We are told in very overt, but also subliminal, ways how much we are hated once we are no longer of 'use' to some men.

There is no shortage of men out there who think any woman who gets cat-called/wolf-whistled or in any way verbally told she's fuckable ought to feel grateful for the compliment. That is literally the lens through which they judge every one of us. It's all fine as long as women laugh at their pathetic attempt at banter, eh? Women who aren't impressed by these half-wits will often be called ugly, or munters I think was the word used here. They obviously think a negative comment about our looks is like a dagger in our hearts because that's all they see us for. We're just silly women, how could we ever hope to aspire to be anything other than pretty (ie fuckable)? I'd love a really good chat about all that, societal expectations, conditioning, the role of advertising, etc.

These kinds of men do not like being told no, and will resort to violence if they feel emasculated. They're dangerous because many women don't see the potential threat. Those women will discover their only protection lies in remaining fuckable, giddy, demure, or whatever way a man might find her useful.

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Absolutely right. Fuckability = our willingness to go with the program and buy into their bullshit. It's objectification through and through. Objectification acts as both an insult and a compliment -- a TOOL, essentially, to control us. Despicable.

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I agree with this. But it's more than just fuckability, I think. Women have ultimate power because they control men's access to sex and reproduction. Men either get the privilege of sex and babies because women find them desirable, or they have to coerce, gaslight and rape women for it, and deep down they know they wouldn't have to if they were attractive to women, which makes them they hate us.

I think this may be why transhumanists are so keen to have men implanted with wombs and able to chest-feed (horrible word). They want to free themselves from the tyranny of women's control over reproduction. What kind of godawful world we'd have if men had babies is hard to imagine.

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I'm happy for humanity to come to an end of that's the game plan. The only men who are up for that are completely insane already so I dread to think what that generation would be like. These are textbook narcissists, they wouldn't last 2 days of being pregnant, nevermind 9 months of it plus childbirth and nursing. The whole "breeding" fantasy is exactly that, a fantasy. Swathes of undernourished, abandoned children plagued by birth defects we've not seen the likes of since Chernobyl.

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absolutely this

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But of course a woman can be fuckable, giddy, demure, extremely useful, and it doesn't protect her from male violence. Not being those things are the best protection.

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I always say it: objectification has been one of the most frequently used (and effective?) tools of the patriarchy for centuries. They can treat us however they want if we're less than human.

Under patriarchy, women are viewed as commodities that produce commodities (children/future soldiers/consumers/workers). It's essential for capitalist patriarchy to objectify women in order to keep exploiting them.

The goal is always control through dehumanization which will take many/any forms: physical/sexual/verbal violence, gaslighting/making the word "woman" meaningless, dismissal based on age/weight/desirability, objectification through sexualization/turning "woman" into a costume, convincing us we can obtain freedom and empowerment through self-objectification--it's endless.

"Desirability" = no boundaries, quiet, play by the rules.

Misogynists don't find us desirable? GOOD.

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Excellent! I have a great quote somewhere about women's bodies being mined for prostitution, pornography, egg harvesting, and surrogacy for capitalism. What men don't understand is that most of them are also commodities, but it seems they don't care as long as they can commodify women and children.

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Well, surprise surprise - yet another TIM-lovin', woman-hating gay guy. They're just jealous of us because we get all the straight guys they desperately wanna shag 😂. They do their so-called community absolutely no favours 😜🤬🍆

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No, I think they hate us as inferior humans, much like the Nazis did the Jews and KKK did people of colour. Most women dont want to accept the depth of men's hatred for women, but it's very plain to see if you look at how they depict us in porn and what they call us. Stating otherwise is classic gaslighting by them - yes but no but yes but no.

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I agree. Men of whatever ethnicity or categorization see themselves as persons, and women as “other.” In other words, “not person.”

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Many gays are deeply unhappy and have major mental issues (don't we know?!). Maybe this gives them a way to let some of that out, by paying it forward in some backward way. Maybe they were always like that, or...? Why I waste my time reading it, I'm not sure.

This kind of holier-than-thou one-upping (why only really a thing since Narc/Social Media?) has been a scourge on the gay scene. "Dating" (haha!) apps forcing you to put your pronouns was the final nail in the coffin.

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They are incels. Even the ones that are married and ostensibly, still, then, own you.Because we must not only give over our vaginas, our wombs, but our deference and our availability for every thing they think they need to make themselves whole. And when we won't. or we did, some one of us, and it failed to do that thing, they will impose their hatred and fury on us. It's as small as them being seen talking to the pretty woman, her remembering to be lesser than, her not paying enough attention to his needs when the children's come. On and on. Do smile at the man. Do let other men see him talking to you. Do remember what you are. And when you don't there will be the Challenors and the Paisley's who will remind you.

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It's a hugely misogynistic "rights" movement.

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I am 51 and, for my requirements, have an elegant sufficiency of fuckability.

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It's a hugely misogynistic "rights" movement.

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David Paisley retweeted it?!

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So now that we've agreed that they hate us, consider that it does not change as you grow older and are of no use; no it gets worse. If you want to be feminists who are DOING something for women who are completely victimized, volunteer in a seniors care home (once that's safe again--get vaccinated if you haven't because you'll need it for that, and we owe it to older women to if nothing else, be witness and testament to the abuse -- mental, physical, sexual -- which they are subjected to because men know no one cares. Even a visit to an elderly woman in care will caution them: someone cares about this woman, she may tell them what I've done. Examine their bodies to the extent you can with dignity; perhaps helping them to the toilet. Look for bruises, broken skin, soggy diapers, hideous rashes in the vulva area. Go there. If you don't wish to or feel it's not safe to be a Maya, or a JKR, you CAN do this.

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Don't tell yourself this doesn't happen where you live, or that's it's unusual or rare. Don't be soothed by he plastic flowers in the lobby; it's happening everywhere, no matter how expensive or poor the care home is. YOU get in there or the boys will. Yes, exactly what you imagine: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/02/health/nursing-home-sex-abuse-investigation/

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