Child abuse!! That’s what it is, plain n simple!! This shit doesn’t need normalising, it’s not fuckin progressive. It’s fuckin wi kids heads at such a tender age. Makes me fume😡

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You can convince a child of that age of almost anything

I have a whole thing with my kids where i tell them that pigeons are immortal and give them "evidence" regarding this.

They both find this annoying and attempt to provide arguments and evidence against my belief.

Is a teaching tool, like Descartes in philosophy.

Teaching your kids to be skeptic is a real gift.

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This is really concerning. I urgently want to understand why this conversation is filmed and online - there's an assumption that this is normal and fine revealed by the way the adult 'on screen' and the adult in the room are both engaging with the child and each other. Who has the context for this?

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Children, women simply another resource to be used, publicly humiliated, exploited and man ip u late d for men to get their rocks off on power and control. Perverse and sadistic. Should of course and like ALL the rest be banned but won’t be because I gather (I’m not watching it) it’ll be a poor vulnerable (or poor women) kid being targeted by predators with little or no protection.

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