
Please let Rex Landry know she has a free sub if she wants one

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Please have her on The Mess ...

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Oh yes. Please do. A baddass for once, not the pity party walking on eggshells for wankers.

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She's right that there's no TRA (of course there isn't) in Te Ao Maori as well. They stole a term from a Rotorua newspaper from the mid 19th C. and converted it to their own use thinking no-one would find it again.

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I’m really struggling to understand how women can be so dismissive of the effect of self ID on other less fortunate women. It’s staggering, infuriating and heartbreaking!

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I agree, those women are lacking in empathy. I've never been to prison but I'm so upset about those poor women having to share their quarters with dangerous men, to say nothing of women's refuges and rape crisis centers.

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Stay in jobs for the money and position, lack courage, maybe don’t know how to think.

Women giving other women’s rights away really gets me going too. Interesting her backbone started playing up when Rex spoke out

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She's very likely led a privileged life and disadvantaged women don't register on her radar. Fucking handmaidens.

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Exactly. Rex responded, in her own YouTube, “ .. but face it, YOU will NEVER have to use a public toilet …” or words to that effect. Couldn’t catch all the words, but a devastating takedown anyway. Boom.

Enraging, when protections for women's safety are so freely & generously forked over by female public servants who will never have to face the increased risk they’ve created. And nor will their daughters. Rather, this risk must now be borne by others, we lessers.

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This is why a lot of working class women choose to stand with their working class male equivalents and feel feminism isn't for them. The elitism puts them off and I think they can well argue that their ground level brothers, fathers, husbands etc are more aware of the impact of males in female spaces than these elevated women.

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I know what you mean but I wonder if under their bourgeois bluster they really believe men’s needs are more important- no matter what their mouths are saying to the contrary. Problem is that speaking out disingenuously in support of this ideology just makes more obstacles for good people trying to also protect children from the scandal of medicalisation and poor health for life. To be honest I wish people would stay silent at this stage as they are the main problem rather than the activists

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I'll be honest, I had a similar view of feminism being mainly academic, particularly of late, and certainly some 'feminists' such as Camille Paglia, piss me off more than inspire me.

I also prefer the company of men to that of women and there are quite a few feminists out there who really resent and distrust men and are dead set against the idea that a man can be a feminist. I find it quite self-defeating. However, I would never, ever stick up for a TRA against any woman, regardless, which is why I subscribe to the Glinner.

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Good to see these three getting outed like this. Their behaviour has been atrocious, and although Beth copped the most contemptible of it, they have been clearly biased the whole way through these oral submissions on the sex self-ID bill. They nod and smile and ask encouraging questions of those who agree with it, and visibly do the opposite to those who don't agree. Not so much to the men, though.

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No wonder your back's fucked. Perfect.

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Yes, Rex is sharp as a knife

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Genevieve Gluck

Tired of explaining reality to fuckwits! Love this definition of TERF. What an amazing woman!

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Genevieve Gluck

Enraging....I subscribed to Genevieve’s sub stack after reading this a few hours ago.

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TERF - Told Everyone Real Truth.

Brilliant, just Brilliant! 😁

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I am so grateful for kick-ass feminists like Rex Landy. She will not be fucking off for anybody.

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That video at the end is FANTASTIC. She’s incredible! Eloquent, completely fearless and just fantastic!

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If you took a time machine back 10,000 years, 1,000 years or even 10 years, 99 people out of 100 would agree that trans women are biologically male.

Heck, HALF of what these folks say these folks would not have agreed with just 10 MONTHS ago.

Because there is a massive effort to just make stuff up.

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Wow, the GC side is full of wonderful, brave, funny, powerful women. Thank you Rex you are great

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Rex, a tour de force. Thank you.

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Wow, love her strength of feeling, and the "FOTTFSOF, and then FOSM" is perfectly apt. Enraging what is happening.

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Rex Landy is a legend!

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Oh my god I love Rex Landry so much.

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