I only stayed on Twitter for about six months after Graham was permanently banned. It was a wake up call - made me realise my favourite follows were constantly suffering same fate be they run by women, those with DSD, any LBGT, or anyone come to that simply for refusing to follow the gender identity extremist script.

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The blatant misogyny beggars the imagination. So grateful for you, Graham, and the other men whose voices seem to carry much further than the hundreds of thousands of women around the world who speak out but are silenced.

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Such a shame what Twitter has become but will always be remembered in our history for the silencing of women on its platform that it has shamefully participated in.

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Twitter is now telling women to duck off?

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I am currently reading about the deep connections between Big Tech, Big Pharma (which Big Tech is heavily invested in), and our so-called intelligence services (I see nothing of intelligence in their behavior, so I prefer calling them surveillance services); this is not confined to the United States. I believe we can resist Big Tech and its plans for us -- which includes transgenderism and transhumanism -- but not if we are naive and think trans ideology is just some sort of weird blip rather than a planned and concerted effort by some very evil people.

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Totally agree. The danger we're in from these people can't be overstated. 👏👍

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Off topic - anyone read the latest Freddie Deboer?

It's about Disassociative Identity Disorder.

It's remarkable for a US author in that he very bluntly dismisses it as a condition and shows more concern for the society that affirms it than the people claiming to suffer.

Reading every word you assume it must be a metaphor for how society has responded to the increase in Gender Dysphoria, the much more seriously mistreated condition around identity.

Unsurprisingly, many in the comments have made the link. But Deboer is distancing himself from the views of those commenters.

The Brooklyn set might take more to peak than the Florida set.


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According to one of the replies, a new tactic if you want an account banned is to report its profile pic as violent or pornographic even if it is nothing of the kind, as they won't bother to check before suspending.

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I deleted my account this week as twitter hate women. They fear rip4nutmeg as she gets the message out there. Solidarity with rip4nutmeg.

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Apr 24, 2022·edited Apr 25, 2022

Message for you Graham:

“Do you know that your substack can't be found by searching using the discover function?”

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Just checked and it does not appear in the Search Results from the main site, although "The War on Women" is found:


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I got message a bit wrong apparently:

“Did you know when using the discover function to search on substack, your substack does not appear even if the name is typed into the search bar”

Not sure where best to post for Graham to see 🤔

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I was locked out of my account just last week for a tweet that was declared to be possibly promoting violence, threatening or harassing people on the basis of race, sex ethnicity etc. This is the second time this has happened, first one was very similar and I appealed. You wait and wait but nothing happens so you end up giving in and deleting the tweet which apparently means that you agree it contained those sentiments, which I don’t.

This was the text of my tweet -

@Freki Nwaka @SydneyGDragon @jk_rowling @Jebadoo2 But you've never been a woman. You have no idea, none. You don't advocate for one oppressed group at the expense of another. And no-one on my side says the things u enjoy pretending we do.

And that was it. Can anyone spot where I was promoting violence or harassing anyone?? Yet the appalling insulting stuff thrown at me……my anger is off the scale.

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Speaking TRUTH is interpreted as " promoting violence " by this ideology (aka cult ).🤮👎

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Violence is not going along with a person's delusion. Sadly. How are we going to help people with delusional mental health problems? It's very sad times.

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I've never used any of these social media platforms. Always felt they were too toxic !!

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I break out in severe anxiety using social media. It's so poisonous.

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Oh man, that account was one of the best. :( RIP Doom Pill Pagliacci (soon Elon will be king of Twitter, and we can all talk again freely)

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Tagged him but ye cannae send direct messages....

Whit's frightenin is the power o' faceless agency tae curtail free speech.

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