Hmm - wondering why Driscoll, a so called comedian who speaks up for child abusers, would be so obsessed with destroying the man who wrote three of the great all time sitcoms and speaks up for safeguarding women and children? And now they'll find out you didn't just bump into Chris Morris, you had lunch with him - that makes me as happy as it will infuriate them.

So sorry you have to endure such utter shite from these porn addled, wankwits.

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Good lord, imagine being such a tragedy of a human being that you participate in stuff like this.

I'd feel sorry for them if they weren't so awful.

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I'm so sorry you've had to put up with this Graham. Sending you virtual moral support.

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They are so weirdly obsessed. Awful, ego driven spiteful men. I'm sorry you are having to deal with this Graham.

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Wow, these people need to get out of their basements and breathe fresh air.

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yes depressing how many nutters and bullies there are out there.

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I think every public figure has them unfortunately. This lot epitomise bullies, though. Sad, needy little individuals desperate to be accepted, even if it’s by equally unpleasant people.

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They find and connect with one another through impotent rage brought on by their own inadequacy. The issues don't matter, only the idea that they can form a coalition of hated and anger and bully others.

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They need to be put in labor camps and do some useful work for once in their lives.

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Eew. The internet really does have sewers. Respect to the feminist who climbed down to have a look around. I hope she wore proper protective equipment, and has had all her booster shots. Strange how the police are eager to roll out the full force of the law against lone women, but leave these obvious criminals to get on with their harassment and persecution in peace.

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Dec 6, 2021Liked by ripx4nutmeg

As a fan of Chris Morris it is puzzling how they can't see his works came to outright satirise the transing of children decades before it proliferated (https://youtu.be/E3Votu6NbO4 45 year old man trapped in a little girl's body) as well as the linguistic chicanery the ideology is steeped in (Jacques Jacques Liverot), made doubly puzzling by the simple fact they have got in excess of 15 threads relating to a single person they call is obsessed.

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It's actually episode 6: https://youtu.be/wuatRoGDDvQ the relevant sketch starts around 9:40

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Thank you! Very helpful.

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The sketch is ok and of course he wouldn't be able to get it out there now, but I must confess, I found the rest uncomfortable viewing, even though I rather like Kevin Eldon

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Never in my life have I seem such evil ! Can't believe that human beings could plot to destroy someone like you ,simply for standing up for what's right ,namely women's rights and child safeguarding ,something which any decent person should be supporting !! Truly horrible !! Further proof ,if proof were needed ,that we're on the right side of history !!

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They need to club together for a 4 pound subscription... ouch.

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Not really putting their money where their mouth is, are they? Besides, they probably wouldn't be able to get enough likes to shove the rest of us to the bottom of the comments section.

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So true!

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One more thing. Kellie Jay tweeted yesterday that there is no point arguing with TRAs on twitter. I disagreed and said even if you didn't change their mind, other people would see the thread and you might reach them so my policy is to block if abusive otherwise will engage. I was then told that some of them get off on it - don't know if that is true but suggest none of us engage with people on here who are clearly here trolling.

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TRAs do tend to stick to their tired MRA script. They get two replies from me then I block.

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I totally agree with Jennifer Bilek that it's a waste of time engaging with trans supporters; they are already hooked by the cult and as everyone knows it is very difficult to convince cultists that their cult is insane. Instead, focus on people who are open to reason and discussion even if they're at first willing to do the be-kind bit.

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They'll move if they think they're going to die. And COVID is here for that. Manufactured by the same incorporateds.

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I'm afraid Graham, that by siding with women and children you are very much "the enemy" for these sad excuses for human beings and so worthy of their hate and bile that is normally reserved for women. Congratulations, you are an honorary woman in this way. I do wonder what Chris Morris thinks of his "fans".

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I wonder what Chris Morris thinks too- these fans sound creepy.

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What a bunch of bottom dwelling plebs 🙄

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The cook'd and bomb'd forums were always full of odd, socially awkward men who thought liking Chris Morris was the same thing as having a functional personality. Just creepy, rage-filled obsessives. Sorry to hear they're directing it at you now.

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Thank you for not giving up, Graham. I know there must be days when you’re tempted, because, ultimately, what’s in this fight for you? but thank you for not walking away. In a way I understand slightly what drives you. I’m an older woman (yeah, one of those “too old to f**k” - I’m devastated) and I could walk away, and sometimes want to, and barely be affected by trans ideology. But I’m dammed if I will let these evil bastards go about their business without resistance. That’s not how I was raised, and there would always be a part of me that was disappointed in myself for doing that. Not that I haven’t disappointed myself before - lol! - but sometimes you just make a stand, and that’s that.

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And the irony being that Chris most certainly would have made an episode of Brasseye about this pathetic group of rabid men.... oh wait a minute!

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So, I guess that's Tezzy explained.

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I still think Tezzy was Driscoll

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Oh but he denies it.

I still think you should collect your eight pounds.

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I think Graham's only posted this story for the new subscriptions ;)

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Good strategy!

I've taken to giving fashion tips to TiMs, god knows they need them, and I just bagged my first paying subscriber.

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Brilliant! Disinformation is an excellent strategy - you're an evil genius.

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Muhahahahah! <twirls moustache>

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And when will you be asking for a refund?

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In your wet dreams.

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How can we tell when they are cookie-cutter trolly off their trolly? It's like eels.

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Nah, Tezzy was too polite. Whoever Tezzy was, at least he had enough restraint. That shower are just inarticulate psychos. In a way, it's a shame is out of this site because they he'd see for himself the sort of nutters he's associated with.

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He turned aggressive and started swearing at people in his final posts as no one responded to the baiting. Whoever he was, he can added failed sealion to his CV.

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Ah, I must have missed that one. Thanks for the update.

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