This ongoing atrocity must be laid at the feet of the trans attorneys at the ACLU like Chase Strangio, a crustachioed woman in men's clothes.

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The executive director of the ACLU, Anthony Romero, is a gay man. He assumed this leadership role in 2001.

Chase is loud and misogynist, it's true, but the real decisions are ultimately up to Romero.


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Agreed. I stopped donating monthly when Romero took over. He was bad from the start but many looked the other way.

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Looking at his photo, I think he needs to be incarcerated with some of those men he supports. Whatever you want to subject others to, you should be willing to undergo yourself.

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I have his book.

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Until there is a high power wealthy man willing to speak up , women are fucked , no one cares , we are disposable and it stinks

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The utter arrogance of those who allow this is beyond comprehension. I know it keeps being said, but they are using women entirely instrumentally - as beings with no agency - regarding these sick, manipulative men as "better". The women are abused by the male prisoners and by the guards in their prisons, and by the men outside who are telling them they are irrelevant. I cannot imagine how it must feel to live under those conditions.

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Thank you for saying this so forcefully and lucidly.

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I cannot comprehend in any way shape or form that anybody in a position of authority would be stupid enough to advocate this as being acceptable. “You’ve got a cock and bollocks but you say you’re a woman so ok, we’ll put you in a woman’s prison”.

Fucking ludicrous.

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I don’t have words, utterly evil

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This is truly terrifying.

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This is horrific abuse of the women prisoners and it's so wrong that they are being punished if they complain or say anything. Evil, just evil. Prisons go out of their way to protect the rights of terrorists and murderers yet these women's rights seem to count for nothing.

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A society that allows vulnerable, abused women's basic human rights to be further abused in this way should be ashamed of itself. Its government is not fit to govern and should be taken to court for the abuse it allows to be perpetrated in its name. These men have no right to be anywhere but in the male estate where they belong.

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State-sponsored violence. Period.

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We're barely better off than girls in the Afghan mountains, are we?

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Of course they are second class citizens with no rights, they are poor women in America who don't shut up and do as they are told. In fact second-class is way above where they are.

My heart bleeds for you, Ladies. And I have no idea what you can do about it while the women who do shut up and do as they are told (aka handmaidens) are in power with the men, just giving them legitimacy.

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I, too, feel powerless and very angry about these women's situation. It is way past time to put politicians and their owners into prisons -- and not the country-club variety we have here in the U.S. -- and let them suck up what they are willing to do to others.

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The US prison system is hardly a country club. As industrialized nations go, your entire penitentiary system is backwards, crude and barbaric. It's an instrument of terror against the poor, set up to produce as many repeat offenders as possible and to break and traumatize as many people as possible. Penal codes as well as design and practice in your prison system are just made to fill the pockets of those who privately own a large share of your prisons. It is those people that should have to spend a week there as a deterrent, and years as punishment for what their system inflicts on its victims and on US society as a whole. The transfer of male prisoners into the female ward on mere "self identification" is "just" the most absurd and potentially cruellest aspect of a system that is rotten to the core - as well as an attempt to pinkwash it on the backs of the women unfortunate enough to get caught up in a system rigged against them.

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Sometimes, Chris, you strike me as arrogant and not-very-bright. We DO have country-club prisons in the U.S.; that's where the upper crust, including politicians, goes when they have been convicted of crimes. These are federal prisons and they are supposedly quite pleasant. They've been termed country-club prisons because at least a couple of them have golf courses.

As far as ordinary prisons go, as an American and someone whose in-laws have been imprisoned, I'm guessing I know a helluva lot more about American prisons than you do.

And by the way, your calculations about length-of-life for prostituted women left out an enormous factor here in the U.S. and Canada. Most prostitutes are heavy drug users, often IV drug users, for bloody obvious reasons. I totally accept the calculation that the average lifespan for prostituted women is 34 years. That's a fairly long life for someone who has probably been exploited since she was a teenager, if not a child, who uses drugs to escape the hell she lives in. Andre Vltchek noted when he visited the slums in Nairobi that female and male teenagers were dying before reaching their twenties due to prostitution and drug use.

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Doctors affirm Covid. Doctors affirm mental health. Doctors affirm gender? Give me a break. Doctors were rich kids who couldn't do math, so they went into medicine.

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May 30, 2022
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Most people can not believe that is actually happening. To them, the idea of men being inside women's prison is so absurd it is unthinkable. Throw in a good measure of of the widespread contempt US Americans are taught to have for criminal offenders anyways, and what you got is a wall of disbelief and indifference.

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