacked. This forum is a lifeline to sanity.

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I feel like this is an important tweet. https://twitter.com/ShazzBakes/status/1311184910883975170

"This is Rhona Hotchkiss, who was a prison governor in Scotland for 10 years, talking about self-ID and the effect on not just the women prisoners but also the staff working there.

She couldn't speak out whilst still a civil servant. She's speaking now."

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I spose the men arent as bothered cos it doesnt affect them in same way and of course they want to be seen as trendy and relevant - the female actors well they are risking everything but it is very sad state of affairs that their collective silence is deafening.

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Tide has turned

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It's women who are exhausting, who don't want to know - it's life-long friends who refuse to engage with me or read JK's actual essay. Women on SM who fawn over Elliot/Ellen and coo over Eddie publicly. Content in the safety of the correct bubble, why would the average Jo or Joanne step up and call BS on the TRAs? What's in it for them? Ostracisation. Who wants that? Easier to swallow bad science and screech Terf and Be Kind than risk losing your job and friends. People are moral cowards,because the alternative is worse.

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