I would be delighted to provide a statement in support or donate to any crowdfunder needed.

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Ditto re: contribution.

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Same here

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Same here. I can spare some funds.

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Same here

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Me too 😃

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Graham, you are a true hero and have my eternal thanks for your bravery and commitment. If you every need and help or support, you just have to ask.

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Just pondering on the fat-ass existential conundrum of why insufferable little gay men love transwimmin but hate real women. Can't for the life of me imagine why that might be 🤔🍆🐓⚽⚽🤔

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😆 Love the emojis!!

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Ah, just sitting here, y'know, puzzling over stuff, like why 🇺🇲s call aubergine eggplant, cooking coq au vin and waiting for the € footie to kick-off @ 8. As you do 😝🤣😜

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I can't remember if it was Elizabeth David or Jane Grigson who inquired why English people took a perfectly descriptive word such as eggplant and replaced it with a French word.

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Wow - Is that what eggs look like in the US? So this is where genetically modifying food leads. Have you got any pictures of the chickens?

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First recorded in 1763, the word "eggplant" was originally applied to white cultivars, which look very much like hen's eggs (I'm sad enough to be curious as to why the Americans call it eggplant. Had to wikipedia it)

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We've come around again to eggplants in lots of colors! And what's sad isn't curiosity, but lack thereof. Also, globe eggplants look quite egg-shaped to me, but then egg is my favorite word.

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That query just went through my mind, thanks.

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Did we replace it though? I'd assumed we just kept the French word, as we do with food - boeuf =beef, porc=pork etc. Not bread of course, which shows its Germanic name. We digress!

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🤣 Twanzatlantic twansubstantiation á la 🤡🐠

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We also call courgettes zucchini!

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Gosh! and what with man mushrooms putting on a bit of lippie and changing into girl mushrooms, those vegetables are just so damn fluid and valid 🍄😲😜

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Which begs the question : 'Is a transplant a cabbage that self-identifies as a kettle ?'.

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US food words tend to come from Italian, UK food words tend to come from French.

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To quote Basil Fawlty: "I mentioned the [🍆🐓⚽] once but I think I got away with it" judging by the comments below LOL 😜

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*rubs hands* Things just got interesting. Fair fucks Graham. I’m really glad there is someone in media who’s not afraid to speak out and tell it like it is. You have my support.

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Dead right. Let us know if we can help.

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Quite right Graham, you get them telt. Parsley is a creepy wee shite bag.

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Fuck yeah Graham. Ready to contribute against this foul individual. As I’m sure many fine people here are. 👍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Jaysis, the balls on you.

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Be sure to wear ribbons if it goes to court. He'll cower in the corner, the wee delicate flower.

Love that picture of him tho 🤣🤣🤣

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Based on what? God he’s such a cockwomble. A failed actor seething with jealousy scrambles to clutch onto the ever-decreasing beam of celebrity like a cat chasing a light beam. He’s a traitor to the gay community and a traitor to sense. Shame on him.

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Graham - right behind you. He’s the epitome of everything I hate about woke culture. Boo hoo - he was mean to me - I’m telling my daddy …I mean lawyer…on you

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Finger poised on donate button. Seriously G, you’re the bravest man and I have nothing but respect for you. I too would love to see this all pulled apart in a court room.

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I would literally pay to see that.

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We in Canada salute you. We have credit cards too.

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Another Canadian here. With credit card.

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A note about the flasher in the spa — why does no one ever mention that his other purpose may have been watching little girls get undressed? Everyone is completely focused on one half of this double crime.

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Good point

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I've got my cheque book at the ready Graham.....backing you all the way !!

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I can't think of anything in the world as useless as Paisley.

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Renfrew. 😜

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