I think some of them are trans age as well.

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Well this post has got lots of people annoyed. Good!!

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A generation befuddled. Grim.

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I think the reason HERgate got you so much self-righteous outrage from trans-demanders is that they absolutely HATE TIM selfies illustrating that *the hill they'll die on* is actually these 🤮 creepy 🤮 pervert 🤮 incel 🤮 chancers. They hate it because pictures speak a thousand words and peak people in droves. They only want "TDOVisibility" for the glamorous, passing crossdressers like Cox, Mock & Penis Sleaze but 99.9% of "the most oppressed ever" are these soap & shampoo-dodgers ⬆️.

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'Look at me how interesting and boundary-busting and rad and generally cool I am! Also, I'm a man.'

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No comments on any of them. They are SOOOOO boring!

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